Tfil catchup
Where you met
Elton: In an abandon amusement park while hiding
Sam: Through YouTube you do 3AM challenge videos and emailed him and asked to work with him. He said yes and you guys had a good time.
Colby: You met Colby on a road trip with your family. You went to Kansas on the trip and Colby was visiting family you stopped at a store to get a drink and (quite literally) ran in to him.
Corey: Dance class
Brennen: You were alone in a haunted park he sat down beside you on the ground
Aaron: You met at the gym
Jake: Jake had come in to the store you worked in asking about how to get rid of sprits in his house. You helped him out and got his number for extra help ;) (not dirty like a date)
Hey I like you
Elton: when you guys claimed down from on top of the rollercoaster (after this being the fifth time you had went with the guys) Elton confessed he had feelings
Sam: Sam blurted it out on accident because he wanted you to know how he felt incase anything were to happen to him
Colby: You had been talking to Colby for months after first meeting him. He asked if you would come to LA and visit when you arrived he took you to an abandon building and told you.
Corey: You guys had danced and had fun all night at the end of the night he told you he really liked you
Brennen: Made a video confessing it. He was a little scared to say it to your face he was scared you would say no (you didn't)
Aaron: He invited you to have dinner with his family and announced it over dinner
Jake: just confidently said it to your face
Elton: Elton kisses you all the time
Sam: decided that walking in the park was a good idea you walked to far in to this park and got "lost" he kissed you there.
Colby: After dinner he walked you back to your hotel (you insisted to stay in a hotel not wanting to "bother" the other roommates) He kissed you on the head
Corey: wanted it to be a cute kiss. He kissed you on your birthday
Brennen: He kissed you and took a mirror selfie of him kissing you then posted it on Instagram
Jake: He took you to a park and kissed you at the tree
Wait..... You're seriously afraid
Elton: You had wanted to join the guys on their trip to japan when you guys visited suicide forest you had told Elton you didn't like the feeling upon going further in you said that you were really scared. Elton apologized for not recognizing how truly scared you were
Sam: When you first agreed to do the 3 AM challenges with Sam it was fun but as time progressed it started to get scary when doors opened and glasses shattered you said you were scared and Sam stopped the game
Colby: Colby and Brennen invited you to go to a tunnel with them when rocks were getting thrown at you guys you told Colby it scared you.
Corey: Corey was always scared of the paranormal and that was no surprise. When Sam had asked you and Corey to join on one of the 3 AM challenges you both agreed while playing the midnight man there was a loud crash and Corey was scared.
Brennen: You asked Brennen to join on one of his Ouija board videos When things started moving in the hotel room and you heard noises you both expressed how scared you were and decided it would be best if you left
Jake: You told him it was a bad idea to open the dybbuk box but he didn't listen and when things started happening you told him you were scared and concerned
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