Remember... You Asked For This
Remember all those questions you dropped in the last chapter? Well we slapped them all in a word doc and then went insane. Here are the results of our first Q&A.

@oxMadisonxo: Where do you find your gifs? Maybe I wanna party in my book. Woo *throws confetti*
• is the best place for gifs XD
•Google search! :p
• isn't half bad either
@Amplitudes: Can you make more mobile tutorials?
•We could…Calling all mobile users. Guys we need more mobile tutorials. Who here is still completely mobile!? *looks around* I think that's Mya and Llyn at this point….we'll try and work on it.
•Llyn: I’m ¾ mobile as of now, so I could probably help with that sometime in the near future XD

@XAGurl18: How did the idea of the guild start and how did you all come together to form the guild?
Mya: one day Lani popped into my PM and offered me candy if I got into her white van. I followed her and now -- I mean….I'll let them tell you. Lani, Llyn, you're up.
Nik: Mya speaks the truth. I was an innocent passersby when they snatched me up off the street and I’m in their basement and they don’t know I’m typing this seND HELP-- I MEAN. Nevermind. Lani. Go.
Llyn: *Shakes head* *sighs* In other words, they mean that I asked Lani if she wanted to partake in the idea of the Guild with me, and she recommended them as awesome designers, so we PM’d them to ask if they wanted to join and stuff happened and here we are, at 1K followers!
Lani: Yeah, Llyn’s the mastermind behind this. She told me to kidnap a few graphic designers and enslave them for our zombie army- *cough* I mean graphic design group *cough* and so I did
Llyn: SHHHHHH! *pokes Lani in rib*
Llyn: *sighs* Just… just… I don’t even…
Mya: Wait...I'm a slave…?
Celin: … *tiptoes away*
Alli: o.o *hides behind partyparrots*
Rachel: :parrotdad:

@XAGurl18: What are your plans for the future? Wattpad isn't a job and neither is making graphics,so what's your plans for careers? And will you use your graphic skills to help decide what you'll do?
Nik: Excuse you. (Just kidding, you’re fine XD) Still, graphics IS a job, and one I do hope to go into. You just have to be more specific than “graphicing”. I like the idea of professional book covers, movie posters, or video game promo art, but I could be interested in movie animation or CGI effects at some point as well. We’ll have to see where it goes I suppose. Of course my long term dream is to be a published author, but we’ll see what happens.
Mya: I'm going to college. My dream is to get my PhD in palaeontology.
Lani: graphicing is more of a hobby for me...I'm pretty into biomed (I'm sitting in a lab as I type this) ;)
Celin: Graphics is a hobby for me too at this point but I’m going to go into Computer Science in college c:
Alli: as nik mentioned, graphic design is a career that i think many graphic designers here on wattpad are interested in c: i’d honestly love to delve into the publishing industry as a cover artist or an editor, or maybe (hopefully!) just a writer so we’ll see!
Rachel: Currently, I’m studying Applied Psychology at uni in order to get a ‘proper job’ at the end. But after finding out how expensive it will be to become a qualified Psychologist and that I’m slightly mad myself, I have no idea what to do. I’d love graphic design to become a part-time job, and I’m considering how to go about it, but for now it’s a hobby.
Stef: I’m currently studying English Language and Linguistics in uni (dreams do come true lol). I’m also freelancing graphics, aka I’m working by putting my graphic knowledge to use. It does bring in income, which is very helpful since I am a broke university kid. I don’t think too much into the future about my career since I want to pursue my masters in English. :p
Sarah: I’m in my last year of school, but the plan is to go to uni and pursue forensic pathology :0 If that fails, I’d like to become an author, but writing and designing are my biggest hobbies right now. I think designing movie posters or book covers would be awesome as a job, though, but pathology is really what I’d like to go for!
Llyn: I definitely want to take the science route when I do end up getting a job, and so there’s not a whole lot I can do with graphics there. However, I could always be a cover designer on the side if I end up deciding I want to pursue that as well.
Mya: Wow for a bunch of fantasy fanatics we sure do like science.

@Mercurous: what would be the party parrots' signature hat?
Nik: SOMBRERO *Mexican music plays in background* *guys I’m Mexican I can say that don’t shoot me*
••Ask chet. He’ll probably want to wear a knife.
Mya: that's my boy

@ChosynSwim: How do I twerk?
Nik: Here’s a fix-all tip for that question. Step 1: Don’t. Just don’t.
Mya: Step 2: if someone's holding a gun to your head telling you to get it down. Make like the party parrot and disco blob.
Celin: omfg yes to all above XD
Alli: :parrotdad:

@Cloud9_forever: Who started @GuildOfGraphics and how did you all come to be a part of it?
Llyn: I decided to start @GuildOfGraphics after I was introduced to the Wattpad world of graphics by @MulanJiang. I didn’t know too many designers, so I just asked her to help me with a list of people who would be interested, and this is who we came up with! We sent PM’s to everyone on that list, and voila! Here we are!

@Azurina77: Where do you find the pics for your graphics?
Lani: DEVIANTART and Google Images and pexels and pixabay XD
Llyn: What she said.
Nik: If you’re just going for personal use, Google Images, DeviantArt, Pinterest. If CC0 images, pixabay for me.
Alli: definitely agree with the above! pixabay, pexels, and other miscellaneous sites are excellent for stock/commercial-free images, and deviantart, pinterest, and just google are great for wattpad covers (also, learn to stalk photographers. i’m serious. i have an arsenal of my favorite users on deviantart and surreal photographers on google).
Rachel: Deviantart is heaven. And pexels is my obsession.
Stef: I agree with everyone with DeviantArt! I also use pixabay, depositphotos and freepik where I buy my licenses to prevent people from dissing me lolol.
Sarah: I use DeviantArt, it’s a saviour! I also use pinterest and, occasionally, google images XP because it’s great for finding model photoshoots + etc

@ChrissyNoelle: How did party parrot GIFs become a thing with you guys?
Nik: We live in the same house sis, you coulda just asked me. You’re standing next to me right now. Why you no talk to meeee ;-;
Llyn: That moment when you’re sitting across the room from someone and instead of talking, you text. Good job.
Lani: oh yeah, Llyn and I do that all the time :)
Mya: is no one going to answer the question?
Nik: YOU answer the question!
Alli: well when i was invited onto the fantasci slack i saw the parrots and fell in love with them…so then i proposed the idea of using slack to the rest of the team and then uploaded the parrots from there. you’re welcome >:)
Rachel: :congaparrot:
Stef: :explodingparrot:
Sarah :dealwithitparrot
Mya: *party parrot* *knife*
Lani: :parrotdad:
Llyn: Which parrot am I again? Oh right- :boredparrot: (not because I'm bored, but because Lani said it once and now I can't forget it XD)

@Argtarc: Have you ever watched the musical 'Dreamgirls'? (Because if you haven't, go watch it not. It has Beyoncé, Jennifer Hudson, Eddie Murphy and Jamie Foxx in it. What's more to ask for in life?)
•Parrots. That's more to ask for in life. But we'll keep it in mind.

@x-Melis-X: How to cut PNG and make it blend into the graphic?
Lani: Um...depends on the software. You could use the free app Back Eraser, but it has low quality. If you use photoshop, I highly recommend Topaz Remask (thanks Stef!!!) :) As for blending, take a soft eraser and soften the edges. Make sure both images are of the same coloring! PSDs and filters help too. Topaz is a nice finishing touch, but DO NOT OVER TOPAZ THE COVER. DONT DO IT. I see so many amazing graphic designers that do it -_-
Alli: definitely agree with lani. you want to absolutely super duper make sure that the colors, hue, lighting, everything matches super well. a lazy way to do this is use psds/pxds if you’re using photoshop or pixlr, but you can also manually adjust these settings. to cut out the model, use the polygonal lasso tool/hard eraser on pixlr or the quick selection + layer mask on photoshop (i don’t have topaz remask because i’m broke XD) or just a soft eraser if it’s a darker cover. or add some mist to cover the rough edges if you’re really lazy.
Rachel: If you’re feeling brave, try the pen tool. I’ve just learned how to use it and I am in love.
Stef: To blend, the easiest way is to use psd colorings and textures ( not those shiny antler ones but the colored ones). To make a png, you will want to use a hard cut tool such as the polygonal lasso tool or the pen tool. My lazy bum always use Topaz Remask to cut out models while I use the magic wand tool + polygonal lasso tool to hard cut.
Mya: it's only easy if you have PS, Stef.
Sarah: I agree with everything that’s been said above :0 I use the hard eraser on photoshop, usually, but use the soft one for cutting out hair and light. Otherwise, there are several blending options that really help, so I’d suggest playing around with those.

@kiwilsreading: can you make me a taco? xD
Mya: Can you find out where I live?
Nik: *missing Mom’s tacos now* *but enchiladas are better* *and guacamole* *mmmmmm*
Mya: I mean I could….but do I want to? Sure why not.

@kiwilsreading: are you able to do animations? that would be awesome xD
alli: since no one answered this, i’ll just say that no, i can’t do animations XD
@-auror: Why a parrot? Why is the parrot partying?
Nik: *insert “PARTY OR DIEEEE”
Celin: ^ basically
Rachel: A parrot must always party.

@XxMrPerfect10xX: Where can I download many font for free??(I have Photo apps but there not have many font)
Lani: or or befont. You can download them right into Phonto.
Llyn: or (except some of the ones there aren’t free)
Nik: will save your life.
Celin: is like a godsend XD
alli: is holy.
Rachel: Basically what they said. XD
Mya: By the way, the app you really want is Phonto, otherwise none of this information matters.
Stef: dafont is great, but a lot of its fonts are a bit tacky. Try behance ( they’ve a lot of good free ones that are not tacky). 1001fonts, however, is GODSEND.
Mya: Dafonts fonts are….bold. If you want to make a statement… there are plenty of places to find fonts, but just remember, all places can be good if you work hard enough. Just like mobile users can be just as good or better than PS I'm coming off as really touchy aren't I?
Sarah: What everyone else said.

@XxMrPerfect10xX: How can I make a simple cover look more beautiful, nice and amazing??
Celin: Try playing around with colouring. Simple covers also give you a lot more freedom with the font so try different things out with your text.
alli: psds are great for simple covers. you can add a SMALL amount of topaz to smoothen it if you want. DEFINITELY make sure that your typography is on point, swirls + hand drawn doodles work well for humorous/minimalist/romance covers.
Rachel: I want to know how to do this too. XD
Mya: what they said.
Stef: Don’t crowd it with stuff and make sure the title is legible.
Draw inspo from other simple covers, get a feel for what they generally look like, and sticking to a colour scheme is probably a good idea. Also make sure you try to express the genre as best as you can through the cover, especially in terms of font.

@XxMrPerfect10xX: Can you suggest an awesome apps that have many filters??
Lani: PIXLR!! And Picsart :)
Llyn: Pixlr has a ton of filters that you can combine to make awesome stuff happen XD
Rachel: PicsArt, it’s awesome, download now.
Sarah: Pixlr is great!
Mya: or you could search up filters in the play store.

@Lizonlinex: How do you blend covers so well WITHOUT photoshop or superimpose? (for peeps who don’t use photoshop or superimpose)
Llyn: I’ve started working with Pixlr Editor on my laptop, but I’m kinda new to it, so I’m going to answer your question with regards to Pixlr mobile. What I usually end up doing is that I find a picture that matches the colour scheme of my cover, and if the picture I have doesn’t match, I adjust the settings so that it matches better. Then I take the eraser and turn the feather all the way up, and just go around the edges of the photo until it looks decently blended. If the picture has a lot of shadows and the background of your cover is black, it usually works if you erase the shadows on the picture and let them blend with the background. I hope that made at least some sense, if any!
Lani: ^^ what she said. *pats
Llyn* I have taught you well XD
Llyn: You forgot the “young padawan” part. I’m disappointed. XD
Nik: I used for a very long time before I actually got Photoshop. It actually works the exact same way, all the tools have equivalent it’s just the setup that’s different. When it comes to cutting/blending people, it’s about alternating between small and large brushes, hard and soft brushes. Other images, it’s all about layer blending styles (Add, Lighten, Multiply, etc) and basic erasing.
Rachel: On mobile, using PicsArt you can blend the same way you do on photoshop. Just play around with the filters, lighting and use a soft eraser to soften the hard edges of certain stock. Mess about with the layer styles too to see what works.
Mya: I know this is off topic… But who else is starting to ship Lani and Llyn?
Nik: *stares at Mya as realization hits* *begins furiously designing ship things* yissssss
Mya: shippppp
Lani: Nuuuuuu *runs away*
Llyn: *stands there awkwardly* *runs after Lani*
Mya: Oh my Lord I ship it so hard. Go after her Llyn. Loveeee

@awkwardlyartsy: What apps do you use if you make a cover on your phone??
Llyn: I use Pixlr and Phonto to make the covers. If I have to draw things in, I use Adobe Draw, and to make PNG’s, I used to use Back Eraser (but the images ended up being really low quality so I stopped). Hope that helps!
Mya: to add onto this list. Photolayers-superimpose, Picsart, IbisPaintX, NiceEyes,
Rachel: Before I switched to my laptop, I used to use PicsArt and Photoshop touch, but photoshop touch isn’t available anymore which sucks because it’s pretty awesome. I’ve also used Pixlr and Masquer until I discovered PicsArt.

@ingenuousness: slackbot: why a pony?
Slackbot: Blame Mya
Mya: Heyyyy
Slackie: neighhhh

@ingenousness: le party parrot: how's the guild treating you? what do you eat?
partyparrot (alli): the stomachs of MDC trolls. it’s a good life over here.
Mya: he also eats the occasional taco and cracker….
Party parrot: Stop divulging my secrets!
@ingenousness: @/abyss-of-crazy where can I get a unicorn?
elin: well my friend, unicorns are all around us ;D you just need to know where you look ;DDDDDDD or you can just go to your nearest UnicornsRUs XD man i wish that is a thing now
@ingenousness: @/torissanikole a penguin just walked in the door. what would it say & why is it here?
Nik: I’d like stare at it, then I’d give it a big hug and take it out to dinner and have a Sherlock marathon with it. New bffl yasss.
@ingenousness: @/mulanjiang if you could have one superpower, what would you have?
Lani: Time travel. I could fix all my mistakes and “predict the future”, which would be a pretty cool party trick ;) Or super speed (like the Flash!) or invisibility (so I could play pranks on people *evil laughter*) or healing (it would be hella useful) or shape shifting or…*keeps listing off awesome superpowers until the end of the universe because there are too many*
@ingenousness: @/eosophobic what's your favorite parrot?
*horrified* THAT’S LIKE ASKING ME TO CHOOSE MY FAVORITE CHILD. *coughs* :boredparrot:
@ingenousness: @/shadowsleek where can I buy a blue strawberry?
Your nearest dollar store. It's called a bandana people. Here's a little secret, I also wear it around my neck ;)
@Cloud9_forever: How do you do that glowy-sparkly thing that @RachelS8766 does in her covers (eg: Shadows of Deceit and Blood & Ash) using Pixlr?
For the glowy-sparkly thing, I used a couple of stock photos I found on Deviantart and then messed around with the layer styles until I got the effect I wanted. Or it was either a photoshop brush which I then edited, but I’m not sure how that would work on pixlr. Sorry, I’m not much help. Have a partyparrot instead XD
@hanginginclouds: Mya I have a question! Which is your favourite party parrot?
Hocho parrot, which is the traditional party parrot with the knife emoji next to it. *sniffs* Oh my little baby off to destroy people.
@thepiedownthehall: What's the easiest way to hide a body?
Mya: Throw a blanket over it, buy some air fresheners and pretend it's sleeping.
@hangingintheclouds What came first, the chicken or the egg?
Mya: fish. Fish came came first.
How would you go about getting rid of the party parrot without the other members knowing?
Mya: why does everyone keep asking this? I'm starting to worry. What have we done to our following?
Rach: Why would you want to get rid of the attractive blob with the awesome wiggle? :partyparrot:
@ImpossiblyFiery: Is food bae?
Rachel: I need food…
Mya: you need Graham crackers, that's what you need, Rach.
Nik: *silently cries in corner*
@ImpossiblyFiery: Do you like the Hunger Games?
Lani: Obviously. But I wouldn't want to participate in them. Dying = bad (though I'm already dead...fell into an oven while baking funeral cakes for Llyn and Steffie)
Llyn: I was gonna say the exact same thing. This just proves it. We are the same person. No doubt about it.
alli: well i’m just going to ignore the identity crisis happening above and say: always. CARP WRONG FANDOM *runs* I liked the first book! But then the other two went downhill sooo *runs from the angry fangirls*
Mya: of course! Who doesn't like being forced to murder people -- I AM A FREE ELF. YOU CAN'T TAKE ME ALIVE, I WILL KILL HOW AND WHEN I WANT, SNOW. YOU CAN'T TELL ME WHEN I CAN AND CANNOT KILL. YOU CAN'T --
Stef: @Lani @Lyn @Mya I’ll hang y’all from a tree. >:)
Mya: Steffie. You. Me. Right now. Let's go. You dare threaten to hang me, I'll have your food for this.
Sarah: Yuss
Nik: oh heck yis
@XAGurl18: How long ago did all of you start to create graphics?
Llyn: May 2016, I think… It was shortly after Lani started her graphics, and a bit after I helped with her shop (remember the apprentice thing?)...
Lani: January? So about 7-8 months ago
Celin: uhhhh I started like February 2015 soooo…. A year and a half?
alli: almost exactly one year ago! whoop whoop!
Rach: Sometime in late 2013 o.o But I’ve switched software a million times so I’ve not really progressed as much as I should have at this stage XD
Mya: November 2014
Stef: December 2015
Sarah: August 2015, but I only started really getting into photoshop and proper designing in December~
Nik: I was casually into it for two years, but I got really into and actually started trying about April 2016
@schoolgirlsoudra: Did you watch Suicidé Squad?
Nik: NOT YET BUT I SWEAR I WILL. PINKY SWEAR. *sadly actually doesn’t know anything about this but wants to I promiseeee*
Llyn: I’m that person who knows stuff like this exists but doesn’t actually end up seeing it until 3 months later….
Lani: Me too Llyn...lets watch it together XD
Rachel: I’m broke and can’t afford to go see it just now GAH. :explodyparrot:
@schoolgirlsoudra: Which graphic-making app are you most comfortable with?
Llyn: Probably Pixlr/Pixlr Editor, mostly because those are the only apps I’ve used…
Lani: Pixlr the mobile app because I've had a lot of practice with it, but I really like Photoshop CC :)
alli: photoshop cs6 is bae <333
Rachel: Bahaha I have no idea. Maybe photoshop cs2, though I’ve managed to get cs6 to work on my ancient computer and really like it, plus it’s pretty similar to cs2. But there’s also PicsArt on mobile which I’m comfortable with. I’m really not answering this question properly lel.
Stef: Photoshop cs6 forevah <33 Yas Alli yas.
Sarah: Photoshop Cs6 <33
Mya: I swear the Photoshop users think they're so superior. Mobile users, to me. Let's show them how we can dominate. Hear us, for we are the minority.
Nik: used to be my thing, but the second I could, I left it for Photoshop CC <3
@Addicting_Books: What rhymes with kayla, I can't come up with a freaking slogan…
Nik: ummm Ala - “the wing of a bug”, or Gala were all I could find on that O_O
Mya: May I suggest not using Kayla at the end of your slogan if it's hard to rhyme. Try I'm Kayla blah blah blah blah dah -- something blah blah blah blah lah.
Llyn: The wing of a bug???
Celin: Gaia, Ayla, Eva, Aira, Gala, Sarah, … most of these are names lol
alli: i failed rhyming poetry in elementary school. don’t ask me XD
Rach: Depends on how you pronounce the name and I’m pretty sure my accent would make it sound different. XD
@ohmyjosh-: what is the meaning of life?
Nik: 42
Llyn: WHAT NIK SAID. Also sheep.
Mya: ice cream and Party parrots….I'm not part of that fandom. But I guess that you could say that infinity is the lack of all limitations which essentially could be the definition of evil.
Rach: PHOTOSHOP and sleep. And parrots. PARTEH.
Stef: Food, sleep, my novel will write itself, graphics and a backscrub.
@BananaBam03: How many layers of photos so your covers usually have? (Just an estimate ;) )
Nik: Not counting adjustment layers (Photoshop), probably five actual images on average. Give or take ten or so.
Lani: same as Nik: too many photos can get messy. But every now and then, on more manipulated covers, my layers start to go skyrocket into the hundreds O.O
alli: actual photos, not adjustment layers or anything? umm…depends on the manipulation, honestly. i can have either like 3 photos or like 10, it really depends.
Rach: 20-30 but sometimes I forget to delete hidden layers so maybe that’s not an accurate estimate. XD
Stef: My record? 800. Mine varies, really. Sometimes it can be 50 and above. Others can just jump to 500+ e.e
Sarah: Usually more than 30.
Llyn: I’m going to be the most useful one here and say that I don't know. XD
Mya: what Llyn said.
@NirvanaWriter: What song are you listening to right now? Whatever it is that will be our song. Lol I'm so weird srry if I scarred you for life :3
Lani: Omg I'm always listening to music...lets go with Halsey as of this moment :)
Mya: Street Dreams by Hollywood Undead….Wow not a TSFH song for once. Rise all my Two Steps From Hell fans. Remember, music makes you braver
Lani: Omg I read “street dreams” as “sweet dreams”. Sweet Dreams is a good song though...I like the cover by Holly Henry ;)
alli: halsey is queen <3
HALSEY ‘CASTLE’ but now I’m listening to TSFH >:)
Stef: Aleksandar Dimtrivoc’s They Fought as Legends. Now I’m jumping back to TSFH <3
Sarah: Sippy Cup: Melanie Martinez (the lyrics are SO MORBID I LOVE THEM)
Nik: I'm into so many songs right now it's hard to choose… A running fave is “Anti-Gravity” by RUNAGROUND.
Llyn: Is it bad that I know literally only one of these songs?
Mya: nah.
@Lupine_at_last: How WOULD you go about hiding a dead body?
Mya: *sheepish face* bahhh
You don't just go about it. You either know what you're doing or you don't. Acid is the most sure fire way to make sure that no one will ever find it. But your problem with acid is the extreme erosion, there will be a residue left over which you will need to take forensic countermeasures for.
You might need to transport a body in your lifetime. Do NOT EVER roll your corpse up in a rug and try to drag it. There is so many things that could go wrong. It is big and it will make your movements more noticeable and cumbersome. You don't want people to see, and dragging a whole body around is an easy way to get seen. I suggest investing in a good electric chainsaw. (Gas ones have more power in them but the fumes can get to you and make you start hallucinating). No one is ever going to question you for taking out the garbage.
After severing the pieces which will be much easier for transport, you can dispose of the body at your nearest convenience. Having something that will consume human flesh like pigs or rabid dogs will make life easier for you, but not necessary. Good luck.
Llyn: You’ve thought that out very carefully, Mya (*Note to self*-- Don’t get on Mya’s bad side in the near future). Another option is to just not have to hide the body in the first place???
Mya: sometimes it is unavoidable. I have friend that likes to dump his kills into my yard to frame me. He thinks I don't notice and approaches me at school, asking why I haven't been arrested yet.
Celin: just feed them to your pet dragon or your carnivore unicorn, whichever one of those you have. If you have neither of them… cut the body into tiny pieces and incinerate them.
alli: get a legion of partyparrots. they’re honestly really useful when it comes to graphic-stealers, annoying users, mdc drama…multi-use partyparrots! what’s not to love!
Rach: it’s slightly terrifying how much they know about hiding dead bodies. O.o Personally, though I have magic for that kind of situation >;)
Mya: ohhhh right, another thing you want to take into consideration. If you want to burn a body, you can't just throw it in your fireplace, (first of all, serious grease and chemical residue. You'll never be able to clean that up.) You'll need a very very hot and concentrated flame. They're hard to get and make. Crematoriums are great for this, if you have one you can break into (which I do) at your convenience. Otherwise don't burn the bodies. The bones don't burn and you have to hand grind them or throw them into a food processor and it gets so so messy. I know I don't want carbonated human flesh in my nice food processor and I know you don't either.
Stef: I’ll get Chet to do it. He killed the man, he buries it. I ain’t gonna help.
Mya: ^ if only all of us had a Chet.
Rach: Mya have you done this before? o.o
Mya: Depends, are you a cop?
@Lupine_at_last: What's your favorite genre and why? (To make graphics for or to read)
Lani: fantasy/scifi to read and the same for covers. It's entertaining to read because it transports me to a new world, and I like making “dark” covers because that's what I read, and thus, I have lots of inspo XD
Llyn: I love fantasy and science fiction, but I’m a huge fan of romance/rom-com style books and teen fiction books, as Lani knows all too well :). I love making fantasy covers because you can do a ton of cool stuff with them including special effects :)
Lani: *sighs* You and your romance books Llyn smh XD And same with the special effects!
Llyn: What can I say? I’m a hopeless romantic, I guess…
Lani: I am too XD SHIP SHIP SHIP SHIP *insert a Steffie screaming “NOW KISS” here*
Llyn: *Goes back to put punctuation in Lani’s quote* *Annoys Lani*
Lani: *sighs* quotation marks aren't necessary in casual conversations! You get the point -_-
Llyn: Actually, those are dashes, not points. Points look like this: .
Lani: *gives you the annoyed look while trying to be serious before bursting out into laughter*
Mya: *pops in* I also like horror and mystery/thrillers….as you can probably tell…
Stef: *squishes a llyn and a lani together* now KISSSS. FANTASY FTWWWW
Mya: omgs…XD
Sarah: Sci-fiiiii AND FANTASYY
Nik: I like Sci-fi, fantasy, action, and mystery/thriller to read. To graphic, I like fantasy, paranormal, and the occasional sci-fi or teen fiction.
@Lupine_at_last: If you wanted someone to leave you alone what would you do?
Lani: PUNCH THEM IN THE FACE. Jk, I'd probably ask nicely...maybe...depends on my mood and who it is.
alli: i’ve found that partyparrots can be particularly intimidating sometimes.
Rach: Mute them ;)
Mya: It's happened before and I really don't want to talk about it…:P
Stef: Uhm...I would ask politely I guess? If it is a close friend I’ll swear at them. :p
Sarah: put my earphones in as a silent way to get the ‘eff off’ message across
Nik: Let social anxiety take over and curl up in a ball and cry until they leave.
Llyn: I’d just politely brush them off?
Mya: Stay tuned, because in the Sisters Guild, this lot has to save the world ^
Llyn: I have such confidence in us… *sighs*
@Lupine_at_last: What/who inspired you to start making graphics?
Llyn: Pretty much @MulanJiang and @seventhstar XD The first two graphic makers I ever knew of on Wattpad :)
Mya: AsiaMoonfield ...she is the only reason I never stopped.
Lani: Mya and Alli and Steffie and Sarah and Rachel and onederstruck- and maytijssen and pretty much everyone in the Guild XD When it was created, I pretty much invited all my graphic idols!
Llyn: You said pretty much twice in the same paragraph. MUST. CHANGE. IT. (That’s English class for me)
Lani: NO NEVER (actually I'm surprised I did that; I usually self edit my sentences for grammar and repetition O.O)
Celin: @Call_Me_Sly AKA the very first person I met on wattpad who also just happened to be a designer and who also just happens to be my best friend now
alli: with mya on this. kishia was my graphic rolemodel and then i stumbled onto mad, stef, diana, etc. and went off from there c:
Rach: When I stumbled upon the MDC club, I became really addicted to cover design. The talent on there was mindblowing. @Ashihara (not sure if I’ve spelled his username right) was my no. 1 idol.
Stef: uhmm so much! Di, Ashi, Furret, TrafficCop, Meganbonn and everyone in the guild! <3
Sarah: so many people! I came across the MDC, and I think my biggest inspos were Stef, Celin and Forcade
Nik: Rachel and Steffie, I believe, were the two I knew of and wanted to be like someday when I started.
@Lupine_at_last: What tips would you recommend to those who want to get into graphic making but don't know where to start?
Llyn: Since I was one of those peeps just a few months ago, I’d say that, fanart is one of the best places to start. If it’s a fandom you really like, you’ll know exactly what you want to go on the graphic and you can create a lot of graphics in a lot of different styles, which can get you a lot of experience. And if you’re working on a cover/graphic, take as much time as you can to work on the small details so that the more you do, you’ll be faster at the details and won’t have to struggle as much. Also, it’s not a bad thing to go ask someone whose graphics you like for tips on your own-- it’s a great way to improve your graphics really quickly, and I know that a lot of Wattpad’s graphic makers would be more than happy to help XD
alli: i definitely remember this phase in my graphic career. USE TUTORIALS. i swear to gosh if i hadn’t discovered the tutorial house link in the MDC one day i would still be doing text-slaps. FIND A SOFTWARE THAT SUITS YOU AND MASTER IT. CONQUER IT. THEN MOVE ON TO SOMETHING MORE CHALLENGING. jumping straight in is super hard.
Rach: learn the basics before jumping into the advanced stuff. I sorta failed at that and now I’m going back to learn the simple stuff.
Lani: ask questions. Ask any graphic designer you like; everyone is really nice and willing to help. I learned so much from everyone else! *looks at Steffie*
Stef: *looks at Alli* Am I the only one who never went to watch tuts? O.O Tuts bore the shit out of me, I swear. I learn mostly through trial and error. Stalk and observe and cri and then IMPROVE. That’s all I can say. *pokes Lani* GIMME BACK MY VOICE.
Mya: I'm with Stef, not because they bore me, but I can't use them. There aren’t a lot of good mobile Pixlr tuts, but I just yolo and hope for the best.
Nik: When I first started, I would basically take a cover or blend or whatever that I liked and say “I'm going to try and make something like that.” Then I would basically try and dissect all the elements that went into the cover (ex. a model facing this direction, smoke this color, flowers here, whatever) and try to find a way to replicate it. I didn't have people to ask questions to when I started, which means I mostly spent time winging it til I figured it out, but I would suggest also looking to tutorials you can find (like on YouTube), and more experienced designers who are willing to help.
alli: to stef — i never actually watched youtube tutorials lol i just used random wattpad ones i found XD
Mya: another tip, go to graphic artists for advice with your projects. We are mostly pretty nice. Now that I reread this, I see that this has already been said.
@Lupine_at_last: What three things could you not go without in your day to day life?
Lani: food, water, and air :)
Llyn: Um… The Earth, my family, and (*insert a scream here as Llyn realizes how difficult a question this is*) books.
alli: wattpad, wattpad, wattpad.
Rachel: wifi XD family, photoshop
Mya: WiFi, food, and you guys.
Stef: Food. Food. Food.
Sarah: Wattpad, chocolate, and wifi
Nik: wifi, my mom (lol), books
@Azurina77: What programs do you use for graphic design (photoshop, pixlr, etc)?
Llyn: If I’m on mobile, Pixlr and Phonto, but if I have my laptop, Pixlr Editor.
Lani: I started with Pixlr the mobile app, moved to Pixlr Editor, and I now use Photoshop CC
alli: laptop: picmonkey, pixlr editor, photoshop (photoshop is the best though XD)
Rach: When on laptop, photoshop cs2 however I’ve got cs6 to work and I’m learning how to use it. On mobile, picsart and photoshop touch.
Stef: I started with picmonkey, fotor, pixlr editor before I got to Photoshop cs6.
Sarah: I used pages at the very beginning (lmao, it’s a text app), then I used picmonkey, and then Photoshop Cs2, then Cs6. I also somethimes use the pixlr desktop app.
Nik: first picmonkey, then Photoshop CC
Mya: all mobile: Phonto, Pixlr, PicsArt, Photolayers-superimpose, IbisPaintX, Nice Eyes --
@Azurina77: Do you use computers or tablets?
Mya: Phones!
Lani: computer and iPad :)
Llyn: Laptop and iPad. Basically what Lani said.
alli: computers!
Rach: Laptop mainly (WINDOWS XP WHICH LAGS SO BAD) and mobile occasionally.
Stef: Laptop and Wacom tabbie~
Sarah: my laptop!!
Nik: PC
@Azurina77: Where do you find pictures for you covers?
Lani: deviantart, pexels, pixabay, and Google images when I'm really desperate XD
Rach: what Lani said. XD
Nik: Google images, Pinterest, and deviantart
@cloud9_forever: Last movie you watched?
Lani: The Secret Life of Pets :)
Celin: Suicide Squad
alli: rewatched zootopia for like the 5th time XD
Mya: Rewatched Deadpool
Stef: Warcraft
Sarah: Star Trek: Beyond <333
Rach: Kingsman: The Secret Service because I really want to be a spy o.o
Nik: I don't watch movies that often (more into tv shows) so it might have been Zootopia for me too OML XD
Llyn: Rewatched Now You See Me
@cloud9_forever: Last song you listened to?
Nik: At the time of writing this, I’m listening to “Whisper Something” by Aaron Sprinkle.
alli: young gods by halsey (i love that song idk why XD)
Rach: CASTLE - Halsey
Mya: Stolen Kiss by Ronan Hardiman
Lani: Gasoline by halsey. We’re all Halsey fans here XD
Mya: All accept Mya
Stef: Carry Me by Eurielle
Sarah: Stressed Out: 21 Pilots
Llyn: Fix You by Coldplay
@cloud9_forever: Phone or Computer?
Lani: laptop and iPad for graphics, but I spend most of my time on my phone because it's portable XD
alli: computer for graphics, computer for writing, computer for just about everything except subway surfers, quizup, and kindle XD
Rach: phone because my laptop is a pain, and my phone runs smoother. If I could have photoshop on my phone, I’d ditch my laptop.
Mya: Phone...because I don't have a computer.
Stef: Laptop forever and ever.
Sarah: Laptoppp
Nik: PC
Llyn: Probably my computer, although I do have to say I like my iPad a lot...
@Argtarc: What's your main fandoms?
Llyn: Long list alert: The Flash, Arrow, Doctor Who, Sherlock, THE BARTIMAEUS TRILOGY, Divergent, Hunger Games, Legend, Tiger’s Curse, Bone Season, Inkspell, Eragon, Cinder, Castle, Percy Jackson, The Grisha, The Debutante, and a whole lot more that I’m not gonna list because that would take up 3 pages and I don’t want to do that right now. Everything but Twilight.
Lani: I'm just gonna do TV shows because that's my shortest list of fandoms and I'm too lazy to type out the rest: Sherlock, Doctor Who, and the Flash. That's it *evil laughter*
Celin: *rambles a list that she is too lazy to type down because it includes fandoms from anime, books and movies*
Rach: Percy Jackson and Game of Thrones and *list drags on*
Mya: Percy Jackson (anything by Riordan) Eragon, Harry Potter, Leverage, Criminal Minds, Once Upon a Time, Two Steps From Hell.
Sarah: OMG DON’T GET ME STARTED: SHERLOCK, HARRY POTTER, Marvel, LOTR, NARNIA, GAME OF THRONES and I’m pretty sure I’m missing out on a whole load
Nik: Doctor Who, Agents of SHIELD, Once Upon a Time, Sherlock, PJO, THG, Lost, Psych, Leverage, LOTR, Merlin, The Flash, Cinder
Mya: YAS Leverageee
@Argtarc: What is the last TV show you've watched?
Llyn: THE FLASH and ARROW (I know that’s two, but I kinda watch them simultaneously XD )
Mya: Leverage, Criminal minds, and once upon A time?
Llyn: I suggested it. You watched the rest of it because you ship everything. And you had to see how the ships turned out. Not my fault.
alli: sherlock XD
Rach: Police interceptors loll XD
Stef: *hums Game of Thrones opening theme*
Nik: I watched three things last night: Stargate SG-1, Once Upon A Time, and Madam Secretary.
@JadenMorello: What inspired you guys to start creating graphics?
I feel like this was answered already….
@JadenMorello: What softwares did you all start off in?
Nik:, gosh XD
Mya: First the editor on my old computer then Piccollage
Lani: the wattpad cover app XD
Llyn: Pixlr (courtesy of Lani, though)
alli: with nik XDD
Celin: okay wow I started off on Microsoft Word and Paint XD
Rach: Pixlr mobile
Sarah: Pages XD
@LadyExceptional: Has anyone ever done a manip cover using an ape? Or now, is someone planning?
Lani: um….no?
Mya: what's that?
Sarah: an ape? Like a gorilla?
Mya: I have not made any graphics with gorillas on them...Contest idea!
@huginn: Um... Now that I think about it, how do you hide somebody who's in tiny pieces? :)
Celin: uh well boxes?
Mya: In the tacos. Anything spicy will work.
Stef: I’ll feed it to my brother. *evil laugh*
Rach: ask the parrots
Lani: ask Slackie. That is, if you don't mind being cursed at a lot…
Llyn: Slackie used to be just annoying. Now Slackie’s just plain our rude. *looks at Guild* “Whyyyyyyy…”
Slackie: You can't kill me I'm Immortal.
@SarahTheAwkward_: where'd you find le party parrot? also if there are more may I adopt one soon? please *-*
alli: i smuggled them in >:)
Rach: the gods bestowed their blobiness upon us. PARTY OR DIE.
Mya: Are you sure you want to take on the responsibility of the disco blob?
@ingenousness: Choose one parrot. which one?
Lani: the classic party parrot because it's classic and can be applied to any situation XD
alli: dealwithitparrot because it’s bae XD
Rach: Fiestaparrot because it has style
Mya: Hocho parrot….knifeee
Nik: I like sadparrot idk why
Llyn: the classic parrot. Because I like classic stuff.
Sarah: :dealwithitparrot:
@ingenousness: If you were a child of an Olympians, whose child would you be?
Llyn: Probably Athena. Hecate’s cool, too.
Lani: Athena? Maybe Poseidon?
Celin: in quizzes I get a tie between Athena and Poseidon.
alli: i want athena but honestly i think i’m not as wise as i am just smart idek though. having janus as a parent would honestly be cool.
Rach: Poseidon, because awesomeness
Mya: If you guys know me from my PJO legacies TIW and Battlefield, then you know that I am and always will always will be a child of Hades. But according to my mythology teacher I am apparently an Oracle of Delphi or a long time descendent of Dionysus.
Stef: I’ll probably be a child of Hades. I’m as evil as fudge.
Mya: But fudge is delicious...
Nik: Probably Athena. :boredparrot:
Mya: we're all either evil or smart. So you're either my sister or a child of Athena….wow aren't we special. The Sisters Guild are actually sisters.
Sarah: Prolly Poseidon, even though I hate competitive swimming
@ingenousness: how do you kill a parrot and make sure alli doesn't find out?
Mya: First you have to kill Alli, because she will find out.
Llyn: OR, you could distract her (and leave her alive) by yelling “OH LOOK LLYN TURNED INTO A ZOMBIE.” That usually works too.
Mya: Never. Kill. The. Party. Parrot.
Rach: *shields the partyparrots*
Lani: *glares* If you hurt the party parrots, I will hurt you...that is, if the other party parrots haven’t gotten revenge already
Mya: I'll get the fire burning.
@ingenousness: would you rather banish ten of your favorite fonts or use one for the rest of your lives?
Nik: Banish. Yes banish cause who’d want only one?
Lani: Banish. There are so many fonts that even after banishment, you could find some pretty decent ones XD
Celin: Banish XD
alli: okay so since i only use about 10 fonts i’d probably just use one for the rest of my life XD
Rach: Banish the ten fonts because there’s 1000’s more. XD
Stef: Banish 10 fonts. Like Rach said I have 1000 more XD
Llyn: Banish XD (that moment when you realize 6 out of 7 replies here end with a ‘XD’)
Mya: Banish XD (make that 7 out of 8).
@perfervid: If you could have the skills of one graphic designer, who would it be?
alli: the partyparrot >:) NO STEFFIE 100000000%
Rach: Carlos Quevedo
Mya: I'm too tired for much as I say I want other people's skills. I like my skills because they're mine. I'm not the best but I'd rather have my own skills be crap then have someone else's and be fab.
@perfervid: What's your favorite graphic?
Lani: it's kinda strange, but I often end up feeling like my own graphics are really weird. Sometimes, I create graphics really hate (*stares at Cosmic*) and everyone else loves or graphics that people are a little less positive about but I think are among my better ones *shrugs*
Rach: Um, maybe my cover for Soldaat but meh, I don’t know. I have so much to learn.
Mya: you're making me choose? I'd say my minimalist vector covers I made for Nik, The Seventh Chance, and the Battle for the Universe for Fantasci.
Sarah: Uh, probably the movie poster I made for Shiver, and my vector cover for the day he fell :0
Llyn: Honestly, idk...
@perfervid: If you could change one thing/statement/anything, what would it be?
Lani: All the hate in this world. WORLD PEACE. HAKUNA MATATA.
Llyn: That would be #goals. (That’s my fourth time ever using a hashtag, I think.) Also, I’d change corruption. Because it’s horrible to be on the other end of.
Rach: definitely get rid of the hate, WORLD PEACE YO. I also hate socially constructed labels.
Partyparrot: Parrot as President. Move over Trump.
Stef: Valar Morghulis.
Mya: Blood of Olympus…
Nik: all the world's problems would be solved if we could all just have wisdom. So I wish we were all wiser. XD
Slackie: I be free, to be the pony I am, free from the prejudices in the world and those who mock my identity. Neigh.
@perfervid: Writing or designing?
Lani: Gahhhhhh designing, I guess, as of this moment. I like seeing my results and interacting with other graphic designers (*cough* THE GUILD *cough*)
Llyn: Sooooo subtle there, Lani. As for my answer, designing. Definitely designing :) Although writing’s not bad either :)
alli: writing. i’m sorry, but writing has been my passion longer than design.
Rach: Graphic design, because I’m lacking motivation for my novels just now.
Stef: Can I take both? O.o
Nik: A painful choice, but definitely writing.
Sarah: Writinggg (although this was painful)
@perfervid: Would you live in a Fantasy world or the real world?
Lani: Depends on the fantasy world…
Llyn: Potentially a fantasy world, as long as it’s not the one in LOTR, because there’s sooooo much walking and I really am not up for that right now… (tennis season = practice = running a lot = me turning into a zombie occasionally)... But I wouldn’t live there indefinitely because there’s so much stuff to do here that I want to do :)
Celin: gurl I already live in a fantasy world with all my unicorns, dragons, pegasi and alicorns ;D
Rach: Real world, because I’m currently living in a fantasy world and need to snap out of it.
Stef: Uhm. Depends. Like Llyn said I don’t want to live in Middle Earth ( too much walking and unless you’re playing pokemon go, it won’t benefit you for all that walking. I bet Frodo would have hatched 24823248952 pokemon eggs just by walking from the Shire to Mount Doom).
Nik: I think I'll stay here, seems a bit safer than most fantasy worlds.
Mya: I need me some adventure. I love all the walking in Lord of the Rings and I'll face it head on.
Sarah: Fantasy, b/c let’s be real, this world sucks. ALTHOUGH DON’T PUT ME IN WESTEROS, I DON’T WANT TO DIE EARLY ;-;
@ingenuousness: you can banish one species from the world, and that species will be reborn in a new world. no matter what those people do, they will never get rid of that species. now choose.
Nik: Platypus. I want to see a world overrun with platypi. MWAHAHAA
Rach: yass parrots.
Lani: I’m gonna say platypi because I want to keep party parrots in our world XD
Llyn: But I think it's safe to say that Chet has probably already been to the other world, so platypi because they don't need to deal with Chet…
@blujade: If y'all had to pick only one thing to eat for the rest of your lives (nutritional value doesn't matter) what would it be
Lani: ‘tis a hard question...sushi XD
Stef: Aye lani. SUSHI FOREVER.
Mya: ….we all should meet up and get some sushi.
Rach: Haggis pizza, do not judge. XD
Mya: people actually eat haggis?
Nik: nutritional value… I'd say a buffet restaurant. It's one thing with lots of things inside it. *faking loopholes ha*
Llyn: Pasta with basil and marinara. What can I say? It’s classic.
Sarah: Uh, Pizza. Duh.a
@blujade: Do y'all think ball pythons are cute?
Lani: they’re certainly a very cool species, but I don’t know if “cute” is the right word…
Mya: They are so ducking adorable!!!! Ahhhhh omgs I love them. Agh! Sniky snek go boop.,…
Rach: Sinisterly cute?
Mya: ducking adorable
Sarah: YAS snakes are cute
@blujade: Fav animals?
Lani: red pandas are very cute XD
Mya: dragonnnns
Rach: pandaaas
Llyn: I’d probably say a butterfly…
Sarah: Black panther!!
@blujade: What's a secret about yourselves that not many people know? This can be a good thing or a bad thing.
Lani: I feel like I’m pretty open...idk
Mya: I have manic episodes sometimes, where it's really hard to control myself. I try to shy away from everyone when it happens so if I start acting rude toward you, it not really be me. They accompany headaches and happen most often when I can't sleep. Life is long.
Rach: I’m not human…
Nik: I don't know only a few people know I'm chronically ill and almost bedridden I guess. *tired thumbs up* *conks out again cause it's early morning and why am I answering theseeee*
alli: i seem like an open book but only one of my close friends knows practically everything about me hahaha XD
Llyn: My name’s not Llyn…
Sarah: It’s a secret.
@blujade: Would you rather be hot or cold? And not in the Katy Perry sense.
Lani: I like being at just the right temperature :)
Mya: Cold
Rach: COLD. I hate the heat, I melt and Scots do not do warm weather.
Nik: cold. Definitely cold.
Llyn: COLD. Lani is always either freeeeezing or overheeeeeating. *sighs*
Sarah: COLD
Lani: TRUE I AM NEVER THE RIGHT TEMPERATURE (mostly cold. I’m always cold)
@bloody_pranksteen: You prefer the cliche male protagonist with a BMW motorcycle or a Yellow Vespa?
Mya: motorcycle bam.
Rach: Neither, if they could shadow travel that’d be much cooler >;)
Mya: then it wouldn't be a cliche. Also I would get him to fall in love with me then I'd Steal his bike.
@bloody_pranksteen: TeamCap or TeamIronMan?
Lani: never seen either. Don’t kill me! *shields self with army of party parrots*
Nik: Ethically speaking, Team Iron Man, even though Cap is my favorite character.
Sarah: OMG NO
@bloody_pranksteen: Agatha Christie or Conan Doyle?
Lani: Gahhhhh Conan Doyle
Rach: Conan Doyle definitely
Mya: Conan Doyle
Llyn: Conan Doyle XD
Sarah: CONAN DOYLE 100000% (is this even a question?)
@bloody_pranksteen: Harry Potter or Harry Potter?
Sarah: Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore
@bloody_pranksteen: Twenty One Pilots or James Bay?
Lani: Twenty One Pilots. Haven’t listened to much James Bay XD
Rach: Twenty One Pilots
Llyn: Twenty One Pilots
Twenty One Pilots
@bloody_pranksteen: Dan or Phil?
@Jayboii321: How many licks does it take to get the center of a lolipop?
Lani: 42
Mya: do you know how many X-factors would go into this? There is no way to make an accurate answer.
Nik: LOLipop
@Joyboii321: If you were trapped on a desolate island, which youtuber would you take with you?
Mya: Craig Benzine -- he can bring mitzy and his wife too. I would say the vlogbrothers, but I don't think they would increase my chances of survival at all.
@CremePuffPi: do you like anime? Which anime do you prefer? (If so.... I forgot to out this at the front of the second question 😂)
Mya: okay since no one answered this, I can say it is safe to say we don't watch a lot of anime. I got one and a half seasons into Code Geass and stopped because I just couldn't.
@CremePuffPi: Are you a gamer?
alli: i’m personally not but i have a lot of friends who are and i love watching them play the games because i’m weird XD
Llyn: only stuff like 10!10! on my phone XD
Sarah: I used to be?? I had a DS :0 [actually, I still have it and it still works, 8 years later]
@CremePuffPi: Holosexual?
Mya: I have no idea what that is. Please explain?
@CremePuffPi: Love nails/self-proclaimed nail artist?
Mya: No, but my best friend is.
Lani: um...nope
Llyn: I mean I paint my nails, but I'm not that into it...
@CremePuffPi: Watches youtube?
Mya: Who doesn't!?
Lani: only to find music XD (guys why am I the only one answering these?!)
Sarah: YAS It’s a way to waste time XP
@CremePuffPi: Whats you guys's's's (?) favourite game? (Mine is minecraft ^-^) (if you like games...)
Mya: Fencing and Archery… Okay. Hockey? No? ….Scrabble?
Lani: not a gamer XD
Llyn: ^^ I don't really have a favorite game… I play 10!10! when I'm bored, though…
@CremePuffPi: If you do like anime, who do you ship in your favourite anime?
Mya: I don't ship anyone because they all die….-/-
Lani: don't watch anime (somebody else please start answering questions XD)
Llyn: I don't watch anime either...
@CremePuffPi: Have you participated in a shipping war?
Mya: a what now? If it involves shipping and death I'm in. Let's start with Lani and Llyn.
Lani: nope
Llyn: Um… I've been sorta in the middle of one once… Not the funniest thing in the world...
@CremePuffPi: Whats you guys's's favourite country that you want to live forever?
Mya: Narnia
Lani: USA! USA! USA! :patrioticparrot:
Rach: I am happy in Scotland. :P
Mya: Africa -- if anyone gets this I'll love you forever.
Llyn: USA. WITHOUT. A. DOUBT. *waves flag*
Sarah: Englanddddd
@CremePuffPi: How many hours a day do you go on electronical devices? ( i take 7 hours on a normal day!^-^)
Lani: way too much...but most of my schoolwork is online as well *shrugs*
Rach: The whole day which is probably why my eyesight is so bad but I do use it for school & volunteering purposes XD
Llyn: Probably like 5 hours total… I read books most of the time…
Sarah: Way too much time.
@CremePuffPi: Do you like Pokemon Go? If so, whats your strongest pokemon you have, what level are you on, and what team? Im team Instinct!
Lani: YASSSS but I’m not that good XD I have a level 603 Pidgeot, am on level 13, and TEAM MYSTIC
@CremePuffPi: Do you ship Septiplier?
Lani: *much confusion*
Sarah: who?
@zero-infinity: How long do you spend on Wattpad?
Lani: more time than I should O.O
Mya: 75% of my resume is on wattpad if that tells you anything.
Llyn: If I'm reading, 14 billion hours. If I'm making graphics, definitely not as much, but still a lot of time XD
Sarah: Tooo much time.
@hanginginclouds: Who was it who first found the partyparrot?
Rach: Me or Alli, can’t remember cause we both added them to the slack group o.o
alli: i added the original partyparrot and then rachel found all of the other ones and yeah XD
Sarah: Neither, life is a circle. *quotes Luna*
the egg (says asapscience i think lol)
@hanginginclouds: How would you go about getting rid of partyparrot without any other members knowing?...
@hanginginclouds: What's your favourite parrot?
We’ve answered this already
@thepiedownthehall: Where do you find those party parrot gifs?
Already answered
@thepiedownthehall: How do you feel about lgbtq people?
Mya: you really want to go here? I think everyone needs to calm the F down. If you discriminate someone because of who they are or who they love them you are a dingus. You discriminate because of religion, you are a dingus. You discriminate because of race you are a dingus. You discriminate because of Mental Illness, what instrument someone plays, intelligence, sex, speech, beliefs, life. You. Are. A. Dingus. Everyone has the right to believe/live their life what/however the hell they want and if you impose upon that right then You. Are. Just. As. Bad. As. You. Think. They. Are. You. Are. Worse.
I think I speak for us all when I say that we have love for everyone. We're just here to graphic.
I think Mya has summed it up pretty well.
lgbtq people are people! straight people are people! in the long run, does it really matter? is anyone really more or less than just a person? we shouldn’t have to create these boundaries; we shouldn’t have to think of certain people as one way or the other.
I think this question has been thoroughly answered by Mya, but I'll just say that it really doesn't affect your life if someone else makes different choices with theirs that aren't dangerous to you. It's their life, their choice, and if it doesn't harm you in any way, shape, or form, it shouldn't be as big of a controversy as it is today.
All of that up there ^^^ And I just want to say that you have the right to be who you are, and that your sexuality does not (and should not) define you. Please. It’s who you like and who you don’t like. Screw anyone who tells you you can’t be ‘not-straight.’
Hurting people = bad. It’s simple.
Also while we're on the topic of hurting people. Hurting yourself = bad.
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