Ethan P.o.V
"Thank you..." He whispered to me and my eyes shot open. "W-what?" I asked quietly and he took a couple steps back, folding his arms over his chest 'Thank you, you're the only one to ever even offer to be alone with me. Most people are too scared to even talk to me, but you were prepared to get bit, even though I would never bite you without your consent. It's kinda a Vampire law to get consent or It's the same scenario as rape" He explained further making me smile "You're really kind, but if you want you can have some" He looked confused so i elaborated "My Blood" His eyes widened and flashed with something that I couldn't read before he backed even further away from me "I-I couldn't!" He stammered and I tilted my head "Why not? You have my consent" I pointed out and he sighed "It'll ruin your perfectly smooth neck, and it'll hurt....... A lot..." He said softly. I smiled softly and got up, walking over to him "Let's head back before they think you killed me or something" I suggested and he nodded, leading the way back to the lunchroom.
"Ethan!! You're ok and you don't even have a mark?" Jack said confusion clear in his voice "He didn't want to drink my blood" I said like it was obvious and they all looked shocked "B-but... You smell so good and your neck is so smooth...." Said another Vampire in the group, I saw all those who could smell me nod in agreement "He didn't want to, I gave him my consent to take blood and he refused" I stated as Tyler was walked back to me. I hadn't even noticed he walked off in the first place. "Isn't that right Tyler?" I asked him and he nodded pulling me into his chest and I heard several werewolves, vampires, and demons growl "What?" I asked them and most of them stayed quiet but Anti, being Anti, was the only one to explain, "It's a form of marking, he's putting his scent on you so that others are more likely to stay away" He said growling at Tyler and I shrugged "If it gets people to stop sniffing me I'm cool with it" I stated simply while scanning the crowd. My eyes landed on a girl who was glaring daggers at Tyler, her eyes glowing red, I felt Tyler tighten his grip on me when he saw her coming closer. He growled and I squeaked in slight fear and surprise when I was thrown from Tyler's grip and into Pewd's arms "What's going on? Why are they standing off?" I questioned scared that Tyler would get hurt and Dark answered for Felix "Wiishu challenged Tyler for claim of you, she's the girl that licked you earlier" I growled when I heard that it was her and I got up and walked back to Tyler who tried to push me away but I used my powers of Ice to temporarily freeze him in place while I dealt with this Wiishu girl "So cutie, are you going to step back and let us fight or are you going to pick someone" She purred and I felt like barfing, it was sickening to listen to her try and seduce me, especially since I'm gay "I choose Tyler, Unlike some people may think, he actually wanted to make sure I was comfortable rather than just get my blood, I feel safe around him" I stated clearly and she growled sending rain down on everyone but I stopped it by freezing it and sending the frozen pellets of what was now hail towards her and she ran away cursing. I smiled, satisfied and unfroze Tyler who immediately brought me into a hug "Thank you..." He whispered and I smiled, wrapping my arms around him in return "No, Thank you.."
~Timeskip to End of school~
I was walking with Tyler to his house where I would be staying the night. I knew he would hate me for this but I wanted him to bite me. I wanted him to make a mark that said mine. I smiled lightly at the thought as we walked together in the comfortable silence. Once at his house he opened the door for me and I walked in, down through the hall, and stumbled across a giant room which I assumed is the living room, I was just about to call for Tyler when I was slammed against a wall by a girl who looked a bit older than me but was about my height, I would say she's the female version of tyler with her Brown hair and olive eyes that were a bit more brown than Green.
"Hello there~" She purred as took a deep breath in, her eyes flashing from olive to Red every once in awhile "You smell delicious, why does Tyler always get the good ones" She pouted and I started to panic when she approached my neck, I heard her open her mouth when I heard a voice. "Hannah! Get away from Ethan! Can't you smell that he's claimed!!" Tyler growled in the background and she let go of me turning to face him "Of course I do but You can't actually believe that a smell that strong and that good would be hidden by a clam, you'd need to properly claim him to mask that and even then he's a magnet" She said crossing her arms and I ran over to Tyler "I offered my blood to him but he refused" I put in and she looked shocked "Wait, he willingly offered his blood to you and you didn't take it? Why?" She asked genuinely confused and he sighed "Because he doesn't know just what he's exactly offering, His blood is rare and once someone gets a taste, they probably won't stop....." He explained refusing to look at me, she nodded in understanding "I guess that's true but he seems to want to be claimed, He wasn't really comfortable in my very loose, very light, grip. He isn't like that with you as far as I can tell." She pointed out and I looked away when he looked at me "Do you?" He asked me and I nodded slightly "Y-yeah... I want to know what it feels like and I want people to stop treating me like prey" I muttered but squeaked shortly after as he scooped my legs from underneath me to carry my bridal style up the stairs and down a hallway to what I assumed was his room. He placed me on the bed and Stepped back "Are you positive you want me to do this? I don't want to hurt you without you knowing just how bad it will hurt" He asked one last time and I nodded "I'm 100% Positive that I want to be claimed, I understand It will hurt and that you're worried but I want this, stop making it seem like you're about to take my virginity and bite me already" I said and he sighed walking back to me, moving my head to the side to expose my neck, he licked it repeatedly and I shivered each time. It felt weird but kinda good he pulled back slightly and I looked at him, he had red eyes and bared fangs. I kept myself as relaxed as possible but tensed up immediately when He bit down and started sucking "GAHHHh~~~" I cried out but quickly shut my mouth and I heard him moan when my blood hit his mouth. It made me blush, do I really taste that good, and he was right, this hurts like a bitch! I just sat there trying not to scream as he continued to suck. I felt myself becoming weak from blood loss and I tapped on his neck, he got the hint, taking one last big gulp before retracting. I looked at him and studied his face, It was less strained after getting what it wanted and there was blood on his lip. I giggled and wiped it off, he smirked and Rubbed my mark that was now on my neck.
"Mine~" He muttered and I blushed harder, "You know Tyler, you made a pretty sexy moan when you tasted my blood, what did it taste like?" I asked and he blushed. "W-well... It was like.... I just can't describe it, It smells like honey and vanilla along with a hint of Lavender but It tasted like heaven" He explained to the best of his ability and I nodded "That sounds irresistible, how hard were you straining yourself?" I asked, mildly impressed with his self control "Really Really hard, I kinda wish you could smell it so that you would understand just how lucky I am that you wanted me to claim you" He blushed and I did too "W-well.... You are the only one I could trust, I didn't want to ask Mark or Jack and I most definitely wasn't about to ask Anti or Dark so I guess I trusted you the most to protect me" I said after much thought and I layed down on the bed, exhaustion hitting me again "Let's go to bed" I said and he nodded, crawling into the bad with me. I smiled when he buried me into his chest and we both fell asleep in each other's arms. I'm pretty sure I'm falling for him......
1585 Words
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