It may seem small to some of you but to me it's literally the world to think that someone, somewhere out there likes my work! It's an honor be be considered worth of some of your guys's time and now, I'll leave you to read but again........ THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!
Much Love and Enjoy~~
Ethan P.o.V
I knew this would happen, I was taking private lessons with Mr. Chen before and now that I'm in a public class for Vamps studies, It's going to be rough "Tyler take your seat, and you are?" The teacher asked me and I recognized this person as Mrs. Wojcicki, I smiled warmly and used my powers to slow my blood a bit my making it cooler than normal. I pulled the note from Mr. Hurley out of my pocket and handed it to her. She looked over it before looking back to me skeptically "Are you sure that you're fit for AP Vamps? You are a Neko afterall..." I could feel Tyler stiffen and I nodded my head "I get that a lot but I can assure you that I am perfectly capable of getting straight A's in your class. I need to sit next to Tyler though" I said quietly and she looked confused now "Why?" I rubbed my neck where my mark was and her face turned into an "Ohhhhh, I get it!" Look and she nodded "Wiishu, please move places so that Ethan here may sit next to Tyler" She pouted "But what If I want to sit next to Ethan? He just smells so good~" She purred and I flinched at the name. She's the girl who licked me yesterday. "Wiishu, He has an order from Mr. Hurley to be by Tyler, and besides, Ethan is Claimed" I heard the majority of the class groan but there was one person who rose with a question "Wait!! If that's what he smells like while claimed, what was he like unclaimed?" The class fell silent and I gulped when I saw hungry stares "We won't know until a month from now if he isn't claimed again by then" The teacher responded and sent me to my new seat, where Wiishu had begrudgingly given her's up.
"Are you sure you want to be in this class?" Tyler hissed to me in a whisper and I nodded, he sighed and we both paid attention again, "Today, because of the new student, we will be talking about History.." I raised my hand and she nodded for me to speak "Could we just go on with the normal lesson? I was up to date in my previous class" She nodded and smiled "Ok, what were you learning in Mr. Chen's class?" I thought for a moment before remembering the last thing we learned. "We were just starting the lessons on effects of claiming" She nodded and we continued with the lesson, apparently I was spot on with where to start "Ok, so let's talk claiming, What are the side effects of claiming?" I didn't raise my hand but she called on me anyways with a smug look. She thinks I don't know this stuff. "Ethan, Tell me all of what happens during and after claiming." She ordered and I stopped fiddling with my pencil and got ready for my speech "The claim happens when an emotional bond is sealed with a physical mark on one's neck, The claimer drinks the blood of the one being claimed and in most cases, turns them into a vampire if they are not already one. Once the claim is made, the scent of the Claimed is masked to where only the claimer can smell the full effects of the scent coming from the claimed but not fully hidden as I demonstrate. The claimer must drink the blood of their claimed at least once a day or both beings will become exceedingly weak until the blood is taken again. The claimer also becomes more defensive and territorial of the one they have claimed. After a mother the claim is broken and the Mark vanished, leaving you free to be claimed again by another person. Side effects of being the claimer is that you crave more blood than normal, hence why you must tell someone once a claim is made. Have I satisfied you Ma'am?" I sat back in my seat and she scowled "Yes.... quite..." She hissed and I could feel Tyler's smugness "N-now... onto our first project! This will be done in pairs and Is on Claiming, You will be seeing the effects for yourself in this experiment by the ones who are claimed going a day without their blood and the ones who are not claimed will be paired with the person next to you to fake the effects of claim, Drawing puncture wounds on their neck everyday and drinking their blood, You will be choosing who will be Claimer, and who will be claimed, Good luck" With that the bell rang and I grabbed my stuff getting ready to leave when I was slammed against the wall.
I grunted as I felt the impact and I looked up to see that is was a Vampire I didn't recognize "You smell awfully good for a claimed one, Are you in heat?" My eyes widened and I laughed "You're an idiot! Heat week isn't for another 2 months" I responded and he growled "You dare mock me? I'm in control here, I could kill you or put a second claim on you if I wanted to and I scoffed "An Omega Vampire like you Isn't capable of setting a second claim and he dropped me "H-how did you..." I smirked "Oh please, those glowing golden eyes give it away more than the fact that you waited until there were No Alphas around" He growled and took a couple steps back "This isn't over" I rolled my eyes and walked over to Tyler who just waited "I'm surprised you knew what he was without knowing who he was" He said and I faked hurt "How dare you doubt me?" I said and he scoffed as we exited the room and walked to Power Manipulation class. I got bombarded by hungry Alphas and Betas in that class too "This is going to be a long day..." I said and Tyler agreed with a nod of his head
~Time skip to lunch~
"Ethan~~~" Tyler whined and I groaned, my tail lashing behind me "We're almost there! Just wait a bit longer" I said getting out my Salmon as I walked to the lunch table because I knew that the second we sat down he would latch onto me. I looked ahead and saw that most of the guys were there I smiled at them and they smiled nervously back. When we got to the tabled I ordered Tyler to sit and he obeyed. I sat on his lap and took a bit of my Salmon as he latched onto me and Moaned again. I blushed hard but ignored it.
"DUDE WHAT THE FUCK!?!?" Jack yelled and I just took another bite of my Salmon "What" I asked muffled because of my full mouth and he was just staring at me and Tyler with his jaw dropped, I chewed the food in my mouth and swallowed "Oh that's right, you guys weren't there" He looked at me like I was a new species "Yeah, Tyler claimed me and we now share a schedule, as for the blood sucking and Moans from him, I apparently taste good and he need my blood at least once a day but because of Vampire stuff it's probably going to be three times a day" I explained and took another bite of salmon and swallowed it quickly. Tyler detached for now and just rested his head on my shoulder. "Umm, Ok then...." Jack said and I giggled "I would've told you sooner but I've been busy getting my blood sucked and my neck sniffed" I said and Anti laughed "That makes sense, for a claimed one you have an unbelievably good smell, Right Jack?" Jack nodded and I just shrugged but flinched slightly when He bit down with another moan and Jack groan along with another voice.
"I thought I said to not moan Tyler" Mark complained and I giggled but yowled when I felt a lot of pain and Tyler's teeth gone I felt my neck and there was a lot of blood, Vampires started to look over and Anti's eyes Flashed along with Dark's and everyone else's. I gulped and covered my neck "Mark, Jack, Get me out of here!!" I hissed and they nodded urgently and took me away. We'd gotten a few footsteps when Someone took me and started to lick the blood off of my neck, I squirmed trying to get free but relaxed when i realized who it was "It's me" They said and I stopped moving, letting Tyler clean me up. Mark and jack had come towards us and I asked Jack to get the nurse. He nodded and ran off then came back with the Nurse "Oh.... We haven't had a rivalry like this in a long time...." They said and I smiled weakly, the blood loss was getting to me "H-help now please" I said and they nodded "Tyler, let go, I'll die of bloodloss if you don't" Tyler let go for the most part, still holding my waist and I held back blush because that would only make more blood flow. Once I was patched up Tyler got ready to bite down again before the Nurse stopped him "Sorry sonny, you can't drink his blood for a day, but because of your bond you get to stay home tomorrow, you'll be too weak to work" I nodded and Tyler did too. I turned to face him and he looked upset that he'd need to go for a while without my blood but he didn't want to seriously hurt me. I smiled at the thought and the Nurse sent Tyler to get both of our stuff then run us home. And he did...... all in 10 seconds........
"Man, who knew that claiming me would only make more problems....." Muttered and Tyler chuckled. "I know right? Although I'm not surprised. Let's go to sleep, Sleeping will waste most of the time that I can't feed" I nodded in understanding and we climbed the stairs together, He took off his shirt and crawled into the bed. I crawled in after him and curled into his chest, falling asleep. I felt teeth on my neck but no pressure of pain....... I feel bad that he needs so much control while I practically freeload. Other than being a walking buffett I was a free bird, I fell asleep smiling about how he cares enough to restrain but was haunted in said sleep by the thoughts of how I have it easy while he constantly struggles, and it's all my fault..
1784 words
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