Post-wedding rituals, Mahir and Bela were allowed to go to their room.
Mahir sighed in relief that now finally he can have Bela all to himself.
Andy and Sumi and a few cousins who were staying back retired to their rooms while Mahir and Bela went towards Mahir's room.
They were just 10 feet away from the room when they notice Vish and Ajitabh already standing there with a teasing smirk. Mahir rolled his eyes at them.
"So" Vish entended her plan towards Mahir battling her eyelashes.
"Again? " Mahir sighed before taking out his wallet from his sherwani pants. He remembered that even while entering the house she asked for tax.
He kept his card on Vish's palm making her jump like a kangaroo.
Mahir tried to enter the room along with Bela when he was again stopped by Ajitabh.
"What crawled your ass now? " Mahir asked glaring at Ajitabh.
"So" He extended his hand, battling his eyelashes, copying Vish.
Vish and Bela chuckled at his poor acting.
"I just gave my Card to Vish, you can use it. Now get lost " Mahir gritted his teeth at Ajitabh.
"No, I want one separate for myself " Ajitabh whined like a five-year-old boy.
Mahir hit his forehead with his palm.
And the guy says he is a father of a 6-month-old son.
Mahir took out another card and gave it to Ajitabh and only then he went away jumping like a rabbit. Vish too followed him giving a toothy grin to Bela and Mahir.
Bela laughed at the duo but her laugh instantly died down when she felt her surroundings getting upside down. Seconds later she realized that she was in Mahir's arms.
"After you renovated this room, I wanted to enter inside it with only you in my arms. New room, New life, and my companion for life " He whispered keeping his face close to hers as they entered Mahir's room.
Mahir gulped his saliva looking at the decorations in the room. "I will just change " he ran inside the washroom to avoid the awkwardness looking at the fragranced candles and heart shapes made of roses. Without a doubt he loved her but he was nervous.
The heavy pieces of jewelry were irritating Bela, she was not fond of Jewelries much and hardly wore them.
She went in front of the dressing table and her eyes landed on the vermillion-filled hairline and Mangalsutra adorning her neck. She touched it and a soft smile occupied her lips. Her cheeks reddened making her appear even more Gorgeous.
She traced the Magalsutra with love in her eyes, tears of happiness lacing at the corners of her eyes.
"Bela" Mahir came out of the washroom to see Bela sitting on the bed with a long veil covering her head.
Mahir gulped looking at her. Rubbing his face, he took unstable steps towards her and sat at a decent distance from her. There was awkwardness in the room and he knew Bela too was getting nervous. Trying to ease the stressful environment he took Bela's hand in his and kissed the back of her hand.
Suddenly, he realized it didn't feel like Bela's hand. Bela's hands were soft but the one he was holding then was hard and rough like Man's hand.
He quickly lifted the veil horrified to find Yuvi battling his eyelashes at him.
Mahir cringed at the sight, he quickly got up from the bed and wiped his lips harshly.
Now I know why I didn't see this moron after marriage, he was busy getting ready to ruin my night. God! I can't believe I just kissed this... this...Horrible man.
"Get out! " Mahir fumed irritated of his constant battling of eyelashes.
"No! " Yuvi threw the dupatta and crawled towards Mahir on the bed.
"Yuvi if you don't want to meet Ananya with a broken nose then get the hell out of here right this instant " Mahir spat frustrated.
Yuvi chuckled seeing him all irritated. Getting the satisfied reaction, he planned to get out. Yuvi got down from the bed, as soon as he stood in front of Mahir, his lehenga slipped down from his waist to his feet.
Mahir gave him a death glare to which he quickly collected the lehenga on his waist, smiling sheepishly at Mahir.
Mahir pressed his forehead annoyed by his tricks.
He locked the door as Yuvi ran out. He turned around to notice Bela laughing hysterically holding her stomach. For a moment he lost himself in her. She was still in her bridal attire except for her heavy necklace.
Instead of going to Bela, Mahir went to another side searching if there were more such annoying creeps like Yuvi.
Once he checked everything, he took out his phone and switched it off, ignoring all the naughty messages from his friends.
Once satisfied, he came towards Bela. "Hanji, you were laughing too much ha? " He pulled her to himself as she crashed on his chest, her laugh died down as she saw his smirking face.
She tried to wriggle out of his hold but he tightened his grip on her waist.
"Mahir Ji" She whispered looking down not able to form words.
He just hummed in response as he was too busy admiring her.
Bela was feeling shy of his continuous intense gaze.
Bela tried moving a little away and that's when she slipped, making them both fall on the bed with Mahir above Bela. Mahir balanced himself above her keeping both his hand on the side of her head on the bed.
"I... I... M.. " Bela tried to form words when Mahir kissed her forehead.
"Don't be nervous Bela. It's completely fine if you need time. Don't think me of some spineless man who will force himself upon you without your consent.
I want both of us to enjoy when we drown in the pleasures of our love. "
Mahir kissed her cheek and laid beside her on the bed.
A few minutes of silence passed by when they both took deep breathes to calm down their racing hearts.
Mahir was about to get up when Bela held his wrist and pulled him above her.
"Why do you make me fall for you again and again? " She lifted her head closer to his and kissed his cheek.
He looked at her confused but nevertheless, he liked the feeling of her lips on his cheek and motioned for one more kiss on his other cheek.
Happily obliging, Bela pecked his other cheek too.
"I am just a little bit nervous like you but that does not mean I don't want you. And if you need time it's completely fine with me I am also not going to force myself upon you like a spineless witch Mr. Husband. Your consent also matters to me " Bela squeezed his cheeks making a pout of her lips as if talking to a child.
Mahir's heart warmed at her words especially at 'Mr. Husband'.
"I am not nervous" He whined keeping his head on her chest.
"Yeah! And now Donkey has started barking" Bela rolled her eyes at him.
"Where did the shy Bela go? " Mahir raised a brow at her.
"I am ready Mahir Ji" She said looking deep into his eyes, ignoring his question.
"You Sure? " Mahir asked again.
"Yes, Mahir Ji" Her voice didn't disintegrate assuring Mahir of her words.
"Guess what... Me too princess" He winked and rubbed his face on the crook of her neck.
Mahir bought his face closer to hers, his eyes shifted between eyes and lips.
Bela gulped looking at his face moving even closer. Their hot breaths mingled hitting each other's faces. Mahir pecked her lips sending chills down both of their spines. He looked at her again if she was comfortable, sensing her liking the contact, he again pecked her lips.
With repeated pecks, they finally nibbed onto each other's lips. Slowly and softly their lips moved in sync devouring the sweet taste. Savoring on their love, they lost themselves in each other as their hands kept on moving on each other's bodies trying to fill up the much-awaited longing.
Their hearts were united long ago and that night their souls united too. They showered all the love on each other. Drowning in the heights of pleasures, they fulfilled their craving for each other.
7 years later
"You liked it Vish? " Bela asked a four months pregnant Vishaka who was gone all cranky due to her mood swings. Her sicked self didn't let her eat much of the food. So Bela made a special light dish for her.
Vish bobbed her head thanking Bela.
Bela smiled at her and covered her with the quilt, moving out of her room letting her rest.
It was only her and Vishakha at home as Sumi and Andy had gone on visiting their ancestral property. Ajitabh was on his duty and Aarav was at his school.
Bela got a phone call from her team member asking few details about the new project.
Now Bela's Magicworld was one of the best and top-rated enterprises in the whole country. Her team was bigger now but the old ones stood close.
Even her NGO dealing with victims of Domestic violence was able to achieve their objective to the large extent with Radha being the Manager. They helped many men and women to come out of the living hell and helped them in becoming financially independent.
The cases left tears in their eyes, listening to such inhumane crimes where a husband beat his wife almost to death even when she was pregnant, to a wife almost selling her husband to her friends for money.
Bela was proud of her Mother and her team who were working day and night to save innocent souls.
After the call was answered, Bela looked at the time, she was expecting her clumsy husband but he was nowhere to be seen.
Bela thought to visit her neighbours once, that is Her mother and Gracious.
Yes, they were her neighbours as Mahir bought the house for his beloved sasu maa.
When Radha and Bela came to know about it they refused to take it but Mahir is Mahir, with his emotional tactics and with the help of Gracious, he convinced Radha to come and stay beside them.
Slowly and gradually families bonded more strongly as Vish's family too came beside their house on Mahir and Ajitabh's instance. They all liked spending with each other.
They even made a "Damad Satao dal" to tease Mahir and Ajitabh but instead of getting annoyed, they liked it.
Bela rushed to her Mother's house and after spending an hour or two with her she came back.
Sitting on the living room sofa, she opened her file to complete her pending work. Minutes later, she saw a shadow hovering over her file.
She looked up to find Mahir with a sheepish smile.
She examined him carefully only to realize that he along with Gracious on his shoulder was covered in mud. She looked down to see his 3-year old replica too drowned in mud.
She gasped looking at them.
"What did you do Mahir ji? " She asked
"A... Actually, Bela while playing with Meera I accidentally fell into the pool of mud. Meera thought I was playing so she too jumped in the pool and Gracious also joined us" Mahir parroted the whole incident like a child.
"Mahir Ji! " She groaned annoyed.
"Okay now. Take off your clothes here only. I am bringing you both a new set of clothes. " Bela said moving a little closer to them.
As soon as she was in the reach of Mahir's hand, he quickly grabbed her and pulled her to himself.
"Mahir Ji" Bela shrieked but Mahir hugged her, making her clothes dirty too.
Meera and Gracious thought it was a game they too rubbed themselves on Bela.
"Baby No... Gracious... Mahir Ji" Bela tried to push them a little away but they giggled ignoring her protests.
"Mumma looking cute" Meera pouted, giggling.
"Very cute " Mahir too grinned earning a glare from Bela.
Mahir quickly picked up Bela in his arms and asked Meera and Gracious to follow them.
"Yuck Mahir Ji! You people are making the house dirty" Bela whined hitting his chest but he took no notice of it.
Mahir dropped Bela in the bathtub, before Bela could get up, he puts Meera into it and then Gracious too. Lastly, he himself joined them, pulling Bela in his lap, throwing water at Meera.
Meera giggled throwing water back at Mahir and Bela.
"How shameless Mahir Ji, let me go" Bela was flushed but Mahir didn't let her move.
Tired of playing, Meera settled in Bela's lap and Gracious sat on Meera's lap.
Mahir encircled his arm around them, pulling them more to himself.
"You are my life" He whispered to his precious ones.
Bela leaned back on his chest, she showered feathery light kisses on his jawline making his heart beat faster.
"I love you" She whispered.
Mahir buried his head in her neck in the response. Bela smiled in relaxation. Life with him was as fun as she expected it to be. Before husband and wife, they became best friends to each other. Bela smiled remembering how Mahir would scold her for eating a rat-sized meal. He always made sure she eats enough meals even if it meant waking up in the middle of the night and cooking for her. Mahir too smiled remembering how she would massage his head when she saw his face tired. They would identify the sadness even from each other's voices. They would fight but always made sure to sleep in each other's embrace at night and as soon as the morning would kick in they would get back to their ignoring sessions. They both knew that they have become each other's habit. They took care of each other in the sickness without an ounce of disgust. No matter how busy they were but they always took out time for the family and each other. Just one call away. There was no drama in their life. Of course, they would fight but they would get back to each other, communicating their thoughts. They chose to make it peaceful and they were a happy family with a fulfilled life.
"Okay now come out everyone" Bela tried to get up but the other three shook their head in no.
"Mumma please" Meera made a puppy face which she learned from her Dad.
"Don't you have to give the cake to Aarav Bhai, you baked today? " Bela asked and Meera quickly jumped out of the bathtub followed by Gracious.
Meera loves her Aarav Bhai a lot. Aarav bhai is her favorite person on the earth as he always brings sweets for her while coming back from his school.
"Mahir Ji get up now" Bela pushed his chest, he nuzzled in her hair.
"Spare some time for me too princess" Mahir said in a hoarse voice.
"My time is all yours, I am yours" Bela whispered turning towards him.
"Yours, since forever" they both said at the same time. This is what she had learned from Mahir, every time she would say to Mahir that "you are mine' he would always reply with"I am only yours, since forever".
They chuckled resting their foreheads against each other. Bela leaned towards his face to peck his lips but always desperate Mahir didn't back out from turning it into a full-fledged kiss.
He bought a towel and wrapped Bela into it and stood behind her drying her hair with another towel.
Changing into a baby pink saree, Bela moved towards Aarav's room to check up on the kids.
"Meera... Aarav... what are you both doing? " Bela asked smiling at the kids who were sitting with their back on Bela's side.
"Colouring Gracious Mumma" They both shouted at the same time.
"Good! Colouring Gra... Wait what? " Bela quickly ran to them horrified.
There sat Gracious on a paper and Meera and Aarav were painting her body with the paintbrush.
Bela gasped looking at them, she quickly picked up Gracious away from them.
"Who told you both to do that? What if the paint chemicals harm her? " Bela asked in a strict voice.
"Sorry Mumma" They both hung their head low, showing how sorry they were.
"Don't do it again" Bela melted at the sight and quickly forgave them.
"Come Gracious, let me wash you" She said to Gracious who turned her back towards Bela.
Was she enjoying being colored?
Bela looked at her confused.
"See what I bought. Now you can make her tail colorful" Mahir came running inside with excitement.
Bela glared at him, here she was asking kids not to color Gracious while her husband was himself providing them with colors.
Mahir's smile died down at the sight of glaring Bela.
He mentally recorded what he did in the last one hour.
"W... W... What happened Bela? " He asked with a little smile.
"You are encouraging them to color her with those chemicals in them" Bela deadpanned.
Mahir gulped before saying, "no darling, see I brought organic colors for her. Nothing will happen to Gracious. In fact, Gracious was loving it. Right, Gracy? "
Gracious bobbed her head on Bela's palm.
"Yes mumma" Meera and Aarav said.
"Mumma, we won't do any mischief. Pakka promise" Seven-years old Aarav said trying to act mature.
"Okay fine" Bela gave back Gracious to them and they got busy coloring her.
Gracious kept squealing at the touch of cold paint on her body while Aarav and Meera giggled looking at her enjoying.
Mahir pulled her in his lap as he sat on the kid's bed admiring the children.
"Mahir Ji" Bela whispered yelled at him.
"What?" Mahir asked her innocently.
"You know what. Leave me " Bela said pinching his waist.
"No, I feel peace" He kissed her cheek which was enough for Bela to meltdown.
She leaned on his chest and sat quietly feeling his heartbeat. They sat in silence letting their heartbeats do the talk.
Bela picked up the magazine which was kept on the bed.
She stared at the pages and after a minute she finally asked "Mahir Ji, is time travel possible? " She looked at him expecting the answer. He smiled at her and said "yes".
" Really? " Bela got excited to know further and he replied "yes, In movies" He kissed her cheek making her excitement vanished.
"Whatever" Bela rolled her eyes at him.
"By the way did you find a male squirrel? " Bela asked him and as expected, he shook his head in no.
Bela wanted to find a squirrel companion for Gracious while Mahir was completely against the idea.
Bela found a few male squirrels for Gracious but she rejected them all without sparing a proper glance.
One of them tried to impress Gracious with his nuts juggling tricks but the brat scratched his face. Instead of scolding Gracious, Mahir supported and asked her to perform such actions on every male squirrel to come.
Bela sighed, shaking her head at Mahir.
"Gracy come" Meera asked Gracious to follow her but Gracious shook her head, she first wanted to look at herself in the mirror.
"Shoot" Meera stood in front of Gracious pointing her two fingers at her.
Gracious lied down like a professional actor.
Meera quickly picked her up and came running to Bela and Mahir with Aarav trailing behind her.
"Mumma see" Meera put Gracious on Bela's stomach.
Looking at the pink Gracious with a rainbow tail something hit Bela's head.
"What happened?" Mahir asked raising a brow at her.
"I feel like I have seen her before" Bela whispered not sure of her own words.
"You must have watched her in any of the magazines like this" Mahir smiled and pulled Gracious up, kissing her forehead.
As he kept Gracious back on his palm, Meera giggled at him.
"What's so funny princess? "
"Your lips turned blue Dad" Meera laughed looking at his cartoon dad, followed by Aarav and Bela.
"Come here then" Mahir kept Gracios on Bela and picked up Meera, kissing her cheeks, making them blue.
" But dad I like pink" Meera whined in no time Bela ran her hand on Gracious and applied the pink color on Meera's cheek.
Mahir went on to apply green color on Aarav's cheek, soon it turned into a color war.
They ran into the living room to find all the oldies enjoying a cup of tea.
"Grandma" Meera ran to Radha hiding in her lap and coloring her with her colorful hands.
Andy and Sumi chuckled looking at how Bela, Mahir, Aarav and Gracious looked.
Mahir threw some color on Andy. Fake glaring at Mahir, Andy picked up the color and threw it on Sumi.
Sumi gasped, she too snatched the color box from him and applied it on Vishakha's parents.
And again it turned into a fun color war with Vish and Ajitabh joining in.
They happily played the whole afternoon. They enjoyed the whole afternoon drowning in affection and they lived happily ever after with the cute banters and lots of love and care.
Please ignore grammatical mistakes.
The story "yours, since forever " Ends here.
The basic inspiration of Two Universes is taken from the movie "Donnie Dark" By just reading and watching the summary. Apart from that nothing in the story is taken or copied from anywhere. The fantasy world and all the creatures are products of my own imagination. Similarity to any character, creature, or scene is purely a coincidence. The story belongs to me.
Thank you for giving it a chance and supporting it till here❤. It's not possible that every part was good, you must have struck to some unconvincing parts and scenes but if still, you choose to support the story, that's overwhelming and very supportive of you! ❤.
I appreciate all the kind gestures of your constant encouragement and motivation. If your intention was to make me happy then let me tell you, your lovely comments always made my day ❤.
Thank you for investing your precious time into this story❤.
Apologies to the ones who expected something better and I couldn't stand up to their expectations. And any note on this story does not mean to hurt any of you. The writer's intention was never to hurt anyone.
Thank you everyone ❤.
Stay Gorgeous and stay humble💖.
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