Anti- Jacksepticeye (Part 2)
(Feat: Markiplier, Pewdiepie, Marzia. [Again if your name is Layla feel free to change the name of Marks girlfriend who I made up for this one shot :-)])
However the small piece of happiness was short lived when something skimmed your side and split the skin of your hip open. A startled scream escaped your throat and you stumbled, Jack back tracking to catch you before you could hit the ground. The group came to a halt, the Antiseptic joining you all on the rooftop you made it to. You were now a fair way away from your starting point. "Aw you seem scared." The evil being taunted, seemingly smirking at you all.
Mark and Felix held up with weapon, fingers ready to fire at any given moment. None of you wanted to kill, you just wanted to get out but you couldn't, they wouldn't let you leave the city. "On the bright side for you all, once you're dead you're dead." The Antiseptic spoke again. "The epidemic is over, it cannot effect anyone else."
"Is that meant to be a comfort?" Mark questioned, narrowing his eyes dangerously.
"If that's what you want it to be. You won't become mindless freaks like those." It pointed down to the streets where a herd of zombies were clawing at the wall and climbing over one another.
"(Y/N)." Marzia gasped, seeing you injury fully as you tried to move to stand up tall. Jack carefully handed you to the other Italian before joining the two other men aiming at the Antiseptic. "You're bleeding."
"I'm fine Marzia." You replied with pain in your voice. She pulled you close and hugged you tightly, afraid of letting you go and losing you. Shrugging the backpack off your back you knelt down with Marzia and pulled the first aid kit out. Layla helped wrap up your wound quickly as the Antiseptic began speaking again.
"All you have to do is admit defeat. There is no where else for you to go, nothing more for you to do here."
"And what do you plan on doing? When we're all dead?" You called back, rising to your feet once more and leaving the backpack on the floor. Together you, Marzia and Layla stood beside your partners and placed a hand on their arms. "You can't go anywhere either."
"You seem to forget I plan to take over Jack's body."
"And what will that help you achieve?" Layla asked, tilting her head slightly.
"I will be powerful. He was the one who created Sam and I." The Antiseptic answered. "We know him better than anyone."
"If you're alive doesn't that mean Sam is?" Jack questioned.
"Sam was. I tell you he struggled quiet a bit but I managed to get him under control."
"You killed him."
"Don't sound so shocked my dear (Y/N), he had it coming." Your eyes narrowed in anger. "Now say goodbye, because you won't be seeing each other again." Jack looked down at you, you're own (E/C) eyes looking back at him. Standing on your toes you pressed a kiss to his lips, threading your fingers through his dirty green hair for what could be the very last time. When you pulled away you turned to the other couples who smiled sadly at you.
Marzia hurried over to you and hugged you once more, tears soaking your shirt as she sobbed into your shoulder. "Hey Zia." You said softly, causing her to look at you through tear filled eyes. "Do you remember when we were kids and Mom used to say that one day we'd have to trust each other even when the other person did something stupid, because it may be something that could be good in the long run."
"Of course. She said that we protected each other too much, we needed to relax but we never did."
"Exactly. Well nows going to be the first time you have to watch me do something stupid."
"What? No!"
"I love you Sis." You sighed, pushing her into Felix's arms as she began screaming for you to stop.
"What are you-" You cut Jack off with another kiss, pushing all your emotions out through your lips and into him. Forcefully you pushed his hips until he fell back into Marks arms, causing the red haired male to catch him in shock.
"(Y/N)!" The group yelled as you dived forward, pulling out another blade from your pocket that you had found just after the epidemic began. Shoving it into the Antiseptics gut you ignored the shouts and screams behind you, focusing on killing the creature. It screamed out in pain before grabbing you around the waist and pulling you away from the knife that was wedged in its stomach still. You kicked out and hit the blade, pushing it further into the flesh.
Suddenly you felt weightless, your body flying through the air until your back came into contact with the wall of the opposite building. You could faintly hear the Antiseptic coming after you with zombies behind him, the group still scream for you atop of the roof. Pain flooded your body but you were too high on adrenaline to care. You needed to protect them all. Your supposed to be husband Sean, your twin sister Marzia, your pretty much best friend Layla and your two 'brothers' Mark and Felix.
Getting up once more you dodged several zombies that were near you before picking up a shard of glass from the floor. Without a second through you flicked your wrist and sent the clear object flying, hitting the Antiseptic in the head. It screamed again, the sound echoing down the streets and off the walls. The zombies all stumbled backwards with the noise, giving you enough time to get even closer to the Antiseptic, where you were able to yank the blade from its flesh.
With a final battle cry you stabbed the creature once more, splitting its body open and killing it. Finally you dropped to the floor, the blood lose completely consuming your body. Zombies advanced towards you but you were too tired to care or even try to fight back. Gunshots rang out around you followed by the thuds of bodies hitting the ground. Your world slowly began to turn black, the adrenaline finally wearing off and allowing the pain to invade your body even worse than before.
A cry fell from you lips as someone picked you up, hurrying into a building. The door closed once the group was inside, locking the zombies out and you all in. "(Y/N)!" You could faintly hear someone calling your name, their voice close to your ear as you were lay on the floor once more. A sob sounded from near you but your eyes wouldn't open, leaving you in darkness. "You can't leave me! (Y/N)!" Suddenly everything stopped, your body becoming limp as you fell out of consciousness.
(A/N: There will be one more part to this, don't worry I won't leave this here, I'm not that mean. But don't be fooled, not all the one shots will have happy endings! Thank you for reading!)
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