Super soakers -pewdiecry-
Cry's POV:
"God it's hot." It's mid June and it's probably nearing 100 degrees outside. I look over to Felix who was siting on the other couch."Felix, Will you please go and get some ice cream or something to help us cool down from the store?"
"Why do I have to go?"
"Because you love me."
"Are you saying you don't love me?!?!"
He starts to het up. "Uhhhhhhhhhhhh"
"I love you too."
He leaves to get the stuff from the store and while he's gone I go up stairs and go to our bedroom to change into something that is cooler than what I already am wearing. While I'm up here I hear Felix come through the front door with some bags.
"Yea, you're home!" I yell.
"Where are you?" He yells back.
"Upstairs bedroom."
I hear him come up the stairs soon after.
"So I picked some stuff up that should be fun." He says this to me while I still have my backed turned to him from picking a shirt from the closet.
"I told you to grab something to cool us down, Not heat things up so if you bought lube put it up." I put a shirt on my sup shirt, turn around and see him standing in the doorway pointing two big water guns my way.
"Pewds, you know you shouldn't do that in here." I try to reason with him.
"Why is that?" He shoots me a devious look.
I walk toward him.
"Uh, nope. You have two down stairs you have 60 seconds." He moves out of the way letting me through.
I rush down stairs and look for the water guns.
"FELIX! Where are they?!?"
"30 seconds cry. Better hurry."
"I SWEAR TO GOD IF YOU DON'T TELL ME." I'm scrambling everywhere looking for the guns.
"15 seconds."
I finally find them, outside.
"Here I come cry I hope you're ready."
I grab them and hide in the bushes in front of our house. At least he was fair enough to fill them up.
"Cryyyyy, where are you cryyyyy?"
He walks by without seeing me, somehow. Then I jump out behind him squeeze the trigger and get the back of his pants soaked. "I'm right here, wet pants." I laugh before he turns around and begins spraying me back. We run around hitting each other with water for the longest time, having so much fun before long both of us are soaked in water and out of breath.
"Truce?" I ask.
"Giving up that easy huh?" He replies with a smirk on his face.
"Oh, you think you win then?"
"Weeeellll, you did ask for a truce so."
"Okay." I glance over to the water hose that is sitting next to the front porch. He looks over and then back at me.
"You wouldn't."
"Oh no?" I rush to the hose and grab it before Felix can do anything. "So, do we have a truce or do I get to make you extra wet?"
"Okay, okay. Truce." He says.
"Okay, now let's go get some food I'm starving."
Sorry about not updating but here's a new story. I'll try to put another one out in the next few days and don't forget that you can request on the first chapter in the comment section
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