Anti- Jacksepticeye. (Part 1)
(Feat: Markiplier, Pewdiepie, Marzia. Also if your name is Layla change the name of Mark's girlfriend [That I made up for this one-shot])
You curled yourself into Jack's side as the earth under you rumbled, groans and moans sounded from the other side of the locked door. Beside you Marzia was curled into Felix's side, her right hand outstretched and holding onto your left. Mark and his girlfriend, Layla, we're starting across from you all, sitting next to each other with their hands intertwined and heads resting on each other. Everyone else had already made their escape, getting out of the city before things got like they were now.
The six of you were the only ones left, relying on one another for survival. It had all began two months ago, when the local lab exploded. They had been experimenting in bringing the dead back to life and didn't seem to be getting anywhere, until the lab exploded and killed everyone in there, then bringing them back to life. After this event everyone had fled the city and it had been locked down by the government, everyone but you, Jack, Mark, Layla, Felix and Marzia.
You had all hid when the outbreak began, not being notified of the evacuation that has left the six of you stranded in a real life zombie apocalypse. Not only that but the zombies had a leader, a smart being who was hunting the group, determined to kill you all and take over Jacks body. That being was the Antiseptic. So you were trapped in the locked down city trying to stay alive and stay together with limited weapons and food supplies between you.
Something hit the door, causing it to bang and judder under whatever weight was behind it. Marzia jumped at the sound and squeezed your hand, closing her eyes as Mark and Layla scrambled over to you since you were at the back of the room. Mark held his finger to his lips, signalling for you all to be quiet and stay still. The atmosphere was thick and tense. Something else hit the door, it creaked slightly and the bolts rattled.
The window beside the door smashed, the shards spraying over the floor as several hands crept through and began clawing at the wall. You looked up at Jack who was already staring down at you, fear present in his eyes that probably mirrored yours perfectly. He squeezed your waist gently, silently letting you know he was there for you and wasn't going anywhere as you sighed. Another window broke, closer to you all but still a decent distance away.
"We need to move." Layla spike up, breaking the silence that had lasted most of the day. "We need to pack the supplies, grab the weapons and go. If we stay here too long they'll get in."
"But how do we get out?" Felix asked, looking around the room. "There's only one exit."
"No there's not." You replied, shaking your head before nodding towards the rickety stairs to the side. "Up the stairs and out of one of the windows, I saw a ledge outside one of the Windows leading over to the next houses roof when we entered. We can get across there and then use the rooftops for a while. We can't stay out in be open too long tho, we don't know where the Antiseptic is."
"I'm right here." A deep voice rumbled as the wall exploded. The group all screamed and covered their heads, the males protecting the females from the falling debris. Jack, Mark and Felix hurried forward and grabbed the few weapons they had been able to find over the past month, pulling them closer to the group as everyone rose to their feet and backed up slightly. The Antiseptic waltzed into the room, the zombies stood behind him waiting for an order.
"I see you're all still together, impressive. Unfortunately you won't be like that for long for I need Jack to help me."
"Over my dead body." You growled, stepping forward and holding your arm out across Jack's torso.
"That can be arrange." The Antiseptic replied as Jack pulled you back and held you close. Marzia gripped your arm once more as the three men stepped in forward, Layla also coming to stand beside you. Slowly you grabbed the three backpacks and handed one to each woman, strapping one to your back as you went. Jack, Mark and Felix all held the only three working guns you could find, spare ammo in the backpacks for when it ran low.
You noticed a small pocket knife lay out in the floor, it's handle almost completely snapped off, leaving both edges sharp and dangerous. Carefully you picked up the sharp weapon and moved to whisper to the group while the Antiseptic continued talking about his master plan once he took over Jack's body. "On the count of three we need to run up the stairs." You explained. "Mark take the front, shoot anything in our way. Felix stay in the middle with Marzia and Layla, Jack stay at the back with me and cover."
Everyone nodded and got into position before the Antiseptic could realise what you were doing. "One." You breathed out, holding the blade tighter. "Two." Moving your arm you held the blade near your ear, eyes focused on the Antiseptic. Quickly you threw the blade, yelling 'three' as it sailed through the air and imbedded itself into the Antiseptics abdomen. Instantly you all bolted it up the stairs, Jack and Mark firing every now and then until you reached the second floor.
"Out the window!" Jack yelled, slamming the door shut to hold off the zombies that were now following you all. Mark went first, landing on the roof just across from the room before holding out his arms to Layla who jumped down beside him. Felix soon followed before catching Marzia as she threw herself from with window. You quickly made your exit and rolled onto the roof just as Jack landed behind you. The six of you all continued to run along the rooftops, jumping from one to another as the zombies and Antiseptic chases you.
"Sean!" You exclaimed, landing heavily on a roof behind the others. He turned to face you, surprised at the grin that lay on your face. "I do!" Jack stared for a few seconds before glancing over to the clock tower that also showed the date. 5:00pm, 1st December. The time and date you were due to marry.
"I do!" He called back as the others cheered.
(Can you tell who my favourite YouTuber is?)
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