Anti- Jacksepticeye (Part 3, final!)
A/N: Final part to Anti!!! Again if your name is Layla feel free to change the name of Marks girlfriend (who I made up before he got with Amy)! Right, into the story!
Beep. Beep. Beep.
That noise had been driving Jack crazy for the past two months.
Beep. Beep. Beep.
But it was the only sign that you were alive, the only hope he had to cling onto.
Beep. Beep. Beep.
After you had killed the Antisepticeye a group of military helicopters had landed and taken you all from the closed off city. Luckily for your small group they had been doing a routine patrol of the skies when they heard the gun fire and watched you pass out from blood lose. They had saved you all and got you to the hospital quickly to patch you up. However, you had lost so much blood both on the trip and on the operation table they weren't sure if you would know survive.
Beep. Beep. Beep.
Jack had sat by your side almost 24/7 for the past two months, only moving when he was forced to by either Mark, Felix or another one of his friends that he had been reunited with after escaping. His hand was always closed around your own, not that you could feel it. The Doctors had taken you're engagement ring off before the operation, passing it back to Jack who had kept it in his pocket ever since. He couldn't bare seeing you so lifeless, it killed him and he couldn't change it. Every night he would curse the Antisepticeye and himself, if he had stopped you. Your injuries had been made worse when the evil being had thrown you, bricks had sliced your back and your hip open once more.
Beep. Beep. Beep.
The only other person that had taken it as bad as Jack was your twin Marzia. She often woke up screaming your name, crying out until Felix held her tightly for several hours calming her down. No one had gotten much sleep, even Layla and Mark lay awake at night thinking about what had happened, causing them to visit the hospital a first thing in the morning to check you were still alive. It was a routine they had all become accustom to. "Jack." The voice brought the green haired male from his thoughts, causing him to turn and look towards the door.
Mark stood there with a sad smile, his eyes cast down at you as you lay motionless. Behind him stood a Doctor who also had a sad smile on his face. The Irishman frowned slightly at the pair of them, he didn't understand why they looked so sad. You were fine, doing well, at least that's what he had last heard. "Hello Doctor." He spoke, his voice scratchy from the lake of use.
"Mr McLoughlin, how are you?"
"That's good. We need to talk about Miss (L/N)'s health and what to do next for her." Jack frowned again at the doctors words. He knew he couldn't correct him on your name, you weren't legally married even if the date had passed. But he didn't understand what the doctor meant for what to do next.
"What to do next?" Mark sat opposite Jack as he spoke to the doctor, your body between then in the small hospital bed.
"She is no longer improving and we fear she may start to deteriorate soon. If she does start to deteriorate there will be nothing we can do for her, she is no longer responding to the treatment." The Doctor explained softly, watching for the males reaction. More tears began to brim in Jack's ocean blue eyes. He looked away from the doctor and back to you. Your chest rose and fell slowly, the oxygen tube had been removed a few weeks ago as you learnt to breathe on your own once more. "We've already told her sister Marzia is it? She's on her way now so we can talk about the best course of action."
"She isn't going to die, she can't." Jack mumbled, resting his head on your intertwined hands. "She won't."
"Jack." Mark sighed, reaching over to touch his friends shoulder. "You have to think about what's best for her. I know it hurts to see her like this and you're just going to keep hurting yourself if you leave her like this. You need closure, you and Marzia do. I know it's not what you want to hear but it's for the best."
"I can't let her go Mark, I just can't. She's always been there, she's never given up on me ever since Marzia introduced us."
"I know." Everything fell silent. Mark was at a loss for words and the Doctor knew better than to say anything else just yet. Suddenly a loud noise broke out, startling all thee men in the room. Your heart monitor began to jump violently, causing the Doctor to jump into action and several a nurses to flood the room.
"Seán!" The voice sounded so distant yet so pained as Jack and Mark were pulled from the room. Your body began to move around in jerky movements, your arms flying out in every direction as you tried to grip onto something. "Seán!"
"Let go of me! Please let me-"
"Sir please, you'll just distress her even more."
"Let me see my wife please!"
"What's going on?!" Marzia's voice cut through the air harshly as she and Felix joined the two men and nurses.
"She's awake!"
"Yes but please, we must stabilise her before you can go back inside. You will just upset her more." One of the nurses explained as Mark and Felix took Jack's shoulders to hold him in place as the nurses returned to your room and shut the door tightly behind them. However, your voice could still be heard clearly, calling out for you partner constantly.
"She's okay Jack, she's awake." Felix spoke, squeezing his shoulder before taking Marzia into his arms and repeating the same thing to her. "She'll be okay now, just let the Doctors do their job." The green haired, blue eyed male nodded finally, dropping into a waiting chair behind him with a smile on his face. Although it hurt him to hear you calling so desperately, he was happy you were awake, alive. You had survived the zombi apocalypse, you had survived being attacked by the Antisepticeye. You had survived!
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