3rd person POV:
Evan has always been afraid of large crowds. It was hard to determine whether it was the large amount of people that would scare him, the loudness of those surrounding him, or how close you would have to be around others. There was one thing for sure though.
He would avoid crowds no matter what it took.
Evans' POV:
It took every ounce of restraint I had in order not to freak out. I was only going to the store, all I wanted was to get some food and get out.
Earlier in the day, I decided that going to the store now would leave me without having to worry about crowds. I mean.. what type of person goes to the super market at 5:00 a.m? Mostly old people, early birds, and insomniacs.
...then there was me.
The only reason I was going so early, was because of my irrational fear of crowds. And trust me, I've tried to get rid of it. Though the only thing I've gotten in return was an endless amount of panic attacks. Even a therapist couldn't help me, so I just decided to alienate all possibilities of being in a crowd.
But here I am...
I got to the store examining my surroundings to see how many people I would be near.
"5 cars.." I mumbled, "I can handle it."
I exited my car and released the air in my lungs, as I started walking to the dimly lit store. To be quite honest, the atmosphere around me was undeniably eerie.
There were no people in the entire parking lot. And as I made my way towards the store, the only sound that could be heard was the buzzing sound of the light that hung from the doorway in front of me. I slowly pushed the door open, as a little bell signaled my presence to everyone in the store.
I stepped inside and instantly grabbed a shopping cart, so I could leave as quickly as possible. I made my way down the aisles, grabbing the necessities, when I hear that bell on the door ring. I ignore it though and continue on my "mission". However, I stop dead in my tracks when I hear that little bell start relentlessly ringing. I peak down the aisle only to see a horde of people rushing in. 'Why are they all here?' My mind questions, as I start to become frantic. My eyes go wide as I see them all grab a cart or basket, and start flooding into the aisles... most importantly, my aisle.
I take a deep breath and just turn around and go through a nearly empty aisle, and head to a checkout stand so I can leave as soon as possible. I reach the counter and quickly put my small amount of items on the counter. The clerk there just flashes me a smile and begins to scan my items.
"Okay, that will be $26.70", she tells me. I quickly pull out 30 handing to her, and telling her to keep the change. I quickly grab my bags, and make my way to my car.
Just as I was about to leave the store, I see a group of people start walking my way. The sight alone makes me freeze, but the easiest way to get through this is just to leave. I made my way out as the others were entering, only to be knocked down by a man wearing a bright blue hoodie. The man before me doesn't look back, and continues walking. Luckily, one of the people in that group stop and give me a hand up.
"Are you okay man? You took a hard fall." The man asks as a look of concern flashes onto his face.
"Yea I'm okay, thank you for the help though." I state as I dust myself off and just continue walking. Once I'm back at my car, I reach into my pockets to grab my keys.. but found nothing.
"What the..", I trail off as I pat all of my pockets, but come up empty handed. My mind starts to race, as I retrace my steps. 'They were with me in the store, and when I was leaving...' I slowly put the pieces together, and come to find a man with a bright blue hoodie on my mind. I furiously set my groceries down, and stomp my way back into the store.
It's kind of ironic if you think about it. You see, I am deathly afraid of large crowds, but have no problem being in one if I'm angry. My only reasoning is that my brain becomes to distracted with my anger to think about fear.
I barge my way back into the store, and start searching for that certain blue hoodie. I stop in my tracks once I see him casually wandering down the aisle. I then speed walk down to him and hastily grab his wrist and yank him outside.
Once out the door, I angrily pin him into the wall close to the door. I look down to his face, but instead see a Jason mask staring back at me. The sight in front of me shocks me for a second, but snap out of my thoughts and glare at him through the eyeholes.
"Where is my shit!" I question him angrily, only to be greeted with two bright blue eyes full of amusement.
"Well, I figured if you realized you were missing something. A cutie like yourself would pay a little attention to me~" The man between my arms gently whispers in my ear. My harden glare softens a little, hearing his smooth voice in my ear. I guess he noticed, because in a second he had me pinned to the wall with a knee between legs.
"I guess it worked~" I heard him coo in my ear, as he gently nibbled on it. I could feel myself shiver at his words, and all anger I felt towards him slowly dissipate.
"What's your name cutie?" I felt him mumble against my neck.
"I-it's Evan..." I breathlessly whispered to him.
"Well Evan, the name's delirious." I could feel myself melting under the mere touch of the stranger in front of me. But just as soon as I felt it, he was gone. I cracked my eyes open, only to see the sun rising in front of me, and people wandering about.
I sigh as I trudge my way back to my car, just to remember that he took my keys. Nonetheless, I still stick my hand in my pocket in hopes of finding my keys. My eyes widen, as I pull them out in all there glory. I go to unlock my car, and notice that a small slip of paper fell from my hand. I quickly bend over and retrieve the paper and unfold it.
Call me, 503-829-8126
Looking at the note, I found myself smiling widely at the smallers' antics. I put the note on my seat, then went to put all of my groceries in the backseat of my car. As I finished, I walked to the front seat grabbed the note, and hopped in.
I closed the door as I pulled out my phone, and dialed the number into my phone. I hit the call button and waited through the ringing.
"Hello?" I hear his smooth deep voice through the phone, and I causes shivers to run through my body.
"It's m-me, Evan.." I meekly reply to him. I then heard a psychotic laugh ring through the phone.
"Well what can I do for you cutie~?" I heard him seductively reply through the phone. I bite my lip at his reply, trying to think about what I really wanted.
I let out a nervous breath and muster up as much confidence as I can.
" I want you.." I seductively reply. But all of my confidence drains as I hear his laugh. His action alone makes me freeze, as I think about what I did wrong. 'Why is he laughing? I thought this is what he wanted? Did I just misunderstand?' But all of my thoughts are cut short as I hear a light tapping on my car window. I look to my left and see that same blue jacket that drives me crazy.
"Well here I am, you can have me." Even though I can't see it, I can tell he's smiling brightly behind his mask. I just smile though, and open the door to pull him up into my lap. I can tell he's a bit more hesitant about this all, but he takes the first step and pulls off his mask.
I gasp at the sight before me. He has soft brown hair that gently falls over his eyes, he has a slim face with freckles over his nose, and some scars over one eye and one across his lip. I can feel him start to get nervous in my grasp, but all I do is smile and pull him into a passionate kiss.
I felt him relax against me, as he just smiles into the kiss. Once he started kissing back, I swiped my tongue across his lips, just to have him open up instantly. I smirk into our kiss and push my tongue into his mouth, and our tongues battle for dominance. We pull away from the kiss breathless, and I just smile lovingly at him.
"My real names Jonathan by the way.." he said to me in a shy manner.
"It's perfect," I peck him on the lips. "Your laugh is perfect," I kiss him on the cheek. " YOU are perfect," I kiss him on the nose. After I'm done be breaks out into a fit of giggles, and rests his head in the crook of my neck.
At that moment all I could think about was that I just met him today... and I'm already in love. And all because of my irrational fear of crowds. But I think I've got a worse fear now...
Losing him.
Word count: 1,686
Peace ✌️
Love ❤️
And all that good stuff
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