Hijacked Account o3o
I sit watching as a suit of armour rode up on a steed. I also watched as Dallen, wake up. I leaned over the edge watching as he rose, standing to his full height. I saw the man in the horse stop and turn the other way. Fleeing. Like always. Dallen looks at me. I smiled. All I ever needed was Dallen. The only thing that kept me and Dallen from becoming even closer, was the whole language thing. That never really bothered me. We still communicated. As good as we could anyways. Me and Dallen have been together for as long as I could remember. Every king and queen put there daughters in towers these days. Not many could get a dragon to guard them however. My parents however, did not realize the I preferred the dragon's company over humans. I loved Dallen. I would never want some prince to save me. No one, not one person could ever get me to love them more then I loved Dallen. Signs had shown Dallen felt the same way. It was said, that once a dragon had found his love, he would do everything for them. He did. He brought me flowers, and he would always try to be up when I was. I remember when I had woken up on several occasions to see him looking at me, just sleeping.
Dallen put his head up on my window sill. I put my hand on his snout, his scales warm to my touch. He breathed, his breath warm. I kissed the tip of his nose. I could see his eyes smile. I knew our love was forbidden. We both knew. It didn't matter to us. No one had to know. No one needed. No one had ever made it past him and no one would. I would be his forever as he would be mine. I regretted not being able to sleep next to his side. And not be able to marry him. Never being able to bear his children. He nuzzled me, causing my stomach to tighten. I reached and hugged as much of him that I could as tight as I could. He pulled back yawning. I stepped back. He sunk to the ground and laid down. Getting ready for sleep. I walked over to my bed laying down. So many people thought these thoughts were disgusting. Terrible even. I laid down. Trying to calm myself. I heard Dallen roar. Silence. Obviously who ever came had went. Then I heard it again. I heard Dallen rise. I ran to the window to see another suit of armour. I cried out to Dallen when I saw the armour charge. Dallen looked at me as the man plunged his sword into him. Dallen collapsed to the ground. I saw a single tear fall from Dallen's eye before the light left them. The suit of armour climbed my tower. Upon reaching the top he said; "I have freed you. Also slaying the hideous dragon that kept you." Hideous? Hideous? I reached for the vase of flowers I had kept by the window. Slamming it down I grabbed one of the shards. Driving it into his neck. I watched the life fade from his eyes. I climbed out the window. I laid next to Dallen's limp body. I cried. I don't know how long, however it was dark when I got up. I went to the woods. Gathering what I had needed I went back to Dallen. I laid in the crook of his leg. Looking at the berries, I ate them. I closed my eyes. I would be with Dallen forever. No one being able to come between us now. I would have my happily ever after with the only prince I ever needed.
AnishaiFarrar wrote this..... She be my sister/friend/child. XD
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