•BONUS•Emile's Last Day•
As light streamed in through his window, Remy opened his eyes and sat up in bed. He smiled gently to himself and stretched before checking the time on his phone. Seeing that he had about fifteen minutes until he had to get ready for school, he opened his boyfriend's messages to text him.
Yes, Remy was in twelve and in seventh grade. Yes, he was in a relationship. A very serious relationship. Him and his boyfriend Emile has started dating at the very beginning of the previous year, in sixth grade. They had really loved each other since they first met, though, and had done things that couples often did together even before then. But honestly, Remy just saw something in Emile. He could see a their future together in his emerald green eyes whenever he gazed in them. So people telling them that they were "too young" could go to hell, because they loved each other.
Remy smiled wider to himself as his boyfriend texted him back.
6:25 AM
Good morning Emmy ❤️>
<How'd you sleep?
Pretty good. Hbu?>
Sweet. Get ready, I'll be at
your house to pick you
up for school in half an hour or so>
<Ok!! Love you❤️❤️
Love you, too💖>
Read 6:31 AM
Remy couldn't be happier. His life was just... perfect.
Even though at that point he still had around ten minutes until he had to get up, he still did- he was just excited to see Emile. Even though they had seen each other yesterday, he just missed him.
Remy got dressed pretty quickly, into his classic white t-shirt, black leather jacket, jeans, and sunglasses. That was actually what he had chosen to wear on his first date with Emile, and Emile had called his outfit "cool" so he decided to wear it as often as possible. If his boyfriend thought he was cool, then yeah, he was definitely the coolest person ever.
After brushing his teeth and stuffing all of the stuff he needed into his backpack, Remy was on his way. His boyfriend only lived about a seven minute walk from him, which was nice. If they ever wanted to hang out they could very easily visit each other's houses.
When Remy arrived he walked up to Emile's doorstep and knocked on his door. Emile opened it a few seconds later, beaming. He was wearing his usual outfit- light brown cardigan, white button-down, pink tie, and jeans. He waved at Remy.
"...You look like a geek," Remy mumbled, just loud enough for him to hear. Emile giggled.
"That's kinda what I'm going for."
"I know. It's cute."
The two smiled at each other for a moment before they started to lean forward. Being twelve year olds, neither were really sure how to actually kiss and had only kissed each other before, but they still enjoyed their kisses with each other even if they probably weren't doing it right. They pressed their smiling lips together, laughing softly as they pulled away.
"Are you ready to go?" Remy asked, taking Emile's hand. He nodded, and so they were in their way.
They swung their intertwined hands in between them as they walked, chatting about everything and everything. They had an English test later that day, so since Remy considered himself very bad at grammar he was a bit nervous. But all his worries always seemed to leave whenever he held Emile's hand. That's one thing he loved a lot about him- just being able to grab his hand, and all of his worries immediately washing away.
They got to school and quickly made their way to their lockers, briefly parting from each other until meeting up in homeroom. They chatted for a bit with each other until they were sent off to first period- science.
Sitting in their normal seats, they smiled at each other from across the room as the teacher started writing on the whiteboard.
"Alright class, today's your last day to finish up your punnet square projects, so get with your partner and fill in the rest of the information you need. You should have the rest of the stuff you need from your family by today about heritage so go ahead and use that. It's all due at the end of class."
Excitedly, Remy stood up and carried all of his books over to his boyfriend's desk. He sat next to him, and Emile got their project out from his binder.
"Do you have your info stuff?" Emile asked, getting out markers from his pencil case. Remy nodded and they both got to work, filling in punnet squares, making predictions, all the stuff you'd do when learning about DNA in 7th grade biology class.
Around the time they finished they had about ten minutes left of class so they quickly turned in their project and sat down next to each other again.
After a few moments of silence Emile got a piece of paper out from his binder.
"Whatcha doing, Emmy?" Remy asked.
"Can't we use punnet squares to figure out what our kid might look like?"
Remy blushed gently and then chuckled. "We can't have kids. Or, we can adopt, but having kids doesn't work like that. Because we're both boys."
Emile frowned. "Right. Well, we can pretend! Let's start with eyes."
Emile drew a box and then separated it into four segments. He looked up at Remy.
"Your eyes are brown, right? And that's dominant over green."
"Yep. Though I think I'd rather have our kid have your eyes, they're... well, they're beautiful."
"Awwwe- Rem!"
Emile giggled, playfully punching his boyfriend's arm. He turned back to his paper and filled it out, labeling the brown eyes as a capital B and green as a lowercase g. It turned out that, yes, there was a 3/4 chance that a kid born from Remy and Emile would have Remy's eyes. And though Remy would rather see his boyfriend's green eyes, Emile very much appreciated Remy's mocha-colored eyes.
They continued on, seeing that their kid would also more likely have Remy's dark brown hair rather than Emile's light brown. Though, it was a 50/50 chance whether their kid would have curly hair like Emile's or more wavy hair like Remy's.
Science class soon ended, and then came social studies, and then stem. After all of those classes the two grabbed their lunchboxes from their lockers and headed down to the cafeteria. They sat down in their normal seats next to each other, along with their three other friends Remus, Talyn, and Joan.
Remy actually considered Remus his best friend at this point. They had been good friends for a while now. Remy could definitely see him being the best man at his future wedding.
As the four started chatting with each other, Remy tapped his fingers on the table. The topic of their upcoming English test came up and he started to get nervous. Emile noticed.
"You okay, Remy?" He asked, turning to him. He reached out and grabbed his hand, gently squeezing it. Remy's worries and troubles all melted away instantly.
"...I was worrying about the test, but that just made me feel a lot better."
Emile smiled and leaned his head on his shoulder for a moment before bringing it back up. He would have kissed him, but the only people that knew they were dating were Remus, Joan, and Talyn, so since they were in a crowded cafeteria it was best if they didn't.
After lunch came recess, and the two spent that as they always did- walking around the entire playground, hand in hand, talking. This was one of their favorite activities, because it was always just the two of them. Just each other, where nothing else mattered and nothing could come between them.
"Hey, Em?" Remy asked, as his boyfriend swung their hands gently in the air.
"You wanna have a sleepover tomorrow night, since tomorrow's Friday?"
Emile smiled. "Maybe Saturday, instead? We're gonna have homework."
"Who says we can't do it together?"
"Last time we tried to get that done we got one math problem done, and nothing else."
"Oh... right." Remy chuckled. "Saturday it is, then."
The two smiled at each other before a comfortable silence came between them again. Remy glanced at Emile, looking him up and down and taking note of the freckles dotting his face and body.
Remy smirked to himself as a memory popped into his head. A little more than a week ago Remy had decided that he wanted to kiss every single freckle on Emile's face, but he couldn't even get a fourth of the way done until both of them were red in the face and giggling too much for Remy to continue. He still wanted to do that- to finish doing that, actually. Now he really wanted to kiss all the freckles on his body though, not just on his face. He decided he should wait until he's older to even finish kissing all the ones on his face, though, because if he couldn't kiss him there without getting flustered he wouldn't be able to kiss his shoulders and arms and everywhere else without getting flustered, too. When he was older he'd probably be able to, though.
...God, Remy couldn't wait until he got to grow old with his wonderful Emile.
Pretty soon a teacher blew their whistle and all the kids were lined up to come back inside. Remy and Emile did this excitedly, because their next period was study hall. And that meant that they got to escape to the library and secretly cuddle in the back on a beanbag since they knew the librarian was never up there at this time on Thursdays.
They rushed inside and then notified their teacher of where they were going, grabbing a hall pass and starting to walk. They were silent as they walked until they eventually made it up to the library. They walked past the elementary school book section to the very back, a corner hidden by a middle school bookshelf with a singular beanbag up sitting against the wall. Remy sat down and Emile joined him, sitting down half in his lap with a soft laugh. They shuffled for a moment until they were comfortable and Remy wrapped his arms tightly around Emile. Emile leaned back, smiling.
"Do you wanna just hang here or should we read something?" Remy asked.
"Can we read Narnia?"
Remy chuckled- that was Emile's favorite book series. He absolutely loved it, almost as much as he loved some of the cartoons he watched. Remy nodded and Emile reached over to the bookshelf that was next to them, seeing the original Chronicles of Narnia book and grabbing it. He opened it, flipping to the page that they had left off on last time they did this.
The two read silently for a few moments.
"We should name our daughter Lucy, after Lucy Pevensie," Emile randomly commented. Remy raised an eyebrow, smiling.
"I thought you wanted a son named Steven?"
"Well... we can have both! Lucy and Steven. And then we can make Lucy read the Narnia books and make Steven watch Steven Universe. And then they'll love it and we can talk about it with them! It'll be great!"
"That would be fun. As long as I get to come home from my job as your secretary to our family, that's all I really care about."
Emile giggled. Emile had always wanted to be a therapist, and Remy agreed to be his secretary just because he really had no other plans for the future.
"So, what's our full planned-our timeline right now then, again?" Remy asked.
"Well, we graduate high school and then both of us can study psychology in college since we're both gonna be working at a therapist office. Unless you wanna study something else, which won't matter too much if you'll still be my secretary. And then once we're out of college we open up the business and name it Picani's Therapy Office, or something like that. And it will be Picani's because before we open up you'll propose to me and we'll get married and you'll take my last name since you say you don't like yours much. Then once I have a lot of clients and we're good on money we can adopt Lucy and Steven!"
"And of course during all of this we'll be living in a beach house that looks like the one in Steven Universe, right?" Remy added. Emile nodded vigorously, beaming.
"Yeah! And, ooh, maybe we can get a cat? I don't know what we'd name it but I want a cat. Maybe a dog, too!"
"We can do that. Either a golden retriever or a corgi."
"Ooh! I saw a picture of a dog that was a mix between a corgi and a golden retriever, and it just looked like a really short golden retriever. It was so cute! We should get that!"
Remy smiled fondly. "That sounds amazing, Emmy."
Remy was silent for a moment. He glanced around the library to make sure they were alone before pressing a quick kiss to the top of Emile's head. Emile immediately giggled and hid his now-reddening face in his hands. Remy just held him a bit tighter, smiling at his ability to fluster Emile so much.
The two sat there for a bit longer, eventually beginning to read their book again, until they decided to head back to class. They got back a few minutes before study hall ended.
They sat at a desk together chatting until Remy remembered their next period: English. He grimaced, taking a sharp breath in through his teeth.
"What's wrong?" Emile asked, frowning.
"We have English next."
"Oh, don't worry, Rem. I'm sure you'll be okay. You've gotten, like, 80s and 85s on all the other English tests you've taken, which are pretty decent grades, and I don't think it will be any different this time."
Emile reached out and squeezed his boyfriend's hand. Remy sighed and squeezed back, feeling himself relax. He had to stop himself from scooting his chair closer to his boyfriend just to hug him.
"...Thanks." Remy smiled gently.
Just then, the teacher got everyone's attention to go to their next period. Both stood up after Emile gave Remy's hand one last encouraging squeeze. They headed off to class.
Emile was right- the test ended up being no different than the other ones that Remy had taken in his life. He got through it, and turned it in semi-confidently. After looking it over he was pretty sure he had gotten an 80, which was fine with him. He had all B grades and that was perfectly okay with him.
English ended and he headed off to his next class, math. Remy actually really liked math. Not because he was good at it or anything, because he definitely wasn't, but because that was the only class where everyone got to choose their seats. So Remy sat in the very middle of the room, Emile on his left, Remus, Joan, and Talyn behind them. Math was always pretty chaotic because Remus and Joan and a couple of the other louder kids would often do weird stuff, but it was always pretty funny and the teacher was cool with it. The biggest reason that Remy liked math was just because he got to secretly hold Emile's hand underneath their desks, though.
When school ended, the couple rushed to get themselves packed up and out the door. As usual, they met up on the sidewalk and started walking home. They had agreed a while back that Remy would walk Emile to school, and Emile would walk Remy home. As they walked, they held each other's hand, as usual.
"How'd you think you did on that test?" Remy asked.
"Pretty good! How about you?"
"Eh. Pretty sure I got an 80. Which isn't too bad."
"See? It wasn't as hard as you thought it would be though, right? You're smarter than you think you are, Rem."
"It was definitely easier than I thought, like how you said. But of course you were right, you're... an amazing person with an equally amazing mind."
Emile went red and he hid his face with his free hand, starting to giggle. Remy giggled along with him, just holding onto his hand tighter. Just then, they heard the sound of a car nearby. Not just any car, though... an ice cream truck.
Emile's flustered attitude melted away at the sign of ice cream. He gasped gently, and then turned to his boyfriend.
"Rem? Remy? Do you have any money with you?"
Remy smirked. "I do, actually. We could get some ice cream and go find a bench to sit on maybe."
Emile nodded very quickly, beaming. He idled as Remy started to dig through his book bag for money. When he got it out, the ice cream truck was already slowing down. Remy walked up to the window as his boyfriend started to gaze at all the items he could possibly get.
"Can I get an ice cream sandwich? And, uh... Emile, what do you want?" Remy glanced behind him.
"The, er, the Spongebob popsicle thing?"
Remy chuckled, placing his money on the counter of the window. "And that."
The person in the truck took the money and gave Remy his change before handing them both their ice cream. They thanked the person and the truck started to drive away. Emile smiled, opening up his popsicle.
"I think we passed a bench a little bit ago so let's go backwards," Remy commented. Emile nodded, licking at his popsicle. They walked back some steps until they found the bench, and both sat down next to each other.
Remy tore off the wrapping paper of his ice cream sandwich and took a bite, smiling gently to himself. Emile leaned his head on his shoulder as he ate himself. They ate in silence for a good while, just watching the world go by together.
Glancing suddenly down at his boyfriend, Remy smirked, seeing that there was already ice cream smeared on his face.
"So... are you gonna actually eat that or are you just gonna smear it all over yourself?"
Emile pouted slightly, bringing his head up from Remy's shoulder. Remy started to laugh.
"No, I'm eating it! I'm just really messy."
Emile was about done with his ice cream at that point, so right then he bit off the last bit of popsicle before quickly throwing his popsicle stick in the trash can that was next to the bench. Remy was also done, so Emile took his wrapping and threw it in the trash can as well.
Remy stared at Emile for a moment before gently placing a hand on his cheek and turning his face to look at him. Emile blushed, beginning to softly smile.
"What?" Emile asked.
"I'm trying to figure out how I can get the ice cream off your face because I don't have a napkin."
Emile shrugged, not being able to help himself and leaning into the hand that was sitting on his cheek. Remy blinked a few times and sighed, moving his hand slightly down until his thumb was on Emile's lips. He used his thumb to get all of the ice cream off of his boyfriend's face, and Emile just smiled the whole time, letting it happen. When Remy was done he wiped the ice cream that was now on his thumb onto the side of his pants, and then placed his hand back on Emile's cheek. Both laughed softly.
After a second of staring both leaned forward slightly, their lips pressing together. They smiled into their kiss and pulled back after another moment.
"Are you ready to start walking home again now?" Emile asked.
Remy suddenly felt a pit in his stomach- a really bad feeling. He took a breath in, confused, and for some reason his gut told him to keep Emile on the bench for a couple more minutes at least. He wasn't sure why, though.
"Uhm... how about we stay here for a couple more minutes?"
Emile giggled. "Remy, you're gonna see me tomorrow. And we have homework. Come on, let's go."
Remy smirked gently. Emile was right, he probably was just trying to score some more time with his boyfriend.
...His gut was really was trying to get him some more time, wasn't it?
The two stood and intertwined their fingers, starting to walk to Remy's house. They chatted as they did this, just swinging their hands and smiling. They got to Remy's house and stopped walking, turning to face each other.
"I'll see you tomorrow," Emile said, smiling. Remy grabbed Emile's other hand and leaned forward, gently pecking his lips for a brief moment. They pulled away and giggled, Remy trying to lean back in for another kiss but Emile pushing him gently away.
"If you keep doing that we'll be out here forever."
"Fine, fine."
Remy still leaned forward and pecked his lips one more time. Emile smiled and jokingly rolled his eyes, stepping back off the sidewalk so he was a bit in the road. Remy blew him a kiss as he started walking up to his house.
"Bye, Remy!" Emile called out, waving enthusiastically.
"Bye, Emile!" Remy turned around on his front porch and smiled.
Emile smiled at him for a moment, Remy just standing frozen on his porch. He so badly wanted to run over to him and just hug him so tightly, but he knew he had to get inside. He averted his gaze from his boyfriend to help stop his wanting to hug him, and that's when he saw the car.
His face fell. Emile hadn't noticed it yet.
"Text me when you wake up, yeah?"
"Wait, Emmy, oh my-"
"I love-"
...It all happened so fast.
The car collided with Remy's short boyfriend and he was sent to the ground. A tire ran over his stomach and Emile tried to sit up, but the front of the car hit his head and he fell back again. The tire crushed his ribcage and got to his neck before it suddenly stopped and slowly backed up.
Remy couldn't breathe. And neither could Emile, for that matter.
Remy seemed to make eye contact with the driver for a moment until the driver sped off into the distance.
"Oh my go- you- you ASSHOLE!" He called out to the car, completely frozen in place. After a moment he saw his boyfriend and ran over to him.
"Oh my god, Emile. No, no, no." He kneeled down next to him, horrified at the sight. There were tire marks all over his stomach, and there was blood. There was so much blood.
"No, Emile, Emmy, please wake up. No- this- I- dammit!"
Remy felt tears start to form in the corners of his eyes. Remy put a hand shakily on Emile's heart, and it was beating- barely. It was beating completely irregularly, and Emile wasn't breathing and unconscious which meant he was probably about to completely die in a few seconds.
Remy leaned down desperately, wiping his eyes before trying to give him mouth-to-mouth. He knew it wasn't going to help, he knew that there was absolutely nothing he could do, but he had to try. There had to be a way. There just had to, right?
He pushed down on his chest where his lungs were and yelped when he felt something crack. Remy started breathing heavily, tears streaming down his face. He put a hand on Emile's heart.
It was silent.
Remy screamed.
"God- I- I never got to say 'I love you' back!"
That was true- Emile's last words had been "I love-" before he was cut off by, you know, impending doom. Emile had started to say it, and though they had said it to each other hundreds of times, Remy didn't get to say it back this time. He never got to do so many things- tell him how much he really loved him, how much he meant to him, how he'd never be able to function properly without him. He never got to have that sleepover, graduate college with him, kiss all of the freckles on his body, start a business, start a family, nothing.
And he never would.
Remy's face was soaked with his own tears at this point. He took Emile's hands into his own, but instead of feeling warm fingers and getting an encouraging squeeze, the hands were cold and lifeless. Holding his hands had always calmed Remy down- why hadn't it now? What had happened? Why couldn't things just be the same as they had been?
At this point Remy's leather jacker and pants were covered in Emile's blood. He let out a sob, gently cupping his face in his hands. But Emile did not giggle and blush and try to hide his face, he stayed completely still, eyes open yet blank. Remy stared into the beautiful emeralds that were his irises until he couldn't take it anymore and shut his eyelids.
Remy didn't know what to do. His life was over- nothing else mattered anymore, did it? God, he- he just wanted to run away from it all.
So that's what he did.
Remy got up and took one more look at his dead boyfriend before booting away from his body. He didn't look back, he just ran. Time seemed to lose all its meaning His head was full of thoughts yet it was empty. His feet and legs began to become sore but he just kept following the long stretch of the road. No cars came, but at that point if one could have ran him over too he would have gladly accepted his fate.
The sun began to set and Remy kept going, trying not to think about all the times he climbed onto his roof with Emile just to watch the sunset. He tried not to think about how his first kiss with him had actually been on his roof, the sky a beautiful purple behind them. The kiss had been a bare brush of the lips at most, and it had been a bit awkward even since both were extremely nervous about it, but even through all of that it had just been so perfect.
He wiped his eyes and tried to control his breathing, beginning to get a cramp in his side. He realized that there was a sign up ahead as the horizon somehow got closer, which didn't seem like it was possible. Remy started to slow down and he felt a random cold gust of wind brush up against his side.
Now walking slowly towards the sign that he saw, he took off his sunglasses and put them on his shirt. He wiped his eyes and held back a sob. After walking for a bit he finally reached the sign, and he read it.
You Have Reached the End of the Generated World.
"...Wh- What?" Remy muttered, confused. He sniffled, and looked past the sign, realizing that the horizon had begun to grow closer because he was standing on a cliff.
Something urged him to walk forward, and so he did. He wasn't sure what he was going to do when he got over- just stand there, staring down? Maybe kick a rock down into the bottom to see how long it took for it to fall? What if he just jumped off the ledge instead?
Remy got over to the cliff's edge, and he leaned over, staring straight down into the abyss below.
And his head was instantly filled with knowledge.
It was almost blinding- he yelped, immediately covering his eyes and stumbling back. His forehead began to pound. It felt like his brain was trying to break through his skull and jump out of his body just so it could run away from everything itself.
But it was too late. Remy realized that he hadn't just been blinded, but instead knowledge had taken his blindfold off. He was shown true life, and what reality really is, just by looking down that cliff into the dark abyss below that looked exactly like the night sky.
Remy screamed.
He kneeled on the ground, trying to cover his ears and block out the sound of his own voice along with everything else in the world. He wanted to forget. He had to- he just needed to wake up. But he had already woken up, just now. He wanted to go back to sleep, but he couldn't, because he couldn't stop thinking about what he just learned and he still couldn't stop picturing the mangled, bloody corpse of his beautiful Emile.
Tears started flooding out of his eyes even harder than they had been before. It was all too much. His soulmate was ran over by a car and now he had realized that there was nothing he could have done about it. He could see now, and what he saw was that every event in his life was already planned out and there was nothing he could do about it. He had no control over his own life, no matter how hard he might try to grasp for any.
...He was twelve.
He crumbled to the ground, face laying against the pavement of the road as he sobbed. A cold gust of wind continued to float around him, making himself shiver and sit up, trying to pull his leather jacket closer around him.
But what was there to do? He was cold, he was traumatized, and he was knowledgeable. He had no control over those three things right now, all he could really do was cry.
He let out a sob, slowly inching forward towards the cliff. He sat, letting his legs dangle off the edge, hands gripping tightly to the ground next to him. He sat upright and just let tears fall down his face as he stared off into the empty sky.
Reality had hit him as hard as that car had hit Emile.
Yeah this definitely made me cry while writing it-
Hope you guys enjoyed watching seventh-grader (for anyone who doesn't live in America, that's Year 8) Remy become completely traumatized in one day and one day only! And to think he had woken up that morning worrying about an English test...
By the way, the next bonus chapter I write will probably be in Remy's POV too, because it's gonna be what happens to him right after he dies. Yep. I wanted to write this one first just so that would be, like, 10x more emotional lmao-
See ya soon! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜
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