•SIXTEEN•A Change of Plans•
Logan stared at the man in front of him. Remy stared back through his classic pair of sunglasses, a small smirk on his lips. The smirk slowly faded after a few moments of silence from Logan, and he rolled his eyes.
"What, you just gonna stare at me? Can I at least get a hello?"
Logan blinked and let out an angry huff of air, his eyebrows furrowing.
"Remy?! What the hell are you doing here?!" He whisper-yelled, still not wanting to wake his husband.
"Well, I was in the neighborhood, as you saw on TV. Thought I might stop by. It's been so long since high school, hasn't it, Croft? We really do have a lot of catching up to do..."
"I-" Logan sighed, and Remy put a hand on his hip. "You can't call me Croft anymore, you know, it's Patton's last name now, too."
Remy shrugged. "I can do whatever the hell I want."
"Just..." Logan held the blade of his scissors up in the air, close to Remy. "...stay away from me, Remy, I know you want to kill me. I'm not gonna let you take me away from my husband. I made a promise to him that I'd never leave him after you got arrested, and I don't intend to break it. He doesn't deserve that. He doesn't deserve any of this, in fact."
Remy smirked, a kind of smirk that told Logan he had something... important, to say.
"Oh, Logan..."
He chuckled, reaching the hand that was on his hip up to Logan's scissors. He gently pushed Logan's hand down.
"...I don't want to kill you anymore."
For a moment, Logan thought Remy was lying. But through his sunglasses, Logan could see the look in his eyes, and he was deadly serious. A wave of confusion washed over Logan, but his eyebrows stayed furrowed.
Remy smirked wider, letting out a small laugh. "You look like you're offended!" He laughed, again. "Like you're not good enough to kill or something. No, no, you're in the clear now, honey."
"It's Patton I want dead."
The scissors fell from Logan's hands, and they hit the floor. Logan almost stumbled back in surprise. He looked Remy up and down, and Remy shot him a very amused look.
"I had a lot of time to think about what I've done in my life when I was in jail," Remy said. "...Think about what I was gonna do when I got out. And, you know... it's so much easier to get rid of the problem than to try and get rid of everything fueling it! It would be way easier to kill Patton than to kill everyone who might fall in love with him."
Honestly, it surprised Logan that Remy was still in love with Patton after all these years. What could possibly be fueling that? Did Remy have some sort of hidden backstory Logan didn't know about?
"I know I yelled out you'll fucking pay for this, Croft! when I was being dragged out of the school ten years ago," Remy continued, "but you'll still pay. Just maybe... not in the way you thought."
Logan was still flabbergasted.
"So, in conclusion, if I can't have him, then no one can." The smirk drained from his face as he spoke, but it soon returned. "I should really get going. I'll see you around, dear."
The door closed. Logan heard footsteps traveling down the stairs, and eventually he heard their front door open and close.
He... he might actually lose his husband.
"Oh my god," Logan muttered, moving to sit on the floor. He held his head in his hands, and he sighed.
All of those times he scolded himself for the thoughts he had in high school and the actions he had done... for this? This was the outcome? Logan thought he had done everything he could to make sure Patton wouldn't be taken away from him, but clearly it wasn't enough. Clearly, framing someone for the murder of five people wasn't enough to get them off your trail. It just makes them angrier.
And now Logan might loose the only man he ever loved. The only man that had ever made him feel since his dad left, all those years ago. Truly, what would Logan even be without his husband?
Just an empty husk of a man, with no emotions- that's what he would be.
Logan couldn't tell Patton.
He just couldn't. What would Patton do if he knew that his life was in danger? He would blame himself, even though it wasn't his fault. Nothing was ever Patton's fault. Patton would start to freak out, he'd never leave the house, he'd just be... sad. All the time.
It would be Logan's fault. Logan didn't want anything else in his husband's life to be his fault.
So... he couldn't know. It was better for Patton to think Logan was the one in danger.
What Logan was going to do, though, was get in touch with some more people.
Why? He needed to track down that stupid man, of course. He just needed to talk to some people. Maybe another detective, and just hope that Remy wouldn't kill him, like he did with Richard.
Logan had never really liked talking to new people all that much... but he'd do anything to keep his husband safe from all harm and danger.
He finally brought his head up from where it was resting, and he sighed again. He looked to his husband, who was still fast asleep.
Patton deserved the world, and god dammit, Logan was gonna give it to him.
He stood up and walked over to his computer, shutting it off. It was late- he could continue his search for alarm systems and cameras in the morning. He walked over to his bed and slipped underneath the covers, snuggling up close to his husband and wrapping his arms tightly around him.
Logan sighed gently, staring down at Patton. Patton was still in a deep sleep, his expression completely neutral and a few snores still slipping through his lips every once and a while. Logan reached up and ran a hand slowly through his soft, curly hair.
"...I'm gonna make sure you'll always be mine," Logan whispered underneath his breath.
And with that, he fell asleep.
Wow, everything is falling apart! What could be worse than this??
See ya in the next chapter!🤷♂️
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