Max X reader
Warning - this story consist of suicide and all up sad stuff
Word count - 1480
I was walking the halls of echo house (Teen wolf references!!!!) Iv been here for 10 years, it all started when I my bestfriend F/N died, I started to see her again, she would help me cheat on homework and would give me advise.
My mom found out and had me checked out, apparently I'm 'Crazy' and that word Ment nothing to me, I was put in here a short time after to 'Fix' my 'problem' F/n followed me here and kept me company for a few years until she said her time was up I asked why and she said that she couldn't bare to see me like this anymore, but she stayed with me until I fell asleep.
"Morning Y/n" I heard Lucy say and I snapped out of my thoughts "Hey Lucy how's everyone" I asked "There awesome thanks for asking, oh and before you go I'm sorry about missing your birthday yesterday but I brought you a present" she said (She's one of the nurses) it was a stuffed bear and it has my name on it I teared up "thank you Lucy" I said and hugged her "Also your new books came today so I'll send them to your room later" she said and I hear a scream, not much different form normal days "Who's that" I asked "Go to your room I'll see you later"
Lucy is the only one I like here she 26, (your 16) everyone else is either younger or older so she's the only one I got. I hear another scream, so I start to walk around and stop at a door that's usually locked, I start to walk in but I'm soon stopped by a doctor.
-a few days later-
Every day I hear that scream, the scream sounds sad and depressed, Lucy walked in and handed me my school work "Hey um Y/n how about you take a brake from school today?" "Why" I question she usually gives me more not takes it away (you love school) "Y/n you know how there has been a lot of screaming" I nod "We have a new patient he's your age and, well, we think it would be good if you too met each other" "R-really" "mhm" "Ok I'll go" I said existed.
When I got there they gave me heaps of instructions "So he's a suicidal Patient, he thinks of lots and lots of ways to kill him self, now we will be out here watching In case you need us but we will have the audio off so you two can talk" I nod, I walk in and see white foam everywhere and I see a red head in the corner in a strap coat and a gas mask on. I walk over and sit down "hi" I say "Want me to take that off" he nods and I take off the mask, "hi I'm Y/n" I smile "Max...." I start to play with my hair "What are you doing" he spits out "I'm uh playing with my uh hair" I say.
We sit there and don't talk for a good minute or soo and then he speaks "Please kill me" I'm shocked at what I hear "W-what" "Kill me please" he yells he holds his breathe and I quickly put the mask on him and wave my hand, I feel the air rush through it. I walk out and start to think why he would want to die "Y/n what did he say" the doctor says "I don't know" I lie
-a few days later-
I was reading F/B (Fav book) and couldn't take it anymore, I walked to the door and knocked on it. It soon opened and I walked in "could I read him some" I ask they nod and let me in to see him. "Max you awake" I ask, he lifts his head up and smiles "Wanna read with me" I ask he nods, I take his mask off.
-Hours later-
Me and max were laughing I look at the floor and realise how many books we actually read today, possible 12 books. "I think I have to go" I say "Can't you stay" "How about I go get another book and I'll come back" he nods and I run to my room I grab The BFG, and I run back.
-3 months later-
I made my way to Max's Room, Lucy had told me she put some new books in his room. When I got there i saw max, but no doctors, I ran in and sat down "Hey Maxy" I said taking his Mask off "N/N (nick name)" he laughed. "Max have you ever been out of that coat" I ask he shakes his head I look behind me and out the door "if I take it off will you promise not to try anything" "Seriously Y/n. I promise I won't" I smile and start to take off And he hugs me I hug back "I've wanted to do that for a long time" he says "Same". We stay like that for a while until he try's to get up but falls, I help him up and I help him walk around the room, I tripped making him fall on me. When I opened my eyes I noticed our lips connected, he gets up "I'm so sorry Y/n I didn't mean to do it-" I cut him off by kissing him. I pull away and get up, and I help him up. When we get back to his spot I hear noises and he puts the jacket back on and I tire it up just in time as they walk in. "ill see you later max and maybe we can read some of the new books Lucy gave me" he smiles "I'd like that"
Max's POV
She kissed me. And I hear people so I put on my strap jacket. She walked out, Am I in love?
I think I like max.
-4 months later-
Me and max were laughing as he kept falling "Max" "Yeah" "Did you hear that" I ask "no" "ok" he gets up and we start to walk until I hear yelling "Y/n how could you" I hear the doctors yell as they pull me away "Max!" I yell as they grab him "Y/N!" He screams. I get taken out and yelled at "He's dangerous" "No he isn't" "Y/n listen to me you will never see him again" "He was finally happy" I yell "No he wasn't you were happy" "Your just blind" I yell, I start to run back into the room but they grab me. I can hear Max screaming and yelling things like "Bring her back" and "Y/n"
-1 week later-
It's been a full week since I've seen max and all I hear is screams, I mean it's good I guess, it lets me know he's still alive.
The screaming stopped and I get anxious, I run out of my room to Max's and see he's hitting his head on the wall. I run in, even though the doctors tell me not to. "MAX" I yell he turns to me I hold his head and take his mask off "Don't do it" I whisper tears in my eyes.
The doctors soon shooed (go away ing you) me, and I sat out side and heard what the doctors where saying "If he does it again we have to let him do it" "But what about Y/n" Lucy said "What about here" " they obviously live each other" she said "She'll get over it she'll understand"
They let me in and I took Max's jacket off and his max "There gonna let you die if you do it again" I said and he hugged me "I know but won't it be better that way" he said I let go "No max" "why not" "B-because I-I love you" I said "And I can't stand here knowing That you will die for no reason and Before you stop me I-" he cuts me off by kissing me, he pulls away "I love you too Y/n" he says I rest my head on his shoulder and he hugs me "I won't do it Y/n ok" "Thank you"
-3 years later-
Me and max have been dating for 3 years now. They let him out of that room and let us live in our own room which was more like a house to both of us. They let us have part time jobs outside the asylum he and max work at skymedia. We both work as editors, it's a good life. Even though our room has the mask and the jacket in it.
This took me an entire day to write but I'm proud of it. Plus it's the longest one shot I've ever written. And wow was that hard, I was thinking of writing 2 or 3 parts but I think that would have rewind the story.
Also please tell what one-shot / Any type of thing you want me to do to when I celebrate getting 1k reads on 'Fallen Stars' and Hitting 100 followers?
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