•TWENTY-TWO•The Olden Days•
(just in case you guys don't realize- this takes place in Logan's POV at the beginning of the last chapter.)
"I'm sure, honey. I just want to go on a quick drive by myself."
Logan blinked a few times.
Here he was, standing in his foyer, his husband wanting to go on a drive all by himself. Alone. For no reason other than he just wanted to.
It could very well be a death sentence if he went through with this, couldn't it?
Logan so badly wanted to tell Patton that Remy was out there, trying to kill him, and not Logan. He was the one in danger, not Logan. But what could telling him possibly do? It could damage his mind, make him terrified of life. Logan just wanted him to be happy.
He just wanted his husband to have a good life.
And... if this made gave him joy...
"I... erm... alright. I can't say no to you, can I?" He chuckled, a bit sadly. "Just- please be safe. Alright? Come home soon. I love you. I love you so much, alright?"
Patton smiled sweetly. "I love you too, Logan. I'll be home soon, okay? You're acting like I'm gonna be gone for, like, ever."
...That's because it could be true.
Logan sighed and leaned forward, putting his hands on Patton's slightly oversized hoodie and kissing him. Patton kissed back, and when they pulled away, he smiled again before quickly slipping out the front door.
Logan stayed by the front window, watching as Patton got out his phone, putting it next to him as he started the car. He pulled out of the driveway and disappeared down the long stretch of the road.
And Logan was alone in the house.
He sighed, walking over to the couch. He really wasn't sure why Patton had so suddenly wanted to leave and go on a drive. Though, Logan guessed it would be okay- he had to call Chase, Jacob, and Stephen sometime soon anyway. They had promised to call again tonight through text.
He quickly got out his phone and called Jacob. He knew they lived in the same house so the other two would definitely be there with him. Jacob picked up pretty quickly.
"Hey, Logan! Whatcha need?"
"Hello, Jacob. Are we going to do more research soon, as we said we would?"
"Huh? ...Oh. Oh! Oh shit. Sorry, I totally forgot about that. Chase and Stephen forgot too, we're playing Plants vs. Zombies on our Xbox because we, uh, we kinda just wanted a taste of nostalgia. Totally lost track of time." Jacob laughed.
"Ah. Well, okay, we can go and do that tomorrow then. Have fun with your game."
"Yep, thanks! Okay, see ya, Logan."
"I'll talk to you later."
Logan leaned back on the couch with a sigh, hanging up the phone. He ran a hand through his hair.
He was... stressed. Maybe he should just take a breather, watch some TV. Hang out a bit in his bedroom.
Logan hoisted himself off the couch and made his way quickly upstairs, laying down in bed. He got out his phone and started checking various social media's, trying to distract himself from the fact his husband was outside, in the dark, all alone.
Speaking of which, Logan should probably check Patton's locat-
Logan immediately sat up in bed at the sudden noise, his phone tumbling out of his hands and into his lap. He listened as he heard the sound of a window opening downstairs.
...oh god.
Oh god. Not this. Not now.
Logan got out of bed and grabbed a pair of scissors before walking out of his bedroom, approaching the stairs and looking down them. He saw a torso covered in a black leather jacket slowly slipping through the window. The man got in and closed the window, setting a to-go coffee cup on the ground.
And Logan marched down the stairs.
"Remy, get the fuck out of my house."
Remy turned around and raised his eyebrows, seeing Logan standing at the bottom of the stairs, before letting out a huff and crossing his arms.
"Hmm. Well, I think I'm already here, darling, so I might as well stick around. Say, where is your husband, anyway? Upstairs?"
Logan hesitated before speaking, but he decided he might as well tell the truth. "...He's out. On a drive. I guess it's a good thing I ended up letting him go, though, isn't it?" He snarled, glaring angrily.
Remy blinked and made an offended noise, starting to mumble to himself. "Shit... I should've known that boy wouldn't have listened to me and waited until next week..."
"What?" Logan asked.
"Nothing. I just-"
Remy sighed and began to noticeably get anxious, tapping his fingers on his sides and furrowing his eyebrows- which was a very weird sight considering how smooth and calm he usually acted. He walked right past Logan and sat on the arm of Logan's couch, still mumbling to himself.
"Damn, I'll have to go over to that house and... get rid of the cameras. He's too stupid to know that they're still running."
"Remy, what the hell are you mumbling about?! Get out of my house!"
"Okay- can I just..." Remy glared at Logan. "...talk to myself, in peace? For once?" He rolled his eyes. "Jesus christ. Okay."
He stood, and Logan took a step back, looking him up and down.
"I'm... I'm gonna do something now, and I want you not to question it, because trust me, you don't wanna know. You... really don't wanna know. But I have to do it now or else my words obviously won't be written."
Logan was extremely confused. Remy huffed and looked to the ceiling, crossing his arms.
"Okay," he said aloud, "you guys- yes, I'm talking to you- he'll be fine. He's not gonna be arrested. I'm gonna make sure he's not, I swear. I'll go over and I'll get rid of the cameras, make it like they never even existed. He'll be fine. I'm sure you all have been freaking out about him, even though I can't know what you guys are thinking."
Logan blinked and crossed his arms. "Okay- do you... have your own little imaginary friends, or something? That's just sad." Logan asked.
"I said, don't fucking ask." Remy looked back down from the ceiling, before looking up again. "Sorry, everyone, Croft over here is being a bitch."
"What the hell is going on?!"
"None of your business!"
"Why- why are you even doing any of this, anyway?" Logan walked closer to Remy.
"I told you, it doesn't-"
"No! I mean, it sounds like you're trying to protect Patton. From... something. Even though you're trying to kill him. You hear he's out on a drive and get strangely worried. Excessively worried. Why?"
"Why do you still even love him?"
Remy was dead silent, staring ahead at Logan with a blank expression. He sighed, and then chuckled sadly before sitting back down on the couch armrest. He glanced upward, smirking.
"Hah. Oh, honey... you're probably not the only one wondering that, but none of y'all have unlocked that backstory yet."
"Who... who?"
"Okay. That's it- I'm done with all of this, Remy, you and your wanting to hurt my husband but also being in love with him and talking to some random people that don't even exist. I'm done. Get the hell out of my house."
"Mmm... no."
"I won't ask you again to leave."
"I won't ask you again to shut up."
And it was then that Logan remembered he was holding a pair of scissors.
He stepped forward, thrusting his hand forward towards the middle of Remy's chest. Remy immediately stumbled and fell back.
...Logan had missed.
Remy had only fallen back to avoid the blade. He very quickly stood, and a smirk came over his face when he saw Logan's newly terrified expression.
Yes, Logan wanted to kill Remy- of course he did. But he never thought he'd ever actually get the chance. And now that he did, and now that he had tried... the memories of high school were flooding back into his brain.
All of them. The murders, the pain, the sadness, the trauma. Everything. He thought he'd be able to kill Remy one day, but now that he was here, he wasn't sure if he could do it.
If he did, wouldn't that just make him into the same person he was in high school? Wouldn't that undo all of the hard work he had done to change himself as a person?
Remy could tell what he was thinking.
"Wow, Croft... looks like you're reverting back to your old ways. Hmm... just like the olden days, right?"
Logan gulped.
"Well... I guess I should probably get going. Patton's probably gonna get home as soon as I leave. For convenience, you know. But I'll be back, in one way or another."
Logan was silent.
"Clearly, though, breaking into your house isn't gonna do anything. Maybe I'll just have to use... another, method."
What... what could that mean?
Remy turned around and his eyes landed on three pictures.
The first photo was of Patton and Logan's wedding day- it was the largest image on the wall, and it showed Logan kissing Patton's cheek. The one below showed Patton taking a selfie with his brother, Janus, at their parent's house. The third one was a picture of Patton and his friend Roman, a couple days after Roman had proposed to his own boyfriend, Virgil.
"Hmm. I'll just have to make him come to me, then, won't I?"
Logan could tell that his eyes hand landed on one of the pictures, and that one only. But he couldn't tell which one. It could be any of them. Any.
"Alright, well, nice seeing you, hon. Hey- talk soon, yeah? Bye now."
And with that, Remy walked right out the backdoor. Logan stayed still, scissors in hand, and he noticed a to-go cup of coffee still sitting by the now closed window.
...Oh god.
Logan quickly made his way upstairs and dropped his scissors on his desk, before making his way downstairs and sitting on the couch. He held his head in his hands and stared at the three pictures Remy had been looking at.
What could he have seen in those pictures? What was this "backstory" he mentioned? Who the hell was he talking to? Was Remy just going crazy? Was Logan just going crazy?
"...Logan? I'm home," Logan heard the timid voice of his husband suddenly speak. Logan quickly turned his head to look at Patton, and he stood up, rushing over to him.
"Hey- hey love." Logan stuttered, excited to see his husband yet also terrified of what was to come in the future. "How was your drive? Are you okay? Did you see anyone or anything weird?"
Logan wrapped his arms very tightly around Patton, holding him close. It was so good he had been out of the house when Remy was here, the best thing in the world, in fact. Patton eventually hugged back before quickly stepping away.
"Uh, no, nothing odd happened. Hold on, I need to go to the bathroom real quick okay? I'll be right back."
"Oh, okay."
Logan blinked and watched as his husband escaped upstairs. It confused Logan as to why he didn't run to the downstairs bathroom, but he sighed nonetheless and waited by the stairs. When Patton came down he took his hand, guiding him over to the couch. Logan laid down and pulled Patton on top of him.
Logan wrapped his arms around his husband tightly, and Patton laid his head on Logan's chest.
"...You okay, Logan?" The former asked, sounding worried.
"Yes, I'm alright. I just missed you." Logan responded.
He sure did... but it was good he was out of the house. Remy had mentioned that he probably wasn't going to try and break in again, so Logan decided to just keep himself and his husband at home. He could keep in contact with his three friends- they'd love to hear that Remy had just shown up. Though maybe he'd have to text that instead of calling just to make sure Patton didn't find out.
"Did anything happen while I was gone?" Patton asked, coincidentally.
"Hmm? Oh, no. Of course not. Nothing odd," Logan lied.
"Okay... okay. Do you wanna go upstairs, though? Like, that's probably more comfy, right? It's late, too, we might as well go to sleep."
"Let me carry you."
"I- oh, okay."
Patton couldn't help himself, giggling gently as Logan swooped him into his arms, standing up and starting to make his way upstairs. Logan held Patton close until he let him gently roll onto their shared bed. He gave Patton a pair of shorts he could change into and, after both got changed into their night clothes, got underneath the blankets. Logan wrapped his arms around Patton, securing him and holding him tighter than ever.
"I love you, Pat," Logan whispered into his husband's ear.
"I love you too, Logan."
Logan let his hands rest on Patton's back as Patton slowly fell asleep, Logan just staying awake, staring at him. God, he was beautiful. Logan would do anything to protect him.
Anything? Oh no, here come the murder thoughts again.
Logan had always thought he was past these thoughts, and even if they did ever come up, he'd be able to just healthily ignore it. But this was bad. He almost killed Remy today. Which, yes, he most certainly wished he was dead, but could Logan really bring himself to do it? With his own hands?
...No. Someone else might have to do it if that was to ever happen.
But Logan didn't want to think about that now. Why? After a bit of thought he had figured out why Remy was staring at those photos. The photos showing Patton with various people.
Yes... Logan knew what Remy was going to do.
Those "various people" were Logan, Janus, and Roman, and Remy was going to kill one of them.
I hope you all know how much I love you, even though it makes me cackle to see how terrified you guys get of this book.
See ya in the next chapter!😶
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