The pouring down rain slowly began to let up into a drizzle as Patton opened his eyes. He grumbled, reaching his hand up to the side of his head and rubbing it.
It hurt... badly.
But when brought his hand down and he looked at it, Patton saw blood- and Patton saw lots of it.
"Oh my god," he muttered, instantly becoming terrified. He tried to sit up but his left shoulder still had a bullet in it, and he whimpered, falling back down.
Where was the bullet? Patton wasn't sure. His head hurt though, so that told him it might be somewhere there. But he didn't feel blood, he didn't feel it dripping, not anywhere on his head. He laid on the ground, utterly terrified and feeling around on his head until he felt it.
The bullet.
It was...
Lodged inside of his ear.
Patton's ear was completely red at this point, it was bleeding from having been shot and because of the loud noise that had happened. He also couldn't hear anything out of it, as a high-pitched ringing noise was the only thing he was able to hear from that ear. He started freaking out at the fact that there was a bullet lodged in his ear, when he realized something.
...It was his ear.
Not his head, not his brain. Not his chest. Not his shoulder. No where important. It was his ear.
And Patton... was going to live.
Patton sighed out a very relieved sigh, leaning back fully into the muddy grass. He smiled, feeling rain drops splatter on his face from above.
He was alive.
...But someone else might not be.
"Ah, shit... fu- holy shit."
Patton found the strength to sit up, and he saw Remy, lying across from him. Patton's eyes traveled along his body until they landed on his knife. It was lodged right in the middle of his chest. Remy was breathing deeply, lying still on the ground, obviously trying not to freak himself out too much.
Remy was stabbed. Patton wasn't shot.
Remy was hurt. Patton wasn't.
"Wow... I- I guess you won, huh, darling?" Remy stuttered out. Patton slowly and carefully got to his feet, walking over to him. He stood over him, honestly unsure of what to do.
He... he did it.
He finally defeated Remy.
He should be happy. He should be happy- right? Why... why wasn't he? He had been dreaming of doing this for so long, and now that he had done it...
"...But at what cost?" Remy continued what he had been saying.
Patton took a deep, shakey breath. That's right- at what cost? Nine other people were dead, and this murder would make Patton's body count in the double digits. Ten. Ten.
Ten lives were lost for the sake of his husband who was never actually in danger in the first place.
...Was it really all for nothing?
"I think it was, hon." Remy answered Patton's thought. Patton stared at him confused for a moment, and Remy just chuckled.
"What?" Remy asked. "What are you feeling? Empty? Lost? Confused? Like your life has no meaning to it anymore? Get used to it."
Feelings were overwhelming Patton. He wasn't sure what was happening. He felt sad. Sorry. Why was he sorry..? No, he wasn't! He wasn't sorry. Remy deserved what he got.
"You're going to be confused, that's a given. Your morals are catching up to you, after all this time."
Patton felt like he was going to cry. His head hurt from the noise that was still ringing in his ear, and his shoulder was still bleeding. He felt like he could crumble to the ground, sobbing, at any moment, but he really didn't want to do that in front of Remy.
They were both silent.
"...Well, come on... come here." Remy said.
Patton toon a surprised step back, glancing briefly at Remy's gun, which was now much too far away for him to reach. "What?"
Remy rolled his eyes and grumbled. "Dumbass... take the knife out of my chest. At least let me die quickly."
Patton idled for a brief moment before cautiously stepping forward. He wrapped both of his hands around the knife and pulled it out of Remy's chest. Remy grimaced as he did so, shutting his eyes tightly, but once Patton had gotten it out he sighed and opened his eyes again. Patton held the knife in his right hand, and a bit of blood dripped onto his shirt, almost creating a heart shape.
Blood began pouring out into Remy's shirt, but he just chuckled. It was clear he was definitely expecting this.
"So..-" he coughed, "how are you going to explain all this to your husband, hmm?"
"...Oh. Oh my god."
Patton's eyes widened- he totally forgot about Logan for a second. He took a deep, shakey breath, moving his arm to run a hand through his hair but quickly bringing it down because moving that arm made his shoulder hurt.
"What... what am I gonna tell him? He's- oh. Oh, he's gonna hate me. I can't- we- this... aargh!"
Remy just chuckled, watching Patton think out loud. As Patton started to freak out, clutching his knife tighter than he had been before, he suddenly heard noise from off in the distance behind him.
"Patton! Patton, hold- I'm here- stay calm- Pat-..."
Patton flinched and then completely froze as he heard a bike pull up behind him.
Apparently, Logan had followed him. And he only just now arrived, when he was clutching a bloody, dripping knife right in front of Remy's dying body.
"Speak of the devil," Remy chuckled.
Patton began to breathe heavily. Today was the day- today was the day that Logan found out he was a murderer. By finally catching him red-handed... literally.
Patton heard the bike fall onto the road, and a few steps in the grass towards him. The footsteps stopped, though, a good distance away. Patton didn't dare turn around.
"You know..." Remy began to ponder aloud, "when you stabbed me, I thought that you had won. But looking at the circumstances... maybe I still can ta-" he coughed, "-take you down with me."
Patton was frozen solid. He slowly moved his arm up to his mouth and clasped his palm over his lips, eyes wide, breathing deeply. His eyes slipped shut and a few tears finally rolled down his cheeks as he hiccuped out a quiet sob. His shoulders were shaking. He couldn't think- all he knew was that he had just screwed himself over for the rest of his life.
"Yeah... I think that is what's gonna happen here. Maybe none of us are getting a happy ending, after all." He chuckled, cutting his laugh off midway through with a chuckle. He then glanced up, at the sky. "...I'm not surprised."
Remy continued on, even though Patton could see it slightly hurt him to talk. "I will say I wasn't expecting you to be so good with that knife, Patton, baby." He coughed, and Patton noticed a bit of red starting to paint his lips. "I'm not surprised that I'm dying, though. Of course I am. You heard my rant... I was just hoping that I could shoot you somewhere that wasn't your shoulder, or your ear. But, no... because I'm still the bad guy, aren't I? And the bad guy fails, and then the bad guy dies. And that's life." Remy chuckled once more. He reached his hand up to his eyes and underneath his sunglasses, wiping his eyes. Was he crying, too?
"I really do think I can take you down with me, though," Remy continued. "Because, let me at least tell you this... you know nothing about your husband. If you think you do, then you're wrong. And if my death is the one thing that finally forces both of you to come clean to each other, then I'm all for it, because who knows what might happen to you guys after that? Arguing? Fighting? Divorce? I don't know. But if the latter is the end result, that's definitely taking you down in my book."
What Remy had just said basically confirmed to Logan that Patton had been doing... something. Apparently it also confirmed that Logan had been doing something, too, but Patton wasn't sure why that could possibly be.
Did... did Logan know?
Patton heard a few more steps behind him- Logan was coming closer. Patton looked down and to the right, his eyebrows furrowing. He didn't want to look at Logan's disappointed, probably even angry face.
"Well... I think I'm about to loose consciousness." Remy smiled to himself, gently. "I never thought I'd be so happy to die. I... I finally get to see him again, maybe, after, what... sixteen years?" He chuckled. There was blood pooling in his mouth by now. He coughed it up. "I don't know if he'll forgive me. But, oh well... I probably deserve it. Whatever. You two should pro-" he coughed. "pro-" he coughed, again. "-probably have that little chat I mentioned."
Patton stared down at Remy, and he could only assume Logan was staring too as Remy looked Patton in the eyes, and then looked to Patton's left. He let out one last chuckle, the last one he ever would, and took a deep breath.
He sighed.
"I'll see you both in hell."
Remy's eyes closed and his head fell back- he was unconscious. Maybe not quite dead, but his body was shutting down from the major blood loss, and he would be soon enough.
There was silence in the field. Not a single sound was made from either of the living, breathing men who were standing there. Both were afraid to open their mouths- afraid of what they finally might let out into the open.
"...Patton?" Logan asked, softly, after a minute.
Patton found his strength and he turned his head to look at him before he could even think to hesitate. He expected him to look angry or disappointed, but a soft expression stared back at him. Logan looked... sad. Worried, even.
Patton couldn't speak.
"...Do you have something to tell me, Patton?" Logan asked, quietly again.
Patton finally dropped the knife, and he sniffled.
They both stared at each other, completely at a loss for words. And they both knew their lives were about to change, completely.
For better, or for worse... they weren't sure of that yet.
I know some of you really wanted Remy dead, and...
Look at that. Wow! You finally got what you wanted! But at what cost? The cost of Patton and Logan's relationship? Will the death of Remy make their marriage come to a close? Will it make Patton wish he had died in the field, and Logan wish he had been caught in high school and sent to jail instead of Remy?
...All will be revealed, sooner or later. :)
See ya in the next chapter!🌥
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