Chapter Ten
Chapter Ten- Visions
*Pandora's Pov*
It has been said, 'time heals all wounds.' I disagree. The wounds remain. In time, the mind, protecting its sanity, covers them with scar tissue and the pain lessens. But it is never gone. The pain we feel for lost love ones is never truly gone, no matter how fast we run or how long we hide, it catches up with you and eats you up inside.
I looked over towards a sleeping, snoring Constantine and decided to get up and take a shower before he was awake knowing him along with Mick use the most hot water.
While sneaking out of John's room, I bumped into Zari in the hall.
She looked beyond stressed, knowing I have my own problems I still asked how she was doing.
"Hey Zari, you doing okay?"
"Yeah Pandora, just this whole demon thing, Nate's dad I just really want to keep him safe."
"I'm in the same boat with you there Zar, it's hard you know never knowing what tomorrow or even what an hour looks like?" I told her and she smiled knowing I understood where she was coming from.
"Now, I'm gonna go take a shower before the boys use the hot water up. I'll always be here if you need to talk Zari." I told her and she nodded and walked away but not before saying,
"You too Pandora. Just be careful."
Walking inside the bathroom, I stripped while I turned on the water to let it heat up. I then stepped inside the shower and began wetting my hair.
Grabbing for the shampoo bottle, my vision begins to go blurry and I feel my nose start to bleed the worse it ever has.
"Pandora." I heard my name be called as I looked around me there was nothing but forest and thin mist.
The voice was familiar as it called for me again and again. Then I turned to see a man with dark brown hair and green eyes.
"Ace?" I called out into the open facing towards him.
"Pandora, you need to stay away from Neron." He frantically tells me.
"Why?" I questioned, Neron needed to be stopped before it was too late.
"He'll gain control of you Pandora, and I know you're strong but he'll alwa-" Ace stopped mid sentence and was coughing out blood as I saw Neron behind him-using Ace as a vessel.
I started to scream, I was fading in and out of reality. Then I heard John's voice pulling me out as Neron walked closer until I was no longer in the vision.
"Love!" Constantine was shaking me, and I hadn't realized it but I must've fell because I was sitting down in the shower.
It was like my body was in shock because I couldn't find the strength to respond and I kept gasping for air.
I had just seen Ace slaughtered in front of me for the second time. I couldn't breathe it was like I was having a panic attack and I heard voices coming from outside of the bathroom.
"Constantine, is she alright?" It was definitely Sara's voice.
"She must've had a vision her nose is bleeding." John tells her.
Then I felt tears start pouring from my eyes while John took off his soaked white shirt and placed it around me to cover me up. He swooped me up into his arms.
"Love it's alright, just focus on my voice." The one thing I've always found strength in was John's voice. At this point Sara had walked in to help John calm me down.
My body felt like it had been traumatized because my actions weren't normal.
"Pandora, it's okay you're here with us. It's Sara and John." Sara's voice tried to reassure me and it seemed to work because my breathing was finally steady.
"Jo-Johny?" My voice croaked out, my throat was sore and he hurt like hell.
Both Sara and John looked at me with concerned looks.
"I-I had a vi-vision. Ace, Ace. He came in the vision but then, Neron came and killed him and took him as a vessel." My voice stuttered in between.
"Who's Ace? Never-mind that what did he say to you?" Sara spoke with a peak of interest.
Constantine continued to hold me and pat my hair while I found my voice again.
"He said that, I needed to stay away from Neron, and that if I didn't he'd gain control of me and I wouldn't be able to fight back." Sara nodded giving me and John privacy, leaving the bathroom.
"Johny, everything hurts." I cried out while the water kept pouring over us.
"Here's what, I'll do. I'll finish stripping down and then I'll help you finish showering, okay love?" I nodded because that sounded really nice about now then he got out of the shower and finished stripping.
He then opened the shower door and got back in with me, he took the bottle of shampoo and placed it in both our hairs. I slowly traced my fingers over his tattoos, causing him to shiver.
He placed his finger under my chin and lifted my head up to him and placed his lips precisely on top of mine and ran his fingers through my hair.
"I love you Pandora, I hope you know that." His mumbled voice said while kissing my neck.
"I love you too Constantine."
Everything about him made me shiver in goosebumps, from the way he touched me to the way he taught me how to do magic.
This was the place I found love, he was my home. Honestly, I haven't thought that much passed tomorrow but I know as long as it was with him I would be more than okay.
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