You/ he has a stressful week
Mark: it was the first day back to school/work and your boss/professor/teacher had given you a lot of work you came home crying mark helped you get it done
Jack/Sean: you had had a bad week since you found out your ex bf was dating your best friend (not that you still liked him) it was the betrayal that fucked you up but Sean and you talked it out and you became friends.
Ethan: He has been so happy about going to pax but it had a lot of downsides it meant he had to record for two days straight and edit. You hadn't seen him in a week he was recording. So you went up stairs to see the poor blue boy asleep and it looked like he had been crying you gently petted his hair and sang to him.
Dan: he had been really sick lately. He was always sleepy he was irritable to so you took care of him it had been very streesful for you.
Phil: he had prepared everything for a cooking video but it failed he got so angry he threw the phone he had used to look up instructions on
Tyler: the weekend had been fun you went shopping and had a funtime but Tyler seemed off the poor boy had been getting a cold since the week started but got better the stress of editing took its tole in tyler
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