"Seth I'm tired!...." I sighed as I looked to my shirt pocket. "You've done literally nothing on this trek, sweet pea.."
"But it's so dark now... aren't you tired at all?" I puffed up my chest as I mentally started to arrange a sentence. "Terra... you should've seen me when I was younger..but! I suppose it is tiring carrying all this." I said as I shook my rucksack, filled with every essential camping material.
I choose a spot in a clearing so I could get a tent out and slumped onto a tree to lower my rucksack." You know... it's quite scary knowing that we are out here in the middle of nowhere where nobody can save us." I carefully lifted her up from the pocket and set her down on my palm. "We can't have anyone know you exist now... can we? Besides! I 'm here to protect you~" she instantly blushes and turns away from my line of sight. "Welp. Could you stay her for a moment while I set up everything?" I said as I lowered her onto a low branch of a tree. "S-sure..."
She has grown so brave over the couple of years... to think that she was the trembling little girl I found in the middle of a camping trip. Sure, we had our differences but we were closer than just 'friends'. I took out a peg and started hammering away, going through the times we had together.
I suppose it was weird and unrelentingly dangerous at first. The way I found her out here in the middle of nowhere, with no recollections of memory from her life until then while I tried to hide her from people that could get to overly suspicious. She was cold, distant, shy, avoidable at first; but slowly and slowly, she grew into the beautiful flower she was today.
What triggered her turning point was still unknown. I treated her as if she were a human, like she was the world to me; because you just can't help but feel that... that 'feeling' while you take someone under you wings. Yet... suddenly on a Sunday morning, there she was. A little angel all cuddled up on my chest, enjoying the 'warmth'I was emitting as she later said so.
I was shocked! Of course, who wouldn't be? She never said anything other than a 'Yes' or 'No' for a few months! To even imagine her change of attitude... to change so fast. It's just mind-blowing! Then she started demanding getting held gently and firmly against my chest all night! Sometimes I wonder if she was really a tiny human, or just a program by some twisted jester whose goal was to make me fall in love with a robot... but anyways. If it was a robot, I would still keep... loving it.
THINK! I huffed a breath of nostalgia as I hammered the last peg in. "That was fast! How'd you do that?" I gave her a smile as I wiped the sweat from my forehead with a towel. "Don't get the wrong idea sweetie... there are other people who can do this in their sleep.." she frowned and pouted as I cradled her in my arms. "But no one can understand me as much as you do.."
You have to give the girl where credit is due, nobody can cheer me up as much as she does. "Well then... I don't even know your full name to be honest." She giggled as she gave off a random reaction. "I told you that so long ago! I can't remember anything!" But her usual honest and innocent voice sounded just a little bit too off.
"Then... You like marshmallows!" Her eyes lit up." Yes! Did you bring them?! I was looking forward to its texture over the fire!!!" I pressed my lips together in admiration; she's just so cute.." Hold on there cowgirl, we haven't even gotten the fire started yet and yes, I brought the marshmallows." She squeed in delight as she doubled over and laid down onto my hand while she extended hers in a cheerful expression. You just can't fight against that... you just... can't.
Fwoooosh! "Now... this here is called a fire." I said as I held the lighter from a safe distance so I wouldn't burn her. "You don't want to get to comfortable with this around." She nodded her head at attention. "Buuuut we wouldn't have burnt marshmallows if there wasn't any, so this is an exception." Using my refined boy scouts' skills I've learnt years ago, I took up a handful of dry leaves and lit them up.
Soon enough, we had a little bonfire going... although it seemed more livelier than us. "Hurry! Hurry! I want the marshmallows!" I chuckled heartily as I lodged a marshmallow onto a little stick and passed it to Terra. "Only if you could lift it~" she pouted as I teased right through her. "Watch me!" and true to her word, she lifted the stick... an inch above the ground before it went back to Earth. I was genuinely surprised! "I told you so!"
"Mmm~~" Terra squirmed as she bit into the fluffy/ cooked marshmallow. It's days like this where people like me can really escape reality, where I can enjoy the gift of mother nature rather than staring at a man-made contraption made to trap people into the virtual world. "Seth." I hummed in response. "I... want to tell you something."
"What is it sweetie?" She fiddled with her fingers- a nervous tick of hers. "What's wrong? You can tell me anything, it's alright." She looked me in the eyes and suddenly, rather than a cute little aura in a tiny body; a ferocious tyrant scoured her eyes, like she was hell itself.
I took a step back in shock." Seth... you need to trust me." I gulped down a spark of fear as I nodded my head. "Please... close your eyes and count to ten." I took in a deep breath as I shut my eyes. One...Two...Three...Four...Five...Six...Seven...Eight...Nine...Ten... "May I open my eyes now?" A much louder response grunted in front of me. I took in another deep breath as I slowly opened my eyes... "T-Terra?!"
No... it couldn't be Terra. This was a giantess! She couldn't have... grown so big! I crumpled down onto the hard-soiled ground as I took a double-take. " Seth... I'm sorry for keeping this away from you." I pinched myself to check if it was all just a dream... it wasn't.... "W-what did you d-do to Terra!" I demanded an answer. "I... I am Terra."
"Look. I know. I can see that you're in a great distress but, please... let me explain." I ignored her words as I curled into a ball. She couldn't be Terra... I just don't believe it... Sigh. I felt fingers curl around me, was she about to crush me now? Then, I felt something cradling my head. I opened my eyes, and for once. The blue-amber eyes I knew was back. I used to do this to her when we first met so she would calm down.. "I-it is you..."
"Now... I... lied about my past." I got into a more comfortable position on her palm as I looked in disdain. "I'm a scout... sent to survey your planet before my brethren took over." My hues inside my eyes turned black- the feeling of being betrayed. "The ring you find me with was how I could communicate with them; every night while you were asleep, I sent reconnaissance noted about your planet." I suddenly felt a throbbing feeling in my heart as I hugged my legs closer. "You brought it, didn't you?"
"Y-yes." I showed her the ring and as soon as I did... it started to grow to the size of her wrist. She took it out and it hovered over her other palm. "So... the moment you tell them to attack.... Earth basically dies in the hands of you...monsters?" I chocked out the last word with distaste... I couldn't believe I feel for an alien invader. I felt eyes bore into me and I refused to look back...CRACK!
A loud shattering noise exploded behind me and I just had to look... the 'ring' was gone... "I... thought you would commence your... your invasion." Terra's eyes softened into pudding... I know those eyes... " How could I do that?" She beamed as she pulled me into a hug. "I don't want to lose you~"
I blushed at the gesture and hypocritically leaned into her. "I can't do that to someone who took care over me..." Was this what she felt when I pulled her in for the first time? This... softness and warmth? "After all... I.. love you."
My heart skipped a beat... or two. She pulled me out of the hug as I stared at her irises, the image of a confused yet overjoyed human. "I... could say the same thing." She huffed out a warm breeze as started pulling me close towards her lips... and before you know it. I had my first kiss out of my entire life.
The feeling was mutual. The feeling of being cared for as the gesture was returned by her, It didn't feel weird. She pulled away from the kiss and laid down on the ground, where luckily had just enough room to compensate her body. "Wait... wouldn't your size stay with you forever? And... wouldn't your brethren notice your disappearance?"
She let out a chuckle. "I'm... different than the rest of my kind." She sat up as her eyes looked skyward. "I was sent here to... get into a relationship with one of yours." My eyes lit up with recognition... so that was why she got into... all this? "I did it reluctantly at first... and I did plan to betray you after I got enough... 'love'."
Her eyes hesitated to look back onto mine. "You could say that I was a... genetically modified weapon." I tilted my head in confusion. "When the amount of 'love' was right, I could easily grow to the size of your sun." Okay... it's getting hard to breath in here... "But your love? Surpassed all that. I could grow to the size of a galaxy now...and that's what changed my mind."
"My species was bent on destroying any intelligent lifeforms there were in the universe." her tone became sober and strangled. "They've done too much already... whole systems annihilated with a literal flick of a finger..."
"I know... that's a lot to take in... and that's where I felt 'Why should I help them'?" her voice came back, little by little. "When I have someone who dearly cares for me?" My head started to spin out of realization.. and I slumped into her palm. "A-are you okay? I'm so sorry!... I didn't mean to hurt you or anything.. I-" "It's alright... Terra."
"You had your resolve... you changed your mind for the future. That's enough, because I will always love you." Her eyes began to water as she pulled me in for another hug. "I'm so.. so sorry about what I could've done.." I began to hush her as I listened to the one thing that could never deceive me, the song of the heart. "It's for the best if we kept this quiet, Terra."
She laid down on the ground as she set me onto the ground. "You can shrink and grow as you wish right?" She nods in correlation. "Well... let's go back to living our lives on this planet then- shall we?... After the trip of course." I chuckled as I walked towards her face. "How about it? Sleeping with you would calm you down, it always worked." She nods her head as she wipes some loose tears. I grunted as I sat down on the ground next to her face. "Good night Terr-Mff" She had her hand over me as she pressed me against her lips... I immediately turned into the actual light of the Sun. "Good night, Seth~~."
Oooooooooooooooooof. I'm not really the kind of person that can write this kind of stuff. You know, the fluffy-kissy stuff;It makes me question my existence but! I'm glad I tried it out! Maybe I could write another one next week...
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