♡ 21 - apartment ♡
(a/n: im p sure i got things wrong because massachusetts to ontario is like 7 hours but alberta where patton was is further away so maybe it would take more than 8 hours? igNore that pls)
Patton was so exhausted from getting three hours of sleep even though Logan tried to tell him not to, he almost crashed when he insisted he should be the one to drive from Canada to Massachusetts for eight hours.
"Patton!" Logan yelled. He pulled Patton's hands and stopped the car before it his the red minivan in front of them. "Take a nap. I'll drive."
But Patton was already passed out and snoring. Logan sighed and picked up his boyfriend and buckled their seatbelts. He kissed his sleeping beauty's head before putting his hands on the wheel and driving them to the nearest restaraunt so Patton could get some more food and energy.
After they ate, Logan scooped Patton up into his arms and plopped him into the passenger seat, making Patton giggle.
"There's about four hours left to go before we reach Boston, love. Sleep if you need to and tell me if you want anything, okay? If something's wrong, you tell me immediately." Logan asked and kissed his boyfriend's cheek.
Patton nodded. "You're so cute when you're protective."
"You're cute all the time," Logan said with a smile at the compliment. "Do you want to play some music?"
Patton nodded again and grabbed the aux cord and plugged it into his phone.
Logan closed the door on the passenger side and made his way to the driver's seat. When he turned the car on, Patton's chosen song began to play.
Patton encouraged Logan to sing along, which he did.
"It's my favorite now," Patton said softly, "because you sang it to me to make me feel better."
Logan gave him a fond smile.
So what if it's us?
What if it's us,
And only us,
And what came before won't count anymore or matter?
Can we try that?
What if it's you,
And what if it's me,
And what if that's all that we need it to be?
And the rest of the world falls away?
What do you say?
After that, Patton played Stupid with Love from Mean Girls, Dead Gay Son from Heathers, and Hold Me Tight Or Don't by Fall Out Boy.
"Patton?" Logan asked.
"Are you intentionally picking songs that are linked to you and me but mostly me or am I just thinking wrong?"
"I don't know what you're talking about," Patton said innocently.
"We had our first kiss when we practiced Dead Gay Son together, you told everyone that my favorite song was Stupid with Love, and Fall Out Boy is one of my favorite bands."
He giggled. "Yeah, I am. Now that you've caught on, I'm going to play an annoying pop song."
Logan groaned. He hated almost all pop music.
"I'm just kidding!" he laughed. He put his songs on shuffle World Burn began to play.
Two hours later, Patton fell asleep and Logan turned the music off so Patton wouldn't be disturbed.
In the silence, he thought about everything that could go wrong in New York. He didn't realize that Patton had woken up and noticed the frown on Logan's face.
"What're you thinking about?" he asked.
Logan shrugged. "Nothing important. Can you text Virgil and tell him we'll be there tomorrow late at night?"
"Okay... Do you want me to tell everyone else though or just Virgil?"
"You can tell everyone else."
Patton nodded and sent a quick text.
Virgil's phone vibrated.
Patt 🐕: hi everyone!
Virgil: hey
Prince Charming 🌹👑💝💍: hello!
Patt 🐕: lo just wanted me to tell you guys that we'll be in NY by tomorrow, probably late at night
Virgil: that's good :)
Valerie 🎭: yAYY
Jade ⚡: can't wait to meet ya!
Virgil: where's your new apartment? like what's the address?
Patton and Logan's new apartment's address was near everyone else's thankfully.
Everyone else made their way to the address, and like the good friends they were, they broke in and started setting up everything.
Virgil sat and stared down at his ring. Roman noticed this, sat down next to him, and kissed his hand right above where the ring was.
"Yo, get your asses here and help us!" Calypso joked. "You're cute together but we have shit to do!"
Patton texted Brianna while Logan was driving.
Patton: hi!
Brianna 🌛: Hey!
Patton: I'm on my way to NY but that means I won't see you again :(
Brianna 🌛: We can still text :) and we can visit each other if you want
Patton: yeah c:
Patton: thanks for all your help, btw
Brianna 🌛: Of course! Helping is my job, after all
Patton: I'm gonna miss you
Brianna 🌛: Me too, but we can still talk! I won't be your therapist anymore but I'll be your friend who will help you through some bad shit
Patton: laNGUAGE
Brianna 🌛: There's the Patton I know 😂
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