My manager Ella dragged me to a meeting.
"Why are we in a meeting Ella?" I asked her as we sat down.
"Because you need a social media manager, Tom needs help, and you need an editor. You are over working yourself. With constantly filming new reacts videos, main channel videos, gaming videos, Eboys and just two friends." Ella stated.
"Why does Tom need help?" I asked Ella looking at Tom.
"Your main channel is almost on eight million, your reacts channel has almost four million, your gaming channel has almost two million and just two friends has a million already." Ella stated looking over the statistics.
"Well I didn't know Tom needed help." I pointed out.
"I do need help. Because of how popular you are." Tom stated.
"Okay we can get Tom some help because Tom's amazing." I said. Tom's been with me since just before university.
"Well you need a editor and a social media manager." Ella stated looking at me.
"I don't need a social media manager Ella. I can handle my social media just fine." I stated looking at her.
"No you can't Izzy. You can just about manage to a pot of flowers alive for a week. Let alone you're social media." Ella pointed out.
"I've managed to keep my channel up and running for several years." I stated looking at her.
"Well I know." She stated.
"Fine. Do I need anything else while we're here?" I asked her.
"No only an editor and a social media manager." Ella answered looking at her piece of paper.
"Good. Why couldn't you handle the interviews alone?" I asked the woman next to me. Simon hired her for me as soon as I hit a million because he thought I needed someone to help me keep everything.
"Because we all know what you get like. So we thought it would be good for you to be here so we can find someone who would be a good fit for you." She answered looking at me.
"Okay. How many people will we be interviewing." I asked her.
"Well we had over a thousand resumes I narrowed it down to fifteen for each. Meaning thirty." She answered. We went through everyone.
"I liked Tamara for the role of my editor. She fits the style I'd want." I told Ella once everyone had left.
"Well I like Noelle for social media manager." She answered.
"At least it's a girl you decided. I don't want a guy to be in charge of my social media. It doesn't fit my vibe. I also liked Brad for editor. Can we hire two for editors. Because think about how many videos I have filmed that need editing. The only videos I can handle is my podcast right now. We don't need an editor for that." I stated.
"Okay. I'll give them a call. When do you want them to start?" She asked me.
"As soon as they can." I answered. She nodded before walking away.
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