7] your beautiful life
live your beautiful life- lights follow
He drummed his fingers out the check out counter, eyes trained on the large windows, anxiously waiting for your arrival. He'd been sitting and watching random people walk by for the past hour since he got off the phone with you. He knew that walking from your place in Poipu all the way to the Koloa shopping center would probably take a while, but he couldn't stop anticipating your arrival. He was kicking himself for not offering to come pick you up instead, but now, it was already too late.
His earlier conversation with Kai bounced around in his mind as he waited, forcing him to reconsider everything the slightly older boy had said to him. Kai's initial hesitation of you was bothersome to Hoseok and was continually weighing on his mind. Kai claimed to understand Hoseok's craving for a deeper relationship by the time that conversation was over, but Hoseok wasn't entirely convinced he was telling the truth.
Hoseok was starting to like you, and his friend's discouraging attitude was troublesome.
But then all the sudden you were there in front of the shop, immediately pulling Hoseok out of his deep and swirling thoughts. He watched as you glanced up at the sign, probably making sure that you had the correct store. He was smiling the instant the door swung open, ecstatic to be greeted by an equally enthusiastic facial expression from you. He was so glad you actually came, and that you seemed genuinely excited to be there. He could only hope his relationship longings weren't completely one-sided.
"Welcome to Koloa Ukes," he greeted you, his heart practically exploding with pure happiness. Hoseok smiled a lot anyway, it was just apart of his personality. His friends and family had always complimented him on his dimples and sweet smile. But when he was with you, he found himself smiling even more often than he did before, which strangely seemed like it should've been impossible. He felt too happy.
You looked cute as you strode into the store, your hair casually falling around your shoulders and framing your face in an accidentally perfect manner. He couldn't help but stare. And smile more.
"Thank you," you grinned in response, walking to the counter to stand in front of him. "Nice uniform," You nodded at his sun-faded blue T-shirt that read "Koloa Ukes aren't Flukes!"
"One of the requirements of this job is to wear every bad pun that Alec plasters on a shirt," Hoseok explained, enjoying watching as your face scrunched up from all the giggles.
"Oh, it's the owner's son. He's a nice guy, but I swear he comes up with the cheesiest T-shirt designs," Hoseok moved out from behind the check-out counter, you following him as he walked toward the corner of the store. "Do you play the ukelele?"
"I wish I could, but I'm not the most musically inclined," you sighed, eyes traveling down the wall filled with ukeleles in every print and color imaginable. Even for Hoseok, who worked at the store several times a week, was often impressed by the varying selections of ukes the store had to offer.
"I'll have to teach you to play sometime then," he murmured casually.
"I would like that."
He smiled at your simple response, biting his lip to keep himself from full-on grinning. He was being too obvious about how happy you made him, and it was too early to be that explicit about his feelings considering Hoseok didn't quite understand them himself. Much like Kai, Hoseok didn't know why he felt so drawn to you. He just knew that he was undeniably attracted and startlingly already so comfortable around you. The fact that you would be leaving the island in a few short months escaped his mind, and he planned on throwing himself into his emotions and letting them recklessly guide him. If there was pain to be dealt with from that decision, he would deal with it later.
"Do you get lonely working here by yourself?" You prompted, still wandering around and observing all the little details to be found in the small store.
"Sometimes," he was honest, because he wasn't scared of transparency. Especially with you.
"I'm sure that gets frustrating," you sounded sympathetic.
"It does, but I try to stay positive about it all. I'm grateful to have a consistent job," he shrugged, slowly trailing behind you as you made your way around.
"I like that about you."
"That you're always looking for the bright side in everything." You picked up a small ceramic turtle that was sitting on the checkout counter, examining it as you spoke.
"There's so much negativity in the world, and I don't want to be a person that adds to that," he explained, "It's too easy to drown in negative feelings and scary things. It's better to not focus on them."
"That makes sense... I wish I was more like that..." You set the turtle down, turning to face Hoseok.
"I wasn't born this way; it takes practice. I used to be really negative until I realized how badly it can affect me." he spoke softly, his eyes meeting yours again. He felt a strange feeling in his chest. He wanted to touch you, to take your hand as he spoke. He resisted the urge, though.
"I like that about you, too."
"That you care enough to make changes that will benefit you and those around you. I like that a lot."
Hoseok's boss called and let him off an hour early since the traffic in the store was slow anyway.
"You hungry?" he asked, grabbing his backpack from behind the counter and sliding it over his shoulder.
"I could definitely eat," you agreed, excited that Fun Time with Hoseok wasn't over just yet.
There was a pizza place two stores down, and the smell alone nearly had your mouth watering.
"Best pizza in Koloa," Hoseok smirked, opening the door and holding it for you to walk in.
The shop wasn't very crowded as it was just after lunch rush hour, fortunately for you and Hoseok's growling stomachs. You sat across from each other at a table toward the back after ordering a pizza with no pineapples, per your request.
"I can't believe you don't like pineapple on pizza," Hoseok teased, stirring some Splenda into the iced tea that he ordered.
"I can't believe you like sweet tea," you teased him right back, sticking your tongue out at him.
"C'mon what's wrong with sweet tea?" he removed the spoon he was stirring with and set it down on the table.
"It's such a Southern staple, I'm surprised you like it, that's all."
"Fair enough, but have you ever had a good, cold glass of it?" he raised his eyebrows.
"Not really," you admitted. Hoseok's jaw practically dropped open. He pushed his glass of tea over to you.
"Drink it. I'll order another one," he insisted, his eyes sparkling with excitement that you were trying something new.
You couldn't argue with those eyes so you complied, taking a drink. He eyed you as you did so, waiting for your verdict.
"Alright, I give up. It's good."
"Ha! I told you so," he grinned, sending a rush of heat to your cheeks and the back of your neck. You knew for sure you were turning red, but like a gentleman, Hoseok didn't comment on the blush to save you from further embarrassment. You appreciated that.
The pizza was brought out a few moments later, warm and delicious. You cheered in excitement, your stomach growling at the sight as you reached for a piece.
"You're so cute," Hoseok gushed, pulling a piece off the pan.
"What?" you mumbled through a mouth-full, his words catching you off guard.
"You heard me," he replied with a sly smile before beginning to eat as well.
To that, you had no decent response that wouldn't result in even more embarrassment, so you just continued to eat your pizza.
"Tell me about you," Hoseok said in between bites, gracefully transitioning the subject.
"What do you wanna know?"
"You're going to have to be a bit more specific than that," you chuckled.
"I mean it, though. Tell me whatever you want. I want to know it all."
And so as the two of you devoured an entire extra-large pizza in an unreasonably short amount of time, you gave Hoseok some random facts about yourself. You told him your favorites movies and books. You told him your favorite childhood memory. You told him about your family, and carefully and vividly described everyone in it. Hoseok was all ears the whole time, interested in everything you had to say, and actively asking follow-up questions as well.
He insisted on paying for the meal even though you had brought your wallet along. He said he wanted to treat you today, and you could pay for the next meal shared together if you wanted. To that, you agreed because it seemed fair.
"What's your biggest fear?" you asked him once the walk home begun. You walked close enough to him that your shoulder would brush his every once in a while. You wished you could hold his hand.
"My biggest fear?"
"Hmm," he considered the question for a few moments, grabbing your wrist and protectively pulling you to the other side of him. "I don't want you walking next to the highway," he explained, leaving you slightly flustered.
"I guess my biggest fear is being helpless," he finally answered another few moments later. He seemed like he had put genuine thought into his answer.
"What do you mean exactly?"
"I fear being in a bad situation and not being able to do anything about. Literally, I'm afraid of being helpless, in any measure," he looked forward as he walked, glancing at you occasionally. "What's yours?"
"Floating through life without accomplishing anything meaningful...Whether it's a job, or a relationship...Just, not experiencing anything deeper than surface level kind of happiness, I guess," you would've never admitted that truth to anyone else so easily. You had barely even admitted that truth to yourself prior to the conversation with Hoseok. Something about him compelled you to be honest, though.
"I think we all experience that kind of fear in some form or another," Hoseok comforted you with those words, "But you shouldn't worry about that. You're already making meaningful impacts on the world around you."
"Thanks, Hoseok."
The conversation was light and random the rest of the way home and you were acutely aware of every time Hoseok's arm would brush against yours. You didn't want to say goodbye when you saw the driveway of the shared house, but you were also feeling shy about asking him if he wanted to continue hanging out. You settled for an indirect medium.
"What are you up to for the rest of the day?" you asked, purposely walking about slower after turning onto your street, nearly at the driveway.
"I'll probably just go home and chill for a bit. I don't feel like surfing today, and that's where the rest of the gang is," Hoseok said.
You weren't sure where the courage came from, but it appeared suddenly, and you ran with it. "Do you wanna come inside then? See the house? Meet the roomies? Help me and Mia make some ice cream?"
He grinned, "I'd love to."
You grinned back, not hiding your smile for a single second.
You were explicitly happy, and you wanted him to know that it was because of him.
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