Droid (SilentDroidd)
I felt a jolt of electricity run through my body. I hear a laugh "you think this hunk of junk is going to work? I mean really. Look at it!" My eyes open and I sit up. "Oh Shit!" Another laugh rings. "I think it heard you Marcel." "SHUT UP LUI!" The man who I assume would be Marcel yells at the other man who was Lui. Then the man, Lui, says "it's just sitting there..." I turn my head to the the voices. there was a short Hispanic man and a tall darker man. "I think it's processing it's existence...." I blink realizing they were talking about me. 'Hey! Who You Calling it?!' I try to say bit only squeaks and clanks came out of my mouth. "Its voice bank must be broken... Hey Lui... don't you think it kinda looks like a human... sort of..." "Yeah. it does. though it's very old. probably needs a lot of parts replaced and some synthetics put in place to make it appear more human." I try to speak again. more clanks and squeaks. Fuck. "I think it's trying to speak to us..." The Short man. whom at this point i believed to be the man named Lui walks over and hands me a note pad and a pen. i look at the hand that now held the pen. i drop the pen and notepad and stand up. i start to freak out. WHY DO I HAVE ROBOT HANDS?! WHERE'S MY SKIN?! I look down at my body and scream. "WOAH!! Chill with the noises!" Marcel yells. "Marcel! can't you see! he's Freaking out! all this must be frying his processors!"Marcel turns to Lui after grabbing me. "Lui. Do not get attached to this thing. it's a robot. for our fighting ring. it has No gender. it has No name. it's a fucking machine." i push Marcel off of me and he looks at me shocked. "You're not supposed to be able hurt humans you dumb ass robot." he kicks me to the floor. i cover my face as he starts to kick me. "you stupid ass robot and your dumb ass broken shit! why'd you have to pick the retarded robot huh?!" Lui them pushes Marcel away from me and i get up. he then fiddled with some wires poking from my throat. "there try saying something." I clear my throat. "Uh... Hi?" I grab my throat. I can speak! Awesome! "Uh.. My name is Lui. Do you have a name?" "Lui why would a robot-" i cut him off. "My name is Arlan. Or Carlos. well Carlos was a joke. but if you want you can call me that than Arlan it's a bit easier." Lui nods "Carlos Huh?" I laugh and do my stuttering Carlos Voice. "H-Hola Cabron I Am Carlos or El Lover Boy!" They both laugh. Lui a bit more than Marcel. "This Droid is funny!" "I was actually called SilentDroidd it was kinda like a stage name but... More like a.... Uh... A name I just went by. A screen name I guess." They nod. I then notice the HUD like thing over my vision. Like a video game almost. I look at the icon showing my hands and then I pulled up options. Like guns and knives and such. Weird. But cool. I select a gun. "WOAH! THIS GUY IS ONE OF THOSE EXPERIMENTAL MILITARY ROBOTS!!!" Marcel shout. I get an indicator that someone armed was behind me and in turn and fire the gun. Marcel grabbed my arm. "Watch it! Those are friendlies!" I frown "Sorry..." the guy approaches. "Your bot ready to fight?" Fight? I look at Lui and Marcel. "Yeah he's up and running." "Looks like you two aren't incompetent after all." Marcel sighs after the guy leaves. "Should have let Carlos shoot the fucker." Lui laughs "Yeah but they would have destroyed Carlos." Marcel nods "Right... Carlos. Hey you're gonna have to fight a bunch of robots soon. don't you know... die on us. cuz i kinda think you're a pretty cool droid ." I nod. "Once you're done we'll make you look human.... ish again? whatever yeah. so. don't lose." I laugh and they lead me out into a big room with an open pit in the middle. there was a dome like fence over the top. probably to keep people from falling in. They lead me to an entrance and i step into a small room with a door on the other side. I assume that door is to the cage thing. I walk over and it opens. i look around and walk through into the pit. i look at the other end where there was a door with a much larger robot exiting. I sigh. or well.. make the sigh noise since i don't have lungs. I hear a bell and the large robot runs at me i duck between its legs and jump onto its back i pull out a shotgun and blow the robots head clean off. I jump off as the robot clanks to the ground. the crowd cheers. i look over at where Lui and Marcel were. they had smiles on their face. I feel happy that I did something so cool. I hear the door open again and another robot enters. I make my arms into swords and then charge at the new opponent. the robot put up a decent fight but i ended up stabbing it through its head. but then from behind a sword is jabbed through my chest. everything goes dark.
when i open my eyes i am laying on a table. i couldn't move my arms or legs. or anything at that. I could hear Marcel. "Found his body! now... where's his head?" then try to move. "Shit! The Body is going psycho!" "Dude that means he's close." Lui says. "Hey look! there are a bunch of heads over there." Suddenly Lui came into my view and i smile. he picks my head up. "There we go! we'll fix you up Carlos. Don't worry!" "Thank you Lui..." something starts to happen to my vision. "Uh.. Lui... I... I'm loosing my sight." I hear faint noises before.... nothing. absolute nothing. i couldn't hear or see. i'm okay though. im okay. my name is arlan. i am a man turned robot. im okay i... i am... i am arlan... and im... im a man... an man turned robot. i am... Ar... Power Down
Memory Erased
Program Set
Self Destruct
"Sir. confirmation on the droid's destruction." "Good. now get rid of the two humans who found him." "Yes Sir."
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