Sugar, Spice and an attitude the size of a country
When Evie came around from the obvious nap she had taken, well she had hoped Jace hadn't knocked her out. That would be a little mean even for him, yes already taking a small disliking to him was probably not the best thing she could have done but here she was. She was suddenly aware that the room was no longer occupied by just her sister and her. They weren't directly in Evie's eyesight at first, so she wasn't sure if they were the medical team coming to check up on their patient or if they were hostile people.
That was until they were in her path of vision. The group that had entered the room, successfully waking both Fray sisters, were a trio. As Evie's eye adjusted to their surroundings she could make sense that they were the figures of two men and a woman. The first one she could clearly focus on was the woman who had taken a seat on Clary's bed, just feet away from where Evie slouched in her chair. This woman was nothing short of stunning. With long dark hair and features that looked as though they were sculpted from marble. It wasn't until the dark eyes of the woman made contact with Evie's own that she placed her as the blonde from the club the night beforehand. The one she had been not so subtly at all checking out before whatever happened went down. The only difference here was the hair colour, it hinted that the woman's hair had most likely been a wig the night prior, but it also hinted that once again Evie did seem to be instantly attracted to brunettes. Even if she felt guilt regarding her attraction.
"I'm Isabelle." The woman greeted, Evie wasn't sure who it was directly intended towards possibly both sisters. Yet she couldn't deny that the name suited the woman well. Evie had no clue what Isabelle actually meant, name wise she could tell what an introduction was supposed to be, but she was sure it was related to beauty. It had to be for this Isabelle was stunning, nothing short of goddess. Evie could admit that, she wasn't not able to admit when someone was conventionally beautiful.
The next figure Evie clearly laid her eyes upon was the blonde of Jace she had met the night before. Thinking of the most mature thing she could do to greet him, Evie stuck out her tongue to mock him along with the very classy gesture of her middle finger. He responded with the exact same guested and that was when Evie decided that he might have been a class A asshole but they were going to be friends. The jock and the loner stereotypes who turned into a strange friendship that only they could understand. He was a dick but one she would easily get along with.
Blue eyes met blue as Evie went to survey the final figure in the room. This man had contrasting dark brown hair and he was sculpted in the way that Evie could only imagine was how human Hercules would look. Everything about him screamed conventionally attractive, model like physique. He was someone Evie was sure wouldn't just turn her head if she was straight, he would have been given a second or third look, for certain. However, there was one thing she noticed almost immediately. The way he stood, now Evie didn't necessarily have a bad past with men, there was something that screamed at her to not cross him. He was ready for a fight to the death at any given moment and that was enough to warn her. She soon enough found out that his name was Alec. And the clear resemblance between him and Isabelle became more obvious the longer Evie watched the two. It was as clear as her and Clary being sisters. Especially as the brother and sister pair looked as though they could have walked straight out of the pages of a magazine.
Within minutes of the group of five being formed, the siblings left the Fray sisters and Jace alone in the medical bay. Jace had to do the task that their mom had tried to do the night beforehand. Break the world of the supernatural things that go bump in the night to the two girls. Though it was aimed at both, Evie knew that it would be more important for Clary to listen considering she had missed out on their mother telling them the night before. What Jace was saying wasn't much more than what their mother had let on the night before. His words were harsher and more to the point than Jocelyn's had been the night before. But they were effective, she wouldn't deny that. As Clary began to question what she was being told, Evie could give Jace prompts for being patient enough to answer them all. No matter how ridiculous the questions appeared at first he seemed more than happy to answer them. That was until Clary's phone rung out, her loud and rather annoying custom ring tone interrupting the conversation and bringing it to a close.
Clary reached out to grab her discarded mobile from the bedside table, where Evie had placed it nicely the night before. And as she did so, Evie was able to see that Simon's caller ID was the one to flash across the screen. Though she could not hear what the boy was saying on the other side of the phone, taking from Clary's responses and attempts to fumble over why they were currently inside a run down church she could work out enough of the conversation. It would seem that Clary had forgotten that she had find my friends enabled, and when Simon hadn't heard from his best friend after she had disappeared in a club after a guy, it made sense as to why he was contacting Clary. After all, he was bordering somewhere strangely between best friend and brother at this current point in time. Even if he wanted to be more. It was a shame to say those feelings were not reciprocated. Well kinda, Evie wasn't sure she ever wanted to see her sister and Simon having a make out session, talk about weird.
But the thing that this particular conversation had prompted her, or partial conversation had prompter her to was why were they in this building. Sure she had a tiny little explanation, she was sure it was obviously a place her sister could receive appropriate help. But she needed to know a little more. Such as firstly why everyone here was so attractive, that must have been something illegal going on. Perhaps they also operated as a gentleman's club or a stripper club on the sidelines to get some extra money. And she needed to know if this place was a comic book nerd's wet dream. It sure seemed that way but she needed confirmation.
She also desperately needed a shower. The fact that she could smell herself was the first indicator. The mirror just above the sink in the room also hinted that she really needed a wash. For her face was smeared slightly from the makeup she wore the night before. Mascara coated under her eyes and onto her cheeks sightly. Her hair and face seemed to be covered in dust and maybe even little fragments of maybe wood, she wasn't sure what they were. But she looked rough, as an understatement. And Evie knew that she needed to get clean. She turned to Jace, knowing that he would be the only one who knew how she could sort herself out, and it would appear he had already prepared for such a situation. He dumped two pairs of clothing onto the bed from where they had been previously kept on one of the tables in the room.
"Isabelle left you these." He waved his hand in the direction of the clothing and Evie took her time to examine both piles. She instantly knew that considering one had a skirt in it, that her sister would be avoiding that like it was an infectious disease. And considering she had shaved for the events of yesterday, she would be more than comfortable in a skirt for the time being. As long as it wasn't too cold out.
The fraternal twins were then directed towards the bathroom located inside the room. Now this bathroom was like most hospital ensuite ones, if you were lucky to get an ensuite in a hospital room. Meaning that it wasn't the biggest and two people getting changed in there was a hazard. Therefore, Evie was a nice sister and let Clary go first, considering she seemed to just want to freshen up and then get dressed. When Clary came out, which was only a few minutes after entering. Evie scrambled inside. The bathroom was more of a wet room and therefore knowing it could be a slip hazard Evie was thankful that her sister hadn't showered.
Upon finishing her shower, Evie did not rush it she seemed no point in doing so. It was finally time to investigate the clothing pile she had been gifted. Nothing seemed to have been forgotten as the pile included both a pair of shoes and new underwear. Though Evie took to keeping on the same bra she had on the night before. The black skirt she pulled on was form flattering, rather than form fitting as it allowed plenty of movement. She also tucked in the white long sleeved shirt that accompanied it leaving the top two buttons undone and folding the top of the sleeve over the black denim jacket that topped the outfit off. Clary had left her sister both a hairbrush and a bottle of deodorant, which were put into very good usage. And as Evie raked the brush through her wet hair she poked her head out of the bathroom to see where the others had gotten to.
Only to find the hospital room now empty. This meant she was going to have to either wait around until someone came to get her or find her way on her own. And Evie, at least thought she was, was an independent woman and therefore could work out her way around the building she was in. All she had to do was walk down the different corridors until she heard voices and then hope they could direct her to her sister. After all, how many red heads could be in this one building at any one point?
It would seem following the voices was going to work in her favour. Considering it had brought her not only to the foyer area she recognised from the night beforehand. But as she went through the front door and outside she found the exact person she was looking for. After all Clary always had, and would probably always be, a bit of a drama magnet. And considering she was in the middle of some sort of testosterone battle it seemed that way again. For on one side she had Simon, who was begging for something. And then on the other was Jace doing whatever he did, Evie wasn't sure but he probably was like standing there all gloomy and stuff.
The trio were suddenly aware of Evie's arrive considering the door slammed as she exited. And as they turned to see her Simon's eyes widened behind the wire frames of his glasses.
"Evie! Please see some reason, unlike your sister, come with me. I can help you find your mom, you don't have to stay with strangers to do so." His voice was a blend of pleading and desperation. As it would appear he had been arguing with Clary about this for a little while before Evie had even arrived.
"I'm sorry Simon but you should know this by now, where Clary goes I go."
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