Patton awoke to the feeling of lips on the top of his head. He smiled to himself. The start of a brand new day with his one and only Logan.
Patton lifted his head off of his husband's chest, blinking a few times as his eyes adjusted to the light streaming in from their bedroom window. He made eye contact with Logan, and both smiled at each other.
"G'morning, Lo." Patton mumbled, still half-asleep. He struggled to keep his eyes open until Logan leaned forward and softly kissed him, making his senses slowly awaken with every second. Patton kissed him back, and they slowly pulled away.
"Good morning, love." Logan smiled.
"What are we doing today?" Patton asked, probing himself up with his elbow. His other hand was laying on Logan's chest, and as Logan opened his mouth to speak, he grabbed it.
"Well... you brought up adoption yesterday while we were eating lunch. Would you like to do some research on that today? We'll have to find a good company before we can start filling out any forms."
Patton wiggled his legs excitedly under the blankets, a smile washing over his face. "Oh! Yeah! Yes, let's do that!"
Suddenly full of adrenaline, Patton climbed out of bed and rushed over to his closet. He slipped on a t-shirt and replaced the shorts he had been wearing with more comfortable and fuzzy pink pajama pants. Logan simply put on a hoodie after he had climbed out of bed, and after turning on the light in their room, they both made their way over to the laptop that was sitting on the desk in their room.
Logan sat down in the desk chair, and Patton sat casually in his lap so he could see the computer screen, too. This was something they had done many times before when they needed to use the computer at the same time, so neither of them really batted an eye at it.
They chatted as they started searching. It would probably be hard for them to find one, they had to find a good one that was probably close by and one that would be queer-friendly.
"What age are you thinking?" Patton asked as he watched the mouse move on the screen in front of him.
"It doesn't matter to me. Infant, toddler, child, teenager, whatever."
Patton tapped his feet on the ground excitedly. "It doesn't really matter to me, either. I think we'll just know. We'll know the kid is perfect for us."
Logan smiled, placing his head gently on Patton's shoulder. "That does seem to be what will happen. How about gender? Daughter, son, whatever else?"
"If we find a kid that identifies as non-binary then we should definitely look into them, but I doubt we will. So that doesn't really matter to me, either. I just want us to have a kid. Someone we can raise, and love... together."
Patton leaned back, and Logan slightly adjusted his chin on Patton's shoulder.
"I'm very excited."
"I'm excited, too! Oh, maybe if we can adopt soon then our kid can be the ring-bearer or the flower girl or something at Roman and Virgil's wedding. When they finally get married."
Logan chuckled. "They're getting married in December, I don't know if we'll have them by then. But we'll see."
"Remember when my nephew was our ring bearer?"
"Yes, he was adorable."
Patton did actually have a brother, named Janus. He was actually the reason Patton attended the same high school as Logan. Patton's mom transferred Patton to Logan's high school in sophomore year after Janus had graduated with really good grades. Patton's mom wanted the same for him.
Of course... the kid wasn't actually Patton's nephew. Janus was fostering the kid, by himself. But the kid got adopted by a couple after about a year of fostering.
"Oh yeah, we should ask Janus about how he went about fostering his kid. He was technically a single dad, so it was probably hard for him to get into the program. He might be able to help," Logan suggested.
"Mhm, yeah! Maybe we can call him later!"
As the excitement of adoption filled their chatter, Patton's mind traveled back to that amazing day that they were previously talking of. Their wedding.
Patton paced the hallway outside the church nervously. He'd have to walk down the aisle in a few minutes. His fiancé, and almost husband, would be waiting for them. In front of all of their friends and family.
And oh god, was it terrifying.
Patton knew that Logan loved him, why was he thinking these thoughts? No, not the- weird... ones. He was thinking that when he opened those doors, Logan wouldn't be there. He would be gone. He would be gone, and wow, was that a terrifying thought.
Patton clutched his bouquet of flowers against his chest, trying not to get any petals on his suit. He bit his lip, trying to calm himself down.
Patton turned to his left to see his brother approaching. Patton laughed nervously.
"Hey, Janus..."
"You... good?"
"Yeah. Just scared."
Janus chuckled, crossing his arms in front of him. "Look- you're gonna be fine. Logan loves you. I've barely even met the guy, but I can tell. I don't know what you're thinking, but he's still gonna be there, on the alter. Waiting for you. And you are gonna marry him, and it is going to be the god damn best wedding that has ever happened in the history of weddings."
Patton giggled, and Janus patted Patton's shoulder gently.
The two used to not get along much when they were kids- classic sibling rivalry. Patton used to think his brother was a bad person sometimes, too, because of all the drama he got into in college. Parties, cheating, everything. But Janus had practically raised Patton- they hung out so much as kids. And Patton really loved his brother.
"...Thanks, Janus."
Janus linked arms with Patton.
"Of course. Are you ready?"
Which is exactly why Patton chose him to walk him down the aisle.
"...I think so."
"Then let's do this."
The two both took a step forward, and as the music cued them, Janus pushed the doors open.
They both walked down the aisle, and Patton scanned the room briefly. His family and friends filled the pews. It was amazing.
And then, his eyes landed on Logan.
He was in a beautiful dark blue tuxedo, a black tie to top it all off. His hair was brushed neatly, his glasses freshly cleaned and his shoes polished. Patton blushed. He could practically feel himself fall in love all over again.
As they neared the alter, Janus let go of Patton's army taking a seat in the front pew. Patton scurried up to the alter and stood in front of Logan, beaming.
God, was he beautiful.
The priest started talking, but Patton couldn't focus. His mind was just entirely filled with Logan.
Eventually, the vows came. And wow, was Patton not prepared for all that Logan had to say.
"Patton... we've been though a lot together. We really have. Through high school, college, and everything after, a lot of stuff has happened in my lives. But after it all, you still chose to love me. Me. And you still do, to this day, every day. And I can't thank you enough. I really don't know where I'd be in life without you. You chose to be mine, and I am so glad for that. My entire life revolves around you... and I would not want it any other way. I truly can't put into words how much I love you. You yourself were the person to really introduce me to love, in fact. I had no idea what if felt like, what to expect. And then you appeared in my life, and I knew what it was, and it was magical. Heavenly. Lovely. It was lovely, and I love you... so much."
Patton giggled gently, wiping his eyes with the back of his hand. He cleared his throat.
"Logan... I can't put into words how much I love you, either. Every day for the past few years since we moved into together especially have been amazing. Getting to wake up next to you every morning, do everything with you, just... everything. My life revolves around you, too. And I wouldn't have it any other way, either. I am yours, and holy heck, am I glad for that."
Logan and Patton stared at each other as the priest started to talk again. Both were grinning, tears in the corners of their eyes. It took all of Patton's self-control to not just step forward and kiss him, right then and there. No... he just had to wait a few more seconds.
"By the power vested in me on this day, I now pronounce you husband and husband. You may kiss."
The flowers Patton held tumbled out of his hands as soon as the priest finished talking, and less than a millisecond later Logan's lips were on his. Clapping erupted throughout the church as Patton threw his arms around Logan. They both beamed into the kiss, laughs and giggles slipping from their lips as they held each other close.
They were finally married... and wow, was Patton glad.
"Do you know if he's free soon, to talk?" Logan asked.
"I'm sure. He's never really that busy."
Patton really did love his brother. Through all the stress he had had, well... before high school, Janus was there for him. He always was. But now Patton also had Logan.
He also had Logan, and wow, was he glad for that. Patton's life truly did revolve around his husband. When he was dating Logan he didn't really talk to Janus much, really. And he hasn't talked to Janus much since the wedding. But that was just because he had Logan to take care of him. And that was really all he needed, right?
Patton still loved his brother, but... he could easily admit he loved Logan more.
"I love you, Lo." Patton mumbled, smiling to himself as his husband took his hands off the keyboard and wrapped them around Patton.
"Love you too, Pat. Always."
And in that very moment, the world seemed peaceful.
So, yes, I've kinda edited how this chapter was going to turn out and instead introduced Janus into the storyline. I couldn't help myself. Patton having a brother was mentioned in the first book so I thought I'd just go ahead and make Janus his brother. Why not?
Haha. Yeah. Why not. You guys definitely won't hate me a while later on in this story.
See ya in the next chapter!🐍
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