11] preparations
falling into you- hillsong young & free
"Okay, spill! I'm dying to know the details," you said the second you and Mia arrived back at the house. It was so late, but you weren't tired. You were too hyped up on all the emotions and excitement of the night. After all, Hoseok had given you the sweetest goodnight kiss and you were still blushing from it.
"I don't know what you're talking about," Mia played dumb, kicking her shoes off by the door before throwing herself down on the couch, letting out a big sigh.
"Why are you making me work hard for this? Obviously, I'm talking about you and Kai," you gave her a knowing look and sat down in the adjacent living room chair.
"Oh, that."
"Yeah, that," you narrowed your eyes at her, "C'mon, I'm so curious. Hoseok and I were shocked when we saw you guys alone together."
"Speaking of Hoseok, what exactly happened with you guys when you disappeared off down the beach?"
"Don't turn this back on me," you chuckled, "I'll tell you about Hoseok and me when you spill about Kai!"
"Ugh, fine," she began reluctantly. "We may have sort of hit it off..."
"I knew it! What happened?"
"Well, I was just helping Kaylen sort through the fireworks when Kai suddenly appeared to help us both, like we weren't capable of sorting through the box on our own," she laughed.
"Sounds like Kai. He's super overprotective of Kaylen, and I think having him out on the beach like that at night makes him nervous."
"I thought they all night surfed together?"
"They won't let Kaylen come. Well, I guess it's really just Kai who won't let him come. He acts like a helicopter parent."
"That's not necessarily always a bad thing," Mia shrugged.
"Are you defending him right now?" you gushed, "You have a crush don't you?"
"Anyway, we started casually small-talking," Mia continued, ignoring your question as a hint of blush overcame her cheeks.
"You small-talked with Kai?"
"Why, is that weird?"
"Kai's generally not the small-talk type. He must be into you if he struck up a conversation without being prompted to do so," you smirked.
"Stop looking at me like that!"
"So what happened then? How did you guys end up alone?"
"He asked if I wanted to go walk along the water."
Mia was blushing even harder than she was before, "It's not a big deal."
"This is Kai we're talking about here! 'I-Hate-Everyone-That's-Not-Kaylen-Or-Hoseok-Or-Lea- Kai!"
"Well, we just walked and talked for a bit, that's all," Mia tried to be calm and nonchalant, but it was clear she was struggling to hide her excitement about the boy.
"Dude, that hiking trip is going to be amazing. You're gonna be stuck in the literal jungle with him for like 3 days," you giggled, "I'm such a good match-maker. You're welcome."
"Thanks," she rolled her eyes.
Then you winked and shuffled off to bed.
"Are you sure they aren't gonna punch or something for waking them up so early?" Felix said as he walked along Hoseok up the drive to your house.
"It's 10 a.m. I wouldn't exactly consider that to be early."
"It's early to me," he yawned.
"That's just because you don't go to sleep until 2 in the morning," Hoseok knocked lightly on the front door.
A moment later, the door swung open, but he wasn't met with yours or Mia's face. Unfortunately, he was faced with Paige. She was wearing a facemask and holding a protein shake, a Gucci bathrobe wrapped around her body. Hoseok internally cursed himself for not calling you ahead of time. Last time he encountered Paige, things hadn't exactly gone well. She still wasn't used to him hanging around, and she made it explicitly clear how much she didn't like him.
"H-Hey, Paige. Good morning," he said, forcing the lightest and politest tone he could manage to hopefully avoid another lecture from her.
"What are you doing here?" she mumbled through the face mask before reluctantly pulling it off of her face, "Thanks for making me waste 30 dollars." She threw the facemask out on the lawn.
"First of all, that's littering, and you're in Hawaii for crying out loud. Second of all, what kind of face mask costs 30 dollars? What's it made out of? Gold? Panda Hair?" Felix's sassy side was coming out in full swing and Hoseok turned his head slightly, grimacing at his friend.
"Who's this?" she nodded in an annoyed manner toward Felix before taking a swig of her protein shake.
"Doesn't matter, okay? Please just get Mia and Y/N for me," Hoseok said, struggling to maintain his polite attitude.
"Whatever. Just come in." She walked away from the door, leaving it wide open so Hoseok and Felix could walk inside.
"She is intense," Felix muttered under his breath, "She needs to chillax."
"Your 'First of all, second of all' speech probably didn't help," Hoseok whispered back.
"Y/N! Your goons are here!" Paige yelled down the hallway before plopping down on the couch and putting a new face mask on.
"Goons?" Felix mouthed, and Hoseok just rolled his eyes.
You appeared a moment later, looking a bit sleepy. But, you were already dressed in day clothes, so it didn't appear that Paige's yelling had woken you up. Your tired eyes lit up when they met with Hoseok's.
"What are you guys doing here?" you smiled widely, skipping over to give Hoseok a modest hug. He hadn't seen you since Independence Day because you had a lot of school work to get ahead on before the hiking trip, so he appreciated the hug and how cute you were being.
"Felix got the permits for us, so we came to pick you and Mia up so we can go shopping to get supplies," he explained, "Is Mia home?"
"Yeah, let me get her."
"You two are awfully cozy now," Felix nudged Hoseok, smirking slightly after you walked off.
"Well, we like each other. What can I say?"
"Not to be a downer, but what about when she moves back home?" he whispered.
"Trying not to think about that right now," Hoseok mumbled, and you and Mia came into the living room.
"Everyone's out in the cars, so we'll leave once you guys are ready," Felix said.
"Even Kai?" You asked, grinning at Mia.
"Yes, even Kai," Hoseok said, "You'll have to fill me in on what happened between those two later."
"I'm not going to go if you guys don't stop harassing me about him," Mia was joking, but already blushing again.
"We brought both cars so that way no one has to sit in the back since we're going all the way to Lihue," Felix said, gracefully changing the subject for Mia's shake.
"Sounds good. I'm ready to go if Y/N is," Mia gave Felix a grateful smile.
"I'm ready," you said.
"LET'S GOOOOOO!" Felix roared excitedly.
"Bro, we're just going to Safeway. You are way too hype.
"There's no such thing as being too hype," Felix said, twirling and running out the front door.
Everyone intentionally made sure that Mia ended up in the car with Kai, and you and Hoseok made sure you were in that car as well so eavesdropping and observing could be done. Lea, Felix, and Kaylen were in the truck, and they would follow the rest of you to the store.
"Lihue is like 45 minutes away, right?" You asked, buckling your seatbelt. Mia was sitting in the front next to Kai, while Hoseok and you were in the back.
"Yeah. We could've gone somewhere a bit closer, but Safeway tends to have more variety," Hoseok said, before putting a finger to his lips, signaling for both of you to be quiet. You furrowed your eyebrows at him, seemingly confused. He pulled out his phone to send you an explanation message.
new message to Y/N: i want to hear what mia and kai start talking about, or if they talk at all ;)
new message from Y/N: good plan
"So, did you sleep well?" Kai said, beginning to drive off down the road.
"Yeah, pretty well. I had to stay up late last night to finish writing an essay for school. How about you?" Mia replied, seeming pretty comfortable with having a conversation with him.
"I'm glad you got some rest. I, on the other hand, did not. I have some low-grade insomnia, so I'm pretty used to it, though," Kai explained. You and Hoseok both looked at each other, pretty much in shock.
new message to Y/N: i have never seen him be so open about his insomnia.
new message from Y/N: he even asked if she slept well. girls always think that's so cute. :0
"Oh, that really sucks. I'm sorry you have to deal with that," Mia sympathized with him, and Kai briefly looked over at her with a smile.
new message from Y/N: Love. Love is happening. and i am so excited.
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