Ethan P.o.V
I kept my head down, occasionally blowing strands of my blue dyed hair out of my face. My ears flicked at every noise that was made in the busy school and my hands were tightly grasping the straps of my book bag as I walked down the crowded halls of the Academy. I hissed in pain when I was knocked into and onto the ground by a guy, he smelled like an alpha. He had black hair with the top dyed blood red, his eyes were blood red as well with black where there would've been white. My neko tail flicked in annoyance. I stood up. Ignoring the hand that was extended out. Bad choice. I could feel a sharp and slowly increasing pain in my back as I was slammed into the lockers. I hid my ears and tail due to the disadvantages they could serve me.
"Ethan Mark Nestor Darling" The male alpha in front of me smirked. I could smell my own fear growing when I scented the obviously strained heat scent the male was carrying. I started to cry a little and he smirked "P-pl-please...... n-no" I whimpered and he let me go. I held my breath waiting to be taken away but nothing happened I looked up and saw a new person, he looked similar to the other man but he had mocha brown eyes and a warm smile. "Sorry about that, I have to keep Dark near me but sometimes he abuses his powers as a demon" The man in front of me said holding out a hand to shake, I took it. "The name's Mark, I already told you His name" Mark said pointing to the man who had attacked me and I nodded nervously and Dark smirked, they were obviously twins. "I-I wanted to know how D-dark knew my n-name. My f-full name" I stuttered still not fully trusting Mark due to the similarities in appearances between him and Dark. "Oh, that, he's a demon, directly linked to Lucifer and therefore has knowledge of things that on some occasions even God doesn't know, it's weird and complicated but you get used to it." He said it like it was nothing but I couldn't shake the feeling that there was more. A lot more. I nodded and said goodbye, Hiding my ears and tail on my way to my class.
Once in the room my anxiety went through the roof when I felt and heard all the whispers and stares from my classmates. I found a seat in the back, trying to ignore all of the people who just stared at me, not caring if I saw them staring or not. I sat down and looked through my book bag, looking for my art book, once I'd found it I closed my bag and pulled a pencil from my pocket, starting to sketch a boy in the rain holding a hockey mask to cover half of his face, his whole face had clown makeup (Kinda like the picture above) I was interrupted by the teacher who was already doing role call "Ethan Darling?" I raised my hand and he smiled "Ah, one of the new kids! Welcome to Youtuber Academy, If you ever need help come to me" He said and I nodded slightly, I hated attention and now I had the whole of the class paying attention to me, Please just look away already.... I sighed when most of them did, a couple were still staring but I decided it was better than before then went back to my drawing. The bell rang and I packed up my stuff, making sure not to crumple any of my drawings before I got up to leave. I'd taken maybe three steps out the door when I was slammed into a locker..... Again. "So, Darling, How are you?" Wait... I know that voice. I looked up and smiled widely at the face I was greeted with I jumped up wrapping my arms around him "Felix!!" I squealed and he hugged me tightly "Hi Ethan" We hugged for a moment longer before pulling away "God I missed your dumb Swedish Face in the mornings and that dumb intro of your's at night" I giggled and he stepped back in mock hurt "How dare you! You know that I'm the most intelligent person you know!" He said confidently and I hit his arm lightly "You're so full of yourself! So, how you been man? How was Sweden and Sean?" I asked and he flinched slightly "Uh.... Sweden was amazing and Sean goes by Jack now, Did you know he's in this school?" My jaw dropped "Whaaaaaaaa?!?!?!? Why wasn't I informed earlier!! Is he in study hall now or something?" Felix shook his head "No, he's out back with Anti, Mark, and Dark" I cringed "I don't really like Dark, he's already slammed me into a locker, that shit hurt like a mo fo" I said sassily and he giggled "Well now I'm with you, let's go say hi" I nodded and we walked off to see them together.
Once at the back of the school Felix started calling for Sean, well, I guess it's Jack now. "JACK!!!" Felix yelled and we finally got a reply "JUST UP AHEAD FE!!" He yelled back, satisfied, Felix stopped yelling and we continued to walk but Felix broke into a run once he saw Jack "JACK! MARK! ANTI! DARK!" He hollered and they all turned to look, Mark and Jack ran to meet him Halfway while Anti and Dark just walked over. I stayed where I was. Mark, Jack, and Felix chatted a bit when Felix brought me up and Jack looked ecstatic while Mark looked a bit guilty. They all turned to there I was standing and Fe motioned me over. I took a deep breath walking over and Jack took me into a hug the second I was in arm's reach "I missed you! Ye lil Shite! How come You din't come o'er sooner?" I looked over at Dark and Anti who were looking at me like I was prey, Jack followed my gaze "Oh.... Yeah I guess that's a reason." I nodded not noticing that Anti and Dark had moved closer to me until Felix pulled my into him with a growl. "Not yours" He told the two demons and they just smirked "No, But I sure that Mark can see why we want him" Mark nodded guiltily "I can't help it.... He smells really, really, good" He mumbled and I nodded in understanding. "I get that a lot, by the way, Aren't Dark and Anti Fallen Angels, not Demons?" I asked letting My neko ears and Tail pop out again Dark Punched the air and Anti ran up and took me from Felix and into his grasp "YES!!! FINALLY SOMEONE THAT UNDERSTANDS!!!" Dark yelled and I giggled as Anti used me as a Teddy bear "Anti, let go of Ethan, and Dark, I will never understand the difference so deal with it" Mark said and both men sighed, obeying their orders "Well then, Should we introduce him to Tyler or not? If he really smells that good we might have a problem" Jack said also letting his ears and tail out, Mark seemed to stiffen when Jack said that "I never thought of it..... I think we should but don't let Tyler touch Ethan, he'll hear his heartbeat then lose control if we do that" Mark said and the rest agreed. I was nervous about this Tyler guy but I guess it's ok.....
We went back inside and realized that we skipped a class but none of us really cared, we had good enough grades to pull it off, not including Dark and Anti who literally cared about nothing related to school. We went to the Lunchroom and I just followed quietly as Felix, Mark, Jack, Ant, and Dark led me to this Tyler person I'd be meeting. I was prepared for the stares but what I wasn't prepared for was someone to grab wy waist and Lick my neck. I shivered and let out a loud squeak causing Anti to turn around and Growl as he walked over to me. I heard a whimper and felt the hands leave my waist. I sighed in relief and thanked Anti "It's no problem, I know that girl so It was also kinda personal but you're ours. As in Mine, Mark's, Dark's, Jack's, and Pewd's, not her's" I nodded in slight understanding, holding onto Anti's arm as we caught back up to the group. Once we did we were already with this Tyler person. They stiffened once I was like 4 feet away "Something smells, Really, really, good..." He muttered and I felt a chill go down my spine. I was still holding onto Anti when He said that and Anti being Anti, he growled protectively and wrapped his arms around me "That would be our friend Ethan, He's a Neko with a lovely scent. I can't figure out why myself but it's super good" Mark said and I shrugged, I couldn't smell it but I'll take their word for it i guess.. "H-hi, I'm Ethan, you must be T-tyler" I stuttered and he looked at me, His eyes flashed for a second before changing color from and Beautiful Blue to a blood thirsty red I gulped and Felix yelled "HOLD HIM!!" Everyone around Tyler ran to him and pushed him to the ground as he tried to get to me and I fell backwards In shock falling into Anti "Shh, it's ok, he's a vampire and you smell damn good so He kinda lost it, I'm kinda losing it too but not as much as him" He explained like this was normal "Was he like this with Jack?" I asked and Anti Nodded "Mark too actually, just never this bad" I nodded and got up. "Any way I can help?" I asked a bystander "No, unless you are willing to get your blood sucked" she responded and I nodded "Ok" I walked over to Tyler and everyone looked at me like I was crazy, which is probably true "Let him go" I said and they looked at me "I said let him go!!" I repeated in a harsher tone and they let him go. He got up quickly and started dragging me to a different place. I let him and waved to everyone in a silent goodbye as He dragged me. Once out of the lunchroom he picked me up and slung me over his shoulder taking me to a part of school I'd never been in. I opened the door to a room and walked in then set me down on a table. I watched him carefully as he stared me down. I tensed slightly when he sighed then got closer to me and licked my neck, I shivered and squirmed slightly I shut my eyes tight waiting for the pain as he opened his mouth and............
Sorry not sorry for the clifhanger
1845 words
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