CHP 11
Teja gasped at sudden attack but she knew who these lips belonged to..Karan pressed himself more into her pressing her more into the wall. His lips were hard and chapped against her soft ones..His right hand was cradling her head against the wall while his other hand was on her arm .
She was shocked at first and immediately kept her hand against his chest to push him away but at that moment karan licked her lower lip seeking admission Teja gasped and involuntarily the hand that she placed on his chest to push him away was suddenly curled into fist and gathered his shirt in a bunch and she was unaware that she was pulling him close instead of pushing him away.Both had their eyes closed savoring their moment .As he nipped her lower lip teja came out of her Trance..The kiss that karan and shamita shared at pub flashed infront of her eyes and she pushed him away lightly .Karan didnt feel the hesitation yet and continued to pepper small kisses along her jaw to her collarbone ..Teja was losing control but she couldnt do this anymore ..she had to stop him because its her dignity at question and she cant be his another conquest
She pushed him a little bit harder than first time
Karan looked at her confused then saw hesitation and question in her eyes .His features softened a little.He let out a sign and cupped her face. Teja tired to brush him off
Karan : SHH Shhh Shhh Calm down..I know what you are thinking .You are not them ..I wanted to do this since that day when I saw you in my kitchen walking as if you own it ..It was so domestic and I cant explain this feeling to you
Teja raised her eyes to meet his .
Karan : This is how it feels When I really feel something for anyone ..Just how we felt few minutes before ..Just how I have been feeling every minute since I met you .This intensity ..This fear of losing you this urge to protect you , to be around you .This!!! I never felt with anyone and I mean it Anyone .....I never felt this for anyone ..I have not even kissed anyone
She got angry at this statement ..She immediately turned her face away from him and muttered softly
Teja : Liar .
Karan heard it and it hurt him that only girl he ever like or dare he say loved thinks so low of him
HE held her jaw strongly and forcefully turned her to face him again
Karan : NoT a Liar .Never a liar ..I never lie Teja ..And I never kissed anyone .Not even Shamita ..That day she kissed me ...I didnt kiss her instead I pushed her away..
Teja : but you have been with so many girls karan .I cant be another one on list ..
Karan looked at her in exasperation ..
Karan : Please come home with me ...I will explain to you ..This is the correct place .Please trust em only once .Please ..
Teja nodded and went with them
All of the ride back to his place was quiet .Karan wanted to talk a lot ..He wanted to tell here everything about his past .why he is like this everything .HE didnt want to lose her ..After so long he could actually connect to someone and there was no way he would want to lose her.
Teja on the other hand wanted to just be quiet s long as possible ..She was falling for karan no doubt about that but why ?..He was someone with whom you dont fall in love ,he himself says I am not the guy to fall for..How did this happen ..That kiss..It was everything she had been looking for..It lit fire within her veins and soothed the burn inside her too .Didnt make sense right ..yeah thats what her position was .it was scary being with him because she has no idea when he will leave her because he is not relationship type guy or when she will leave him because she cant stay
A tear slipped her eyes when she thought of them not being together
Soon they reached his place
Silence ..Nerve wrecking silence engulfed both
Teja: Karan I..
Karan : I know ..We will talk but first let me get you something to drink
As he was leaving A drunken Shamita barged through the door
Shamita: Karan!!You are home ..I knn knew it ..See i came for you
teja was shocked to se her here
Shamita was about to fall down but karan holds her and balances her
Karan : Shamita go home .,Uncle must be worried for you .You are not in your senses
Teja raises her eyebrows
That means he knows her family too
Shamita : I don't care about ayone ..I just care about you ..(she burst out crying )Why cant you love me..Why do you ignore me and my love ..
Then she saw teja
Shamita : who is this girl
Karan looked at Teja and looked back at Shamita
Karan : She is very close one for me
Shamita looked at teja as if she was dirt
She advanced on Teja and karan tried to hold back shamita before she could do anything stupid and teja was really worried with the hate shamita had for her in her eyes
Shamita :Stay away from him ..He is mine ..only mine .You are only for a night or two ..Bitches like you cant take him away from me
Ouch ..that one stung ..Teja held back her tears ....She wanted to snap at this woman but she was so drunk there is no point in saying anything
Karan : Shamita !!!!Shut up ...Not a word against her
Shamita : why are you reacting for her ...Wait!!..Omg you loove her
Teja looked on at karan while karan looked guilty ..Teja was confused ..If he really likes her as he said at the party why would he look guilty as of liking or loving teja was wrong
Teja also wanted to hear his answer
Karan : YEs I do
he refused to meet both girl's eyes
Shamita looked devastated.
She looked at Teja angrily
Shamita : you ..What did you do to him ..
Karan : Shamita what are you even doing .Please leave
Shamita :Did you hear him He loves you ..You karan you love her ..Did you tell her what you did to me ..What you did to my sister ?
A fear and sadness passed through karan's eyes and he looked at teja who was already looking at him confused ...
Shamita :did you know what he did ..He killed my sister ..? He is a murderer ..HE is a killer and killed my sister..You know what sweetie..Stay safe...He might kill you too
Teja felt the land beneath her shake .KILL?? What does she mean ..What the hell
She looked at karan :
Shamita : You killed nushi ..I still forgave you and fell in love with you but you insulted my love. you are heartless karan ..you dont deserve love ...I wish this girl leaves you and you remain alone lifelong ..
She left from there
Karan didnt know what to say ..
HE tried to touch teja but she moved back in a swift movement
Teja : you killed her sister? you kil ..killed someone ?
Karan felt his heartbreak with the fear in teja's eyes but he cant lie to her
Karan: yes.(with a sigh)I killed her ...I killed Shamita's sister
BAs ..Next update will be a bit late because i want to put many things in that ..next update will be very imp for future parts so I will take thodasa time for it .
Thank u so much for loving this.i am really grateful.
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