Patton tapped his fingers on the sink counter anxiously as he stood in the upstairs bathroom, staring at himself in the mirror.
Finally, finally- they had run out of Crofter's Jam. Finally, Patton had an excuse to go out, drop by Detective Sean's house, and kill him.
He... wasn't really sure what to think about the fact that he wasn't that scared of murdering people anymore. It was probably okay, though, right? He had to. If he didn't then Logan would die. Simple.
After staring at himself in the mirror for a few moments, he leaned down and reached behind the sink, grabbing his knife and gardening gloves that he had hidden there after he had killed Richard.
He shoved them both into his hoodie pocket and took a deep breath before walking out of the bathroom and down the stairs. Logan was sitting on the couch, hands folded in his lap, watching Netflix.
Patton played with the sleeves of his hoodie as he scurried over to the kitchen, where they kept their shopping bags in a cabinet.
As he got the bags out, he could feel his husband's eyes watching him, confused. Patton grabbed the bags and turned around to look at Logan.
"Are you heading out..?" Logan asked, pausing the TV.
"Mhm! We ran out of Crofter's, remember?"
"Oh, right... uhm, let me come with you."
Patton blinked. Oh no.
"Oh, Logan, I'll be fine. I'm just going to the store."
Logan got up off the couch and started walking into the kitchen. "No, please, let me come with. I, uhm... I want to make sure you're safe."
"I- but you're the one that has to stay home and be safe, right?" A small smile slipped onto Patton's face through his confusion. Logan looked strangely terrified at Patton's words, like he was about to make a decision that would impact his future forever.
"...Alright, I'll stay home. But can you make sure your location is turned on, in the Messages app on your phone? And, uhm..." Logan blinked a few times, before smiling ever-so-slightly. "Wait until you get home to eat Crofter's this time, mhm?"
Patton chuckled, remembering when he had spilled Crofter's on him in the car. Or... he made it seem like that, at least. "Yep, I'll be fine."
He would be fine- he knew how to not get blood on him this time.
Logan stepped forward and put his hand on Patton's waist, gently pressing his lips to his husband's forehead. Patton smiled widely and scrunched up his face until Logan pulled away.
"Be safe, alright? If you sense anything... odd, is happening, please call me and get yourself home. If you end up coming home before picking up the jam that's fine, I can live without it. I will be fine. I love you."
"Love you too, Lo."
Patton returned his husband's kiss, briefly pecking his cheek before walking to the front door and getting into the car. He put the shopping bags on the passenger seat and sat back, getting out his phone.
"Okay... first stop, groceries." Patton mumbled to himself. "Gotta make sure my location is turned on for Logan, though. If I'm quick when I get to Sean's house then maybe Logan either won't notice or will think I'm stuck in traffic. I... I can always just act confused and say that maybe the app glitched out on his side if I do take a while."
Patton sighed and put his phone next to him, quickly starting up the car.
Throughout the whole drive to and from the store, he was honestly feeling a lot of déjà vu. Sean's house was also pretty close to Richard's, too, so the drive there was very similar.
Though, there was one thing missing...
The fear.
Patton tried not to think about that. Maybe it was just because he had done this before. This would be his fourth stabbing, fifth murder. Was it bad that he was experienced? No. Maybe. Probably. Yes, definitely.
But... whatever. If he thought more about that he'd get scared and then he'd get cold feet. And backing out means Logan dies. So he can't do that.
Patton eventually pulled up to Sean's house and sighed, parking the car across the street as he had done before. He quickly slipped on his gloves and double-checked his knife was still in his pocket. He grabbed his phone and checked the time: 7:34 PM.
"That's way too early for him to be asleep..." Patton sighed. "Guess I'll have to do one-on-one contact again."
That sent a shiver up Patton's spine, but he ignored it.
He quickly got out of the car and tip-toed across the street, up to the house. His breath hitched when he saw Sean had cameras on his front porch, but once again... the power cords were cut.
That was definitely confusing. But helpful. So it was fine.
Patton sneaked around back and entered through the back door, seeing that no one was in the room connected to it. He took a quiet deep breath and held it, trying to minimize the noise he made.
He spotted a hallway up ahead and heard footsteps. Patton quickly approached and stood against the wall next to it as the footsteps got closer and closer.
Don't think, just do it. If you think, Logan dies.
Right- of course.
The footsteps drew near and as Patton saw Sean start to walk into the living room, he stepped forward and stabbed him in the shoulder.
Sean immediately stumbled and turned to look at Patton, an absolute look of horror on his face.
"...P- Patton?"
Of course Sean recognized him, he'd been over his house.
Patton didn't answer. He took another step forward and swung his knife, but Sean stepped back before swiftly kicking Patton right between the legs. Patton stumbled himself and yelped out in pain, crossing his legs as he tried to regain his balance and at the same time not drop the knife or bring the knife too close to his legs. Sean started to run past him, so Patton pushed away his pain and stepped forward, bringing his palm up to the bottom of Sean's nose and swiftly breaking it. Sean clutched at his nose and his eyes started to water, giving Patton the opportunity to step forward and stab him in the heart. Sean fell, and Patton made sure to stab him a second time there for good measure.
And, that was it. Patton shuffled around on his feet for a moment as he stared at Sean's body, not yet dead, but way too in pain and shock to say anything. He still hurt a bit from being kicked, which caused him to shuffle more as he silently hoped for the pain to vanish.
"...I should probably go." Patton mumbled. Could Sean still hear him?
"I hope you think twice about trying to bring my husband to Remy next time. Or... don't. You're probably already dead... I'm really bad at this. I'm just gonna go. So, uh, bye."
Well, that was awkward.
Patton made his way out the back door and swiftly to his car. He sat down and put on his seatbelt, gripping the steering wheel.
"Oh... I got blood on my sleeve."
Patton grimaced, staring at his hoodie sleeve. After a few moments of panic he quickly rolled both of his sleeves up. He could just change clothes as soon as he got home, and make sure to get the blood out of the hoodie when he washed it.
And with that, he drove home.
"Hey, good morning, love."
Patton's eyes fluttered open and he looked up, seeing his husband smiling down at him. Patton yawned before smiling, too.
"Morning, Lo."
Logan put a hand on the top of his husband's head, gently threading his fingers through his hair. Patton smiled wider, and Logan moved a second hand to sit on his back.
"Your hair looks extra perfect today."
Patton blushed. Yes, his husband often thought that many aspects of Patton were perfect. Though, Patton thought the same about Logan, so he didn't mind.
"Thank you." Patton giggled.
The two laid around in bed for a bit longer until Logan got them to get up. Patton started getting dressed and Logan grabbed his phone.
"Whatcha doing?" Patton asked as he traded his pajama shorts out for sweat pants.
"I'm texting Sean. I want to try and get some more work done today, I think with him I should be able to put a stop to all this nonsense."
"Oh. Okay."
...He'd probably get a paramedic or police text or something in a few seconds.
As Patton started to put on a shirt he walked over to the mirror in their room and stood in front of it so he could look at Logan without seeming too weird. A few seconds passed as Patton pretended to flatten out his shirt, until Logan eventually raised his eyebrows before sighing with a scrunched up face and putting his phone back on the nightstand.
"Whats wrong?" Patton asked, turning around. Logan grimaced, starting to tap his fingers against the bed anxiously.
"I, uhm... erm..."
"Is Sean...?"
Pretend like you didn't know, or else he dies.
"...Oh, I... oh."
There was a brief silence where both stood, looking at the ground, until Logan huffed and stood up.
"I'm getting in contact with someone else."
"I- N- Wait."
Logan stopped walking to his computer a few feet from it, and Patton walked up to him, placing his hands gently on Logan's chest.
"Can... can we just have a nice day, the two of us? Not thinking about any of this? Can you just wait until tomorrow to contact someone else?"
Logan sighed and put his hands on Patton's waist. "I... I would love to, but I can't pause. If I want to do this then I have to really commit to it, okay? I promise that when all of this is over- which it will be, soon- I will spend every second of the day with you, doing whatever you'd like, every day. We just have to get through this first, alright?"
Logan kissed Patton's forehead, and both sighed gently.
"...Okay. I'm gonna go downstairs and watch some TV or something."
"I'll be up here. If you feel like anything weird is happening or about to happen though, please come up here and stay in the room with me, okay?"
"Yep. I love you."
"I love you, too."
Patton leaned up and quickly pecked his husband's lips before making his way downstairs. He plopped down on the couch and grabbed the remote, staring to click through all the channels.
"Now. Here it comes! Onstage, and in person! The Price is Ri-"
"This third house is a three bedroo-"
"In today's breaking news, we got a call from someone by the name of Wren about the sudden murder of-"
"So no one told you life was gonna be this way-"
Nothing that interesting was on.
A lot of time passed. Patton ended up making himself breakfast, and by the time lunch rolled around, he realized that Logan hadn't eaten anything. He turned off the TV and started making lunch, making something for Logan, too, that he could bring up to their bedroom.
He chose to make PB&J sandwiches with their new jam Patton had gotten yesterday, and once he was done eating his, he brought the second one upstairs and knocked on their bedroom door.
"Oh, yes! I can see that- hold on, I'll be right back."
Patton heard shuffling, and soon, the door opened.
"Hello? Patton? Are you alright?"
"Yeah, I'm good. I just noticed you haven't eaten anything so I made you a sandwich." Patton smiled sweetly. "Who you talking to in there?"
"I got in contact with more people, we're looking through maps right now. Chase, Jacob, and Stephen."
Patton blinked.
Three people?!
"Oh, wow. Okay."
"Thank you for the sandwich, anyways." Logan smiled. "Come in, you can hang out on the bed while I'm at my desk. I'm sure it's boring downstairs."
Logan took the plate that held his lunch and let Patton come into the room, sitting down at the back of their bed as Logan resumed his place at his desk.
"Alright, I'm back. Where were we, then?" Logan asked, and Patton looked over to see it looked like he was on a Discord call with all three of the guys.
You have to kill them.
Of course. Of course Patton had to.
Patton got out his phone and opened Google, deciding that he might as well start his searching now.
Logan probably got a hold of three people because he thought that Remy wouldn't be able to kill three people at once.
And, yeah, maybe Remy couldn't. Or maybe he could.
But Patton...
...Patton would.
It's June 1st, which means, happy pride month, everyone!! Be gay and be safe, because there's still a virus outside and a bunch of protests and stuff happening!
See ya in the next chapter!✌️
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