The next day I was sat at my desk editing a few videos I had upcoming for my channel. It was the next few parts to my Minecraft series I was uploading to my gaming channel. And I had a vlog from when I moved in yesterday for my main channel.
"Izzy?" George yelled through the house. I took my headphones off. I was slightly confused.
"Yeah?" I yelled back to him.
"Join the call. We're gonna start the podcast." He yelled to me. As soon as he finished I got an incoming call. I put my headphones back on before answering the call.
"Ahhhh. It's Izzy." James yelled first. I had to turn my mic on.
"Ahhhh. It's James." I yelled back making him laugh.
"It's good we're here." George started distracting us.
"Right boys where are we starting. Because my camera is not even turned on yet." I told them laughing.
"Well let's start." George stated as I sorted my camera out.
"Lets do this." I stated as I pulled one leg to my chest.
"Right so welcome to the first episode of the Eboys podcast. But with a twist there's one girl." George stated as we cheered.
"Aren't you lucky." Will stated.
"Bloody hell I forgot how loud I was editing because it's loud." I stated laughing before turning my headphones down.
"So what's your favourite meal deal?" James asked making us laugh.
"I like egg and crest mayonnaise sandwiches prawn cocktail and a naked smoothie. Because I like scamming Tesco." Alex went on.
"Right of course of all people Alex likes to scam Tesco." I joked.
"What about you James?" Alex asked.
"Uh. I'm a Boots meal deal kind of guy." James answered.
"Who goes to bloody Boots to get a meal deal. Go to bloody Morrisons or something." I told him.
"You're a loser." Alex stated.
"What?" James asked confused making me laugh.
"What about you Izzy?" Alex asked me.
"I like to go to Morrisons because that was the nearest shop to where I lived and it was on the way to where Simon lives. But I ain't as weird as Alex with his meal deal choice. I get chicken mayo with salt and vinegar Crips and a Mango Loco Monster." I answered.
"Well you've moved now." Will stated.
"Yeah because I filmed my gaming videos in my living room. That's how small my apartment was." I stated laughing.
"Now you live with George. So you now have you're own office. Which I can see you sorta decorated." James stated.
"This is the stuff I had at my old place." I stated.
"What about you Will? What's your favourite meal deal?" Alex asked moving on.
"Shut up James." George stated as we all laughed.
"It's James he can't shut up. You've seen how annoying he is." I stated laughing.
"Uh right. Our network, right, for context told us for our first episode we had to say a little bit about ourselves first. So Alex would you, uh you'll be used to introducing yourself on podcasts." Will started.
"Nice dig at Alex there before we're even a minute through our first episode." I joked laughing.
"Would you like to tell us a bit about yourself." Will stated moving on.
"Um. I am the bringer of demon of death this podcast is about for five episodes." Alex stated.
"Jesus Christ." James answered making us all laugh.
"Uh. I'm also a gay so." Alex continued making me and Will cheer.
"Yeah. Well done." I stated laughing.
"Yeah." Will stated agreeing with me.
"All right. So those two things really followed." James stated making us laugh.
"Yeah. You said kind of that they come hand in hand." Alex stated.
"I mean I wouldn't be surprised if you're gay." I told him.
"Uh. Izzy you're turn." Alex told me.
"Alright. I'm Izzy Minter. I'm that type of person who likes to vlog." I stated the boys were quite.
"Izzy did you mean to say you're last name?" George asked me.
"Yeah. I think it's time I stopped hiding behind my channel and admit I'm Simon Minter's younger sister." I stated.
"Alright I didn't think I'd find out that Simon has a sister on the podcast." Will stated laughing.
"So in all the time I've filmed commentary videos with you, you never thought to mention you were a Minter?" James asked laughing.
"I just didn't include my last name. I always said I have 3 older brothers. I just never said who they were." I answered laughing.
"Uh. My name is James Marriott better known as Jimbo Mazza. The dude the slime the Chad. Uh. I make commentary videos." James stated.
"Uh. Music commentary. You're the other full rage of losers. Yeah range of loser." Will stated. I took a drink of the bottle of coke I had placed in my office.
"Yeah. We're all losers." I stated laughing.
"There what about you George." Alex stated.
"Hello." Will tried.
"Oh no I don't care about you Will." Alex told Will making us all laugh.
"My name is George Memeulous." George started.
"It's not." James stated.
"He sells drugs on the side." I stated making Will laugh.
"And I have a uh crippling uh weed addiction." George says.
"We're not surprised at all George." I told him.
"Sound. Hi my name is Will." Will started.
"No one cares." Alex mutters into the mic.
"Uh. Alex who would you say is the stupidest Eboy?" Will asked.
"You know I'm here also." I told them.
"But you're also an Eboy." Will answered.
"It's gonna be me." George stated.
"I'm not surprised with that comment at all." I stated.
"That is so rude Izzy." George told me.
"Is it George or is it true." I told him. An hour or so later we had finished the first episode.
"Well that was something." Alex stated as we stopped filming. But they didn't know I was filming a behind the scenes of the filming session.
"It was uh something. We may have offended someone or more." I joked laughing.
"Well this better be a hit." James stated making us laugh.
"Yeah in James's eyes he hopes he gets something for doing these episodes with us." I stated making the boys laugh.
"Well we better be a hit because I am already hoping we can do more then 10 episodes and not get cancelled." George sated laughing.
"Right I'm gonna be the first off because I still have a lot of things to edit." I stated.
"Bye Izzy." The boys stated.
"I'll more then likely see you in the kitchen." George joked before I logged off the call.
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