- Desecration -
With great power comes great responsibility
Despite the Dot who stood before her's best attempts Evie was not able to give any decent information regarding the cup she was so desperately searching for. Evie had never taken any notice of the stock they held in the shop at any one time, it had never been something she had been interested in for most of her life, and that hadn't changed recently nor would it in the foreseeable future. Therefore, as she stood there dumbfounded staring at Dot, who wasn't dot but also was, she hoped that Clary's incessant need to constantly be heard would help them both out. That Clary would be able to calm down Dot, who was still as pretty as normal dot but also wasn't, and they could figure out what was going on together. As a team. Or like at least find out who this was if it wasn't their cute little shopkeeper.
But considering neither twin had any actual decent information to provide the not-Dot with, it would seem that they could no longer keep the peace, if there was any to begin with. For the not-Dot let out this horrifying scream. A scream so powerful it could have levelled a city. Obviously it didn't because Evie was being a little dramatic, but still it hurt her eyes. Her ears rang and her head hurt at this sound and Evie pondered if this was truly what her life was going to become. For the not-Dot, as she had nothing other to call it by, was no longer in a human form. It was replaced with a dark ominous figure with eight or maybe nine tentacles that were swiped out towards the twins.
Evie wasted no time in jumping back from the path of the tentacles. She would waste no time in avoiding them. If the history channel had taught her anything it was that even octopus' tentacles were dangerous, and she knew it was best to avoid them. Her sister obviously didn't pay as much attention to the TV as Clary used the emergency axe, she had raided from the fire emergency box on the wall before entering the apartment, to swing towards not Dot. The wing of the axe swiped in the general direction of the not-Dot, yet it failed to make contact. The distance between the axe and it's target was still too great to actual have been worth the energy the swing consumed.
The failed attack towards not-Dot, had turned the creatures attention to solely be focused on Clary for a moment, turning all attempts of an attack to the older twin. Clary wasn't successful in dodging all of the attacks as one of the tentacles, man Evie hated tentacles, struck Clary on the shoulder blade instantly tearing through the item of clothing Clary had on and meeting the flesh below. Evie rushed to catch her sister as she crumpled to the floor, allowing her to be eased gently so that a head injury was avoided. Once placed safely on the floor Evie turned to look not-Dot in the eye, not that she was certain it was the eyes she was staring at, but her point remained.
"Hey I'm the only one allowed to win unfairly in a fight against my sister." Evie grumbled remembering that she still had the throwing knives her mother had gifted her, on her possession. Grasping onto one in each of her hands, Evie lined up her shot before simultaneously launching both of them towards the head of the not-Dot creature. Hoping that this would stop the oncoming attacks.
Her attempts seemed futile at first considering the not-Dot went to head forward and attack Evie. Letting out a hushed string of swear words Evie pondered just why she ended up here. She wanted to curse the world out for putting her in this situation, like her year hadn't been bad enough up to this point. Though the not-Dot would never get the chance to strike Evie for it was hit from behind. Not-Dot crumpled forwards to the ground turning to ash almost instantaneously. And a figure of a man was revelled from behind.
Yet Evie didn't instantly dwell on the figure, she thought if they were going to attack both her and her sister, that at least she wouldn't have to explain to her mother why the hallway of their apartment was wrecked. Instead, she turned her attention to Clary, who was unconscious remaining in the same spot Evie had laid her in. She rushed to her sister, at least hoping she wasn't on deaths door in that moment. Sure the two barely had anything in common at the present time, but it didn't mean she didn't care for her sister. Often it only translated to their conversations being rather awkward at times. Yet the longer Evie stared at her sister, taking notice of how deep the gash actually was, the sheen of sweat developing on her forehead she realised that just maybe Clary wouldn't make it out the other side of this.
The strange figure who had been once stood just far enough away the Evie couldn't clearly see his features, had also approached her sister. And the closer he got the more familiar he appeared. The honey blonde hair, clothing that replicated something a Death Eater would chose to wear and the way he spoke. Yeah this was the same guy that Clary had been flirting with all night at the club, then caused both twins to get involved with a supernatural fight. And somehow he had made it back to their apartment just in time. The red flags were screaming at Evie to get her sister out of there and to rush her to the hospital.
"Get back." Evie accompanied her words with the harshest glare she could muster in that moment. "Don't even think of touching her."
"We need to get your sister out of here and somewhere safe." He responded seemingly not too off put by her glare.
"There is no 'we' right now. I don't know you, you've been following us all night. If you think you're getting near her I will end you." Evie didn't seem to care too much about the fact that despite any training she had done since a child, she probably wouldn't be able to win in a fight against this man.
"My name's Jace and right now this argument is only making your sister sicker."
"You're a creep is what you are. How do I know you're not going to run off and kill my sister somewhere else?" Evie didn't want to follow this man, she wanted nothing to do with 'Jace' she could already tell he was a bigheaded idiot who cared very little about anything that didn't directly benefit him.
"You're going to have to trust me, my surname is Wayland and I'm a shadow hunter just like your mum." These words seemed to work.
"Get her to help. But if you even think of doing something even the slightest bit wrong you're going to wish we'd never met." Evie allowed him, begrudgingly, to lift her sister up. She knew that she would struggle to carry Clary a great distance as the two weighed roughly the same and Evie didn't think she could lift herself for even a second.
The trio headed down the street in pure silence. Evie had no intent to talk to the man who was currently carrying her sister. At first he had attempted conversation, but she had given no response to his questions. She didn't know what to say at the moment in time, nothing that had occurred in the last 24 hours seemed to be sinking in. Firstly, she had come out to her mother which was something she had expected at least. But since then, nothing seemed to be the same twists and turns followed every corner she passed. And Evie wasn't really looking forwards to what the next one would be.
The streets of their neighbourhood soon passed by and Evie became uncertain of the streets they were taking. Sure she knew the rough area, but the details of the exact street were unknown to her. But the more she walked, the more she felt as though something was off. Perhaps she had been too early in putting her trust in the man who walked beside her. Or maybe it was the entire circumstances which surrounded the current situation which made her feel off. But there was something, she just didn't know what. But it would seem her off feeling would be answered when the man stopped just outside of a building.
This building was run down, there was no question in that, it looked like an old abandoned church, with high windows some of which had been boarded off. A roof that was crumbling and graffiti on the walls. If Evie was being honest, it didn't look far from somewhere where people her age would gather to do drugs. A drug den. And if this man was about to save her sister by introducing her to cocaine, Evie wasn't sure that would have been the weirdest thing she had heard in the last 24 hours.
"We're going in there? That shit-hole?" Evie announced rather loudly.
"Take a closer look dipshit."
"Fuck off jerk." Evie responded before allowing herself to take a closer look. The building had a shimmer to it, but no actual changes occurred to its exterior. "It looks the same from the outside, you idiot." She finished turning to give Jace yet another look of distain.
"Its the inside that counts."
"Oh is that what you tell yourself late at night when you realise how lonely you are?" Evie was quick with her next jab. Sure it wasn't the smartest thing she could have said, she could have gone for something related to a parent but the better remark didn't cross her mind until after she had come up with the stupid one.
"Just get inside, every second you try to be funny your sister dies a little more." Jace scolded her much like a mother would a child. Evie turned and stuck her tongue out at him.
"You're just so fucking good at this comfort thing." Evie listened though as she went to push the wooden doors. They were heavy but the second she managed to get the open and actually step inside, she actually took notice of what Jace had told her to look for. The outside looked run down but the inside, Gretel would have loved to have seen. It was the definition of high tech super secret spy base, it would leave Nick Fury and SHIELD quaking in their boots. And despite wanting to take longer to take in what she was seeing, Evie knew she had to remain close to Jace and her sister. For the worry which was eating away at her demanded she looked at the technology later, she needed to be there for her sister first.
Unfortunately, for Evie Jace had finally used his tall height to move pretty far away from where he had left the other Fairchild. He was way out of eye sight and Evie could only think the worst for what he was planning to do to her sister now she was no longer present. And by not thinking, logically, in where to head Evie pegged it up the stairs. Wondering when she had gotten so unfit, was soon replaced when she heard a heated argument from one of the rooms on the floor she had just entered. Believing this was probably a good place to start looking Evie approached the door.
Peering through the small round windows of the door, allowed Evie to get a glimpse of the room inside. Set out like an old 1950s hospital ward, Evie was barely able to capture the head of honey blonde stood at the back of the room. Taking to chancing it, and hoping that Jace would actually take her sister for medical help. Evie pushed the door open and headed into the room. She was really praying to whoever was up there listening, that her sister was indeed safe in this room.
Her questions were soon answered as she walked towards the back of the hospital bay. For laying on the bed right at the back, nice and secluded, was Clary. She looked peaceful and for a second Evie had to watch her chest see if she was still breathing. Clary was still in the clothes they had brought her in, the cuts and freshly made holes were even more evident against the harsh whites that surrounded the bed space. It would appear that the sweating had started to decrease in magnitude, yet was still proceeding and had started to run down the sides of her head. There was one thing Evie instantly noticed on Clary that hadn't been there before they had entered this weird building. It looked like a tattoo at first, before Evie looked at it in more detail, and it looked more like a branding. Whatever it was, Evie knew their mother would be pissed.
"That thing on her neck, is it permanent?" Evie asked Jace who was still in the room.
"Of course it is." Jace was speaking to her like she was stupid and despite Evie wanting to say something against this, she wanted more to just know whether her sister would be okay.
"Mom is so going to kill us." Evie took a seat in the chair which had been left by Clary's hospital bed. She instantly went to put her head in her hands as she took on just how drastic this situation was. It was only a few months ago when the situations were reversed, yet this time the sibling sat at the bedside was without the parental support that should have been there.
"Is she going to be okay?" Evie's words this time did not take on their normal tone or volume, they were quieter as she let the fear she felt ebb into her words.
"After a good night sleep she should be. The rune is detoxing her blood of the Ravener's poison she should be fine in a couple hours. I'm sure I got the rune on in enough time." At first his words seemed so positive, until they weren't. Yet he made no attempts to stay any longer and help to squash the sudden fear Evie felt.
And soon enough it was just the two Fairchild siblings left alone in the hospital bay. Evie scanned the area for any medical staff, as she supposed that they must have them here, before coming up a blank. Thinking that she wouldn't be told off for doing so, Evie moved her chair so that it was as close to the bed as she physically could be. Reaching over to take one of Clary's clammy hands into her own she muttered a small prayer.
"Don't you leave me too. Please don't leave me Clary."
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