Clouds- Zalfie ft: Sprinkle of Glitter
You looked up, your soft (E/C) eyes staring at the blue abyss known as the sky. Clouds rolled by lazily, cotton candy like objects morphing into shapes before your four year old eyes. On any other day this sight would excite you, earning bubbling laughter and shouts of joy as you claimed the shapes in the sky. However, it now only brought you sadness, despite only being so young. You were alone in the park, something such a small girl shouldn't be but it wasn't your fault.
It was their fault.
Them being your parents. The people who were meant to take care of you forever. It had been coming, you had sensed something wasn't right with your Mommy or Daddy, you could just never put your finger on it. Until last night, when they both finally snapped. Their screams still haunted your thoughts, the sound of shattering glass and slamming doors had been all too loud from your small bedroom. After hours of noise the house fell silent, egging you from your room to investigate.
You had always been a curios child, but you wished curiosity hadn't gotten the better if you at that moment. As you entered the kitchen your small bare feet felt wet and sticky, causing you to look down while clutching your small teddy bear tight. Underneath your small frame was blood, and a lot of it. That was all you needed to see before you bolted it from the house, sobbing into the darkness of night. You had lead yourself to the park, where you currently sat watching the clouds.
Luckily there was a stream near by so you were able to wash your feet of the blood, but you couldn't wash your memories. Although you hadn't seen the bodies you knew the fate your parents had endured, you were smarter than children your age. Since then you had sat silently under a tree, your back pressed up against the bark and teddy held tightly in your grip.
Suddenly the bushes beside the tree rustled, causing you to jump and pull the bear closer. After a few seconds a young girl, not much older than yourself, with curly blonde hair and bright blue eyes popped out from the shrubs, her light blue overalls slightly dirty from her trip. She didn't seem to notice you for a moment, until a tickle in your nose caused you to sneeze. The blonde girl quickly turned on the heels of her feet and looked at you, hurrying over with a large smile on her face.
"Hi! I'm Darcy." She introduced herself happily. "What's your name?"
"(Y/N)." You replied hesitantly, your small voice breaking slightly as you spoke.
"That's a pretty name."
"T-thank you."
"Where's your Mommy and Daddy?" Darcy asked sweetly, sitting beside you against the tree trunk.
"Away." Was your answer.
"Oh, well when are they coming back?" She was only trying to be friendly, you knew that very well, but you didn't want to talk about your parents too much. The haunting images flashed in your mind. So without a word you simply shrugged.
"Darcy!" An older woman's voice suddenly called out. "Come on it's time to go!"
"Where are you Darcy?" Another female asked.
"Come on Darc!" A male voice yelled out. Darcy jumped to her feet before turning to you, a small frown sketched on her face.
"Come on." She chirped, grabbing your hand and pulling you to your feet. "Let's go and talk to my Mommy, Zoë and Alife, maybe they can help find your Mommy and Daddy." Before you could respond the small blonde began pulling you back the way she came, making sure you got through the bush with your teddy before hurrying you over to three adults who all stood on a checkered picnic blanket. "Mommy! Mommy!" Darcy called, still pulling you along gently.
A woman with blonde hair and pink tips knelt down as soon as the two of you reached her, worry covering her face. "Darcy who's this?"
"This is (Y/N)! Her Mommy and Daddy went away and she doesn't know when they'll be back."
"Oh you poor thing." The second woman, who had pretty brown hair cooed, kneeling down beside Darcy's mother. "You must be freezing! You don't have a coat or shoes!" She picked out a jacket from beside her and carefully wrapped it around your shoulder, warmth instantly flooding your shaking body. The man then also knelt down, taking over his hat and placing it on your head to keep you a little warmer.
"Where was the last place your saw your Mommy and Daddy little one?" He asked softly, adjusting the beanie so it didn't fall into your eyes. You shifted on your feet for a moment, unable to meet anyone's eye. Finally, you spoke up once more.
"At home. But I can't go back, they won't be able to take care of me!"
"Hey, hey, clam down sweetheart." The brunette soothed. "Why can't they take care of you."
"Because." You stuttered over the long word. "Because, they're Angels now. They're in a better place now." The adults looked at one another in shock. Seconds later you are scooped off your feet by the young man and pulled close to his cheat, his body heat relaxing you almost instantly. Everyone else packed away their picnic before everyone hurried through the park. "What's your name?" You asked as your eyelids became heavy, your teddy still gripped in your arms.
"I'm Alfie. Darcy's Mommy is called Louise and the brown haired lady is called Zoë." You nodded a few times before yawning and cuddling into Alfie a little more.
"Where are we going?"
"We're going back to the house I share with Zoë so we can get you cleaned up and in some warm clothes."
"And you can have some lunch before going to sleep, does that sound okay?" Zoë questioned, appearing by Alfie's side with a concerned smile.
"Thank you." You whispered, tilting your head to face the sky once more. Clouds continued to float by, rolling slowly along the blue abyss. But now it didn't seem that upsetting, it seemed to bring joy back to you once more. You may not have been with your Mommy and Daddy but you felt safe, just like they always made you feel.
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