"Hello guys and welcome back to my channel. If you are new here, my name is Harry and in this space, we treat people with kindness. On my channel, you will likely expect to see me posting my daily vlogs, on Thursdays, we sit together and we talk about serious topics upon your request, I post many cooking and baking videos for you guys, and on Fridays we have a fun video. Which is today, and you guys really want me to do another q&a for you all and of course, I was going to deliver. Now the only twist is that for any question I don't wish to answer, I will have to take a shot. This video is restricted for my more grown up viewers, so to let you guys know what the drink of the night is, here I have my favorite one of all: Bailey's Strawberries and cream." I showed the bottle to the camera and I placed it back down.
"I have asked you guys to leave your questions through my Instagram post, in my comments, or any other platform I have. Many of you have done just that and I'm going to try my best to answer as much as I can without taking a shot," I giggled and lifted up my phone. "Without further ado, let's get on with it," I spoke with a big smile. I looked at my phone and read out the first question that I've received through Instagram.
"And right off the bat,we have Kristen who asked 'What's the biggest secret you've ever kept from your parents?' and to that my wonderful friends, we drink!" I told them and took a nearby shot of my liquor. "There is actually a few things that I have never told my parents, and they will never know about it," I said and lifted my phone back up. "Mary is the next one who asked 'What do you like most and least about your personality?" I looked at the camera and I thought about it for a moment. "I like the fact that I'm so accepting and loving. Like you could be an absolute stranger and if you were to tell me anything, then I would accept you and love you. That's why I say that we treat people with kindness here, because I want my YouTube channel to be the one place where everyone feels at home.
Now for my bad one...it's a tie. I'm heavily narcissistic and stubborn. If you are my friend, then you would know that this is true. Most of the time I enjoy having the attention being put on me, and I hate loosing an argument, because I just can't take no for an answer. It could be as little as going out to eat. If you wanted McDonald's, but I want Whataburger, then we would probably argue for about 5 minutes until I would probably give in, but pout, eating a McDonald's meal. Good question Mary!"
"What's the craziest thing you've ever done to attract a crush? Okay Josh, I'll tell you this weird thing that my friends and I would do to attract people. If I or Zayn find interest in a guy, then the two of us would just make the most random noises to just get them to look in our direction. My other friends would just speak louder or sing loudly to get the ladies to look at them. You will know that I like you, because I tend to stare at the ones that I'm attracted to. I don't know why that is, but I guess y'all will be able to tell who I'm fond over that way." I shrugged. "I'm not seeing a lot of hard questions on Instagram guys, so I'm going to head over to my Reddit and see if I find a good one there."
I opened my Reddit app and I looked at my most recent post and I saw the questions commented under it. "Jesus Christ...What would you guess your parents' favorite sexual position is, and why?' Justin! You just wanted me to take that shot, huh? Well I'm going to take two since I have two parents," I tell the camera, shaking my head. I poured the drink in two shot glasses and I took both. "That was a gross question mate..." I shivered at the question when I read it over again.
"What's the most surprising thing that's ever turned you on? I will answer that actually. I would say I was pretty surprised when I found out about my pain kink. I was getting my first tattoo and I thought it was going to be painful, but I felt something else as well as pain. That's all I'm going to say about that," I said with a small smile.
"Okay, this is a better question and it's not inappropriate. Would you like to be famous? No Kelly. I hate that word actually. If I were to get a bigger following, I would still disallow to use that word to describe myself. I would like to stay humbled thank you." I giggled and went to the next one. "Whats your (full) name and age? Eleanor, my full name is Harry Edward Styles. My friends call me H, Harold, or Hazza. I'm also 21 years old. My birthday is the first of February."
"No Cassie, I don't eat meat. I don't judge if you do though. You do you love!... Xavier I'm 6 feet, and I'm from Redditch Sarah," I stated after ri read the next two questions. "What's the largest age gap between you and your sexual partners? I tend to go up to 5 years. I never really date people who are younger than me, but that is my age gap for who are older than me. Good question, but not that personal to have me take a shot. Nice try Desiree," I winked and giggled. "Who was your worst sexual partner and why? Now that one I will take a shot for since he's a friend of mine and I know that he is in a really good relationship with a gorgeous woman," I informed before I took the shot.
"May I point out that drunk sex is not at all the best sex someone could ever receive. I actually like angry sex more than drunk sex."
I looked at the next question and I laughed. "Does size really matter? Well... I'll be real with you guys. I do tend to bottom quite a bit, so I can have an opinion on this: it does to me. Like he doesn't have to be packing, but he does have to have enough package to please me and make me want more, and Chelsea, I like to switch. I like to give it sometimes, but I do like getting it too... What would be in your web history that you'd be embarrassed if someone saw? Another shot!" I cheered happily and I took another shot. "If I don't want a stranger to see it, then I'm not telling."
I looked at my time and saw that I should start wrapping it up. "Okay, I'm going to do three more and then I'll call it.," I told them and I then looked back at my phone. "Savannah asked Who is your favorite: Mom or Dad? and you can't say both. Well to be fairly honest, I am a momma's boy, so I am going to go with my mum. I love the two equally though!"
"Next question is from my friend and he knew about this video, because he asked how much I make on YouTube. He knows that I don't ever share my finances, so thanks a lot Zayn," I spoke sarcastically and took another shot of liquor. I actually have to vlog right after this, so this is going to be an interesting vlog," I said with a small laugh. "The last question to this video is from Alexa! She says Tell us about a time you embarrassed yourself in front of a crush, and with that being the last question, this is going to be my last shot!" I chirped and I tipped my head back as I took the shot.
"With that being the last of it, I hope that you guys enjoyed the video. I always enjoy making these videos for y'all. It's a rather fun way for you guys to get to know the person that's on your screen. If you like this video, then be sure to leave a like and if you wish to, click that subscribe button. Be sure to hit that bell so that you don't miss any updates. If you want to see more videos like this one, then you can find my fun Friday videos over here," I pointed to the top corner.
"If you are interested in my Talk Thursday, then you can find that down here," I moved my finger a bit downward. "My chefs out there can find my cooking and baking videos down here," I pointed in the bottom right corner. "And finally, my daily vlogs can be found here," I pointed to the top right. "I love you guys and I want to thank you all for stopping by. You all are my family and I will never take your love and support for granted. Hope you have a wonderful day! Treat People With Kindness. All the love, bye," I swiftly covered the camera lens with my hand and I stopped the recording.
I closed my liquor bottle and I took my camera to my computer. I put the card into it and I started to work my magic. The editing and the special effect took about 4 hours and I made sure that everything looked perfect. I made sure all of the on screen playlists popped up, because I messed up with that with my last video. I found out by my fans and I felt so bad about it and I knew that it wasn't a big deal, but I always tend to think negatively about myself about it. I'm trying to make a second paying job out of this and I can't have it failing on me.
When I was finally done with editing and posting the video, I grabbed my card, camera, and I stood up. I saw the countdown on the camera and when I knew that it was recording, I did my intro again and started to walk out of the second bedroom that I have as an office right now. "I just finished up on my fun Friday video, and I really tried to be quick with the editing process, but I still wanted everything to go right for you guys, so I hope that it turned out well. The video should be uploaded before this is, so be sure to check that out before you continue on with this video. Just so that you guys know what kind of state I'm in right now.
Anyways! I need to get to my baking. If you are new here, then you should know that YouTube isn't my main job right now. I don't have a big following or viewers to have this be my only source of income. Even if I did, then it would still be my second job. My first job is being an at home chef. I don't like working at fast food restaurants. I did that for 2 years and I just knew that it wasn't my niche.
I run a business in the comfort of my own home and I get guests to make requests to me. They either send me an email, text message, or they would see me out in person to make an order. Today, I need to make a unique chocolate cake for Ms. Vincent's daughter. She needs it by tomorrow, but I'm not going to make this last minute, so I hope that you guys enjoy this small time lapse. Oh! And if you want to make an order through me, then there's a link in the description. There isn't a menu to follow, because I'm capable of making whatever you wish. I do both baking and cooking. Be sure to check that out! Okay! Now onto the baking!" I chirped and I placed my camera on a holder and I started to have my own fun.
After that, Zayn stopped by and the two of us went out to shop for new clothes. He joked about the previous video without giving the viewers any spoilers and I was sure to make him do something for his next video. Because two of us can play this game. However...
I'm happy to have him as a supporter...
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