Chapter One
Chapter One- Unicorns?
*Pandora's Point of view*
"Captain Lance, I would like you and your team to report to the Time Bureau immediately."
"Copy that" Sara speaks.
"Gideon, set a course for Star City"
" I'm not talking about our field office, Miss Lance."
"I meant our Time Bureau Headquarters in D.C." Then Gideon plots the course when I finally speak."Alright who told her about the dragon?" "Gary probably did, Constantine probably got to him." Mick says.
We finally land at the Time Bureau in Washington DC and Gary meets us and immediately escorts us to Ava. As soon as we walk in we hear-
"SURPRISE"Coming from everyone at the agency. "On behalf of the Time Bureau, I would like to recognize Captain Lance and her crew for fixing the final Anachronism." "Wait so what does that mean?" I questioned. "It means Paul Revere was the final crack in the timeline."
It feels like it was yesterday when I joined the legends and now that history was fixed that left me with what I would do next. The real world doesn't even know that magic exist, so I could never find a profession with it. I guess I could always talk to Constantine and maybe he could help me find something. "You okay there Pandora?"
Ray says waving his hand in front of my face. "Yeah I'm fine just thinking about what's next for me is all." He nodded. After that I decided to head back onto the ship and just be by myself.
After I got back onto the ship, I went to my quarters and put on my cloak that I wore sometimes on dangerous missions when I hear my door open and see Constantine. "Love we have a problem." He says and pours some bones on my nightstand. "So why come to me and not the captain?" "Because you're the only one who understands magic, I already told Sara but she didn't listen and the darkness is rising." I gave him a confused look. " know I know magic but I'm not a master at it how do you expect me to help?"
"Love, I know what you're capable of. I can teach you everything you need to know. That darkness that's inside you needs to be unleashed." This is so ridiculous, we just heard we fixed the timeline and now it's broken again.
"Fine than don't believe me, and when you end up dead don't come haunting me." He said as he started walking away. I grabbed his wrist and said "You don't have to be a dick to me..there's nothing I can do until I try to get Sara on board." I gave him a look and then disappeared.
"Love, I know what you're capable of." His voice kept ringing in my ears. "I think I just need some sleep." I thought out loud and then proceeded to crash onto my bed.
The Next Morning
"Pandora, wake up there's a monster." I heard Zara's voice. I jumped up and out of bed "What?! That means Constantine was right." "Wait what? No mind that but Ray and I are taking the ship back to Woodstock 1969 and try to fix it before the Bureau finds out." I nod along and walk out with Zara and sit in my seat on the ship as they set it up.
"We have now arrived in Woodstock, 1969." Gideon speaks and I go and grab a hippie outfit to wear for the mission.
After that I put on a red floral crown and head off the ship with Ray and Zari and try to find what could be causing the trouble. That's when I hear Sara on the coms "You guys figured out history was disturbed too?" "Yep me too, don't worry I left Mick he's urging to punch a hippie." Nate comes in. That's when we all meet up in the middle and hear a horse then turn around to see a Unicorn.
"Woah it's an actual unicorn..." "Guys we need to get Constantine and fast." As soon as I say that the unicorn kills a woman and eats her heart and the unicorn threw me back as I went to go stab it with my daggers; and I definitely felt some bruising. "Pandora go back and get him now!" Sara shouts as I use a time courier to get back to 2018.
I rush to his apartment door and start pounding on it with people giving me crazy looks.
"Bloody hell can you not see the do not disturb sign?!" I hear an angry Constantine open the door with nothing but a robe on.
"Sorry love but, I have three-some about to pop off in here." The warlock's accent was thick when he said this.
"Constantine please.. we need your help." He gives me a worried look considering I look terribly beaten up. He brought me inside whilst kicking the other two girls out of his hotel room. "What happened love?" "Unicorn, eating people's hearts in Woodstock you were right I'm sorry." I say before I run out of breath as John places bandages on me and we jump back to 1969.
"Finally we need saliva and a virgin." John says. "I've got the saliva you find the virgin" Nate says and then he was off. "Where are we gonna find a virgin at Woodstock?"
"Right here..." I sighed as Constantine and the rest of them look at me. "Come on, I just barley turned 21 is it so wrong to wait for someone that cares about a weirdo like me?"
"Alright come on love, you can have a lesson in magic by helping me open the door to hell." I gave a small smile as I followed John.
"Okay, okay Pandora just hold the pomegranate and keep your distance."
"John you're gonna get her killed!"
"Sara just shut up, she wouldn't be doing it if she didn't trust me."
"Both of you just be quiet!" I screamed as energy flowed through my body.
"Now then, Unicorny where are you?" I spoke as I watched the magical creature appear from out of the woods. It started appearing closer and closer, "Constantine whatever you plan on doing do it quick." I heard Sara order him. I heard him start chanting some spell as he stood behind the unicorn and watched as it open a portal to hell.
As the unicorn was getting pulled into the portal it showed it's teeth, and then grumbled in my face as it was sucked away.
"What the hell was that? Why didn't it hurt her?" Nate asked.
"Because, I put a shield around her to protect her." John says as we start to head back to the wave rider.
A little after our team meeting back on the wave rider John was back in my room trying to heal me. "Where does it hurt love?" He asked as he pushed into my side and I winced. "Ouch, there!"
"Alright sit still" He said as he cast a spell and I felt my body healed.
Before he walked out he said "I know I'm a stubborn bastard but it'll grow on you."
"No worries Constantine." I gave him a little smile as he left my room.
A/N: I know this chapter was kinda bad, but I promise the next chapters will be great. I just had to get the boring one out of the way. Hope you guys liked it though.
[Edited: 06/18/19]
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