Something New
"And remember your meds!"
Seeing mom off from the door, I waved to her as she pulled her car out of the driveway. Why would she go out to work at times like these... anyways... "Leon... where are you little trickster." Closing the door behind me, I started to search for the little toddler.
Looking in dark places and checking small corners, I tried to find the hiding and playful little cousin that loved to smile. "Leon~ if you don't come out right now you're gonna get a tickle attack from big scary Wendy~" As soon as I'd finished closing my mouth, giggles were heard right behind a door.
"Fee fi foo fum, I see... a little target due for a punishment of laughs!" Jumping around and swinging the door suddenly, I pounced unto the little innocent baby that was Leon. Tickling him on his sides, he breaks into a fit of giggle and laugh. He kicks his adorable little legs and evidently tries and break away from my hold on him by prying with his tiny chubby little fingers.
He finally utters a word of surrender "stop", that's when I let go of him to catch his breath. "Now will you behave and stop running around ya little devil." Probably understanding my words, he nods his head in obedience before breaking into a smile and speaking baby language. I smile at him and picks him up gingerly into my arms, "Now it's time for breakfast okay?"
Walking down the stairs, he gives out little bursts of goos and gaas. Finally reaching the living room, I set him down unto a sofa and proceeds to walk into the kitchen. Hmm let's see, protein shake... protein shake... ah, there it is. Picking out the packet and ripping off its' cover, I poured out its' contents into a 'baby bottle' or whatever its' called. Adding water to the mix, I stirred it thoroughly before capping and finding little Leon right next to me, crawling and struggling to stand up. "Aww do you want your little protein shake that badly?" Laying down against the countertop I rested my back against the wall as I handed him his food.
Taking it greedily away from me, I chuckled as he began to down the drink in separate long gulps. "Does it really taste that good?" He doesn't respond, as he usually does when having a meal. Haha... you little rascal. I gently patted his head and played around with it... it.. hair... THUMP.
"Ga! Goa... ga.." what... what happened to me? Why's everthing so... loud? Rubbing my head... I feel dizzy and sick. My eyes struggled to open, and what's... this sensation on my chest? Why does the ground feel so... ticklish? Opening my eyes, I felt my expression droop with pure terror and fear. No... no no no! Why now?! Getting up and immediately starting to run, I desperately tried to get away from not-so-little-anymore Leon.
Everything thing is so freakin HUGE! Oh I did NOT expect this today!!! Looking around for cover, I panicked to see everything so far away. "Goo... goa.. bu... bug." ... BUG?! Risking a look around my back, I saw the giant that was Leon approaching me like a mountain to a little rock like me. Picking up the pace, I started to run for the only thing tall enough that couldn't be bypassed by Leon: a little tiny table right in the corner of the so-called 'kitchen'. Heat racing and mind breaking, I cried tears of helplessness as a shadow came over me.
Rolling to a side, I barely manage to dodge his gargantuan hands. Rasping and grasping for air, I wasted no time picking myself up and starting to run like I've never done before in my life. Adrenaline pumped through my veins as I actually started to reach the tiny table... oh... oh gods... I can't believe I made it. Looking back again, I see Leon in the middle of the room staring at me with curious eyes... I didn't think I'd make it. Slumping unto the cold hard wall behind me, I cradled my legs as I hugged them against myself. This has to be the worlds' most cruelest and unluckiest timing to morph.
Me, Leon and my mom were a different species from typical humans. Sure, we looked like humans, we talked like humans, we eat and act like humans but; we have a 'special' ability to change sizes. With enough training and patience, one of us could grow to the size of a mountain... or an ant if someone was like me. But that was why we were hunted, WERE... my dad died to them during the hunt. He never used his abilities agaisnt them but hey... we live in a fucking society.
While dad had perfect control over his power, mom had certain difficulties in controlling her power so she needed some special pills in order to keep herself in check... and apparently I just hit my adoloscence; the time where all of us suddenly morph into either a small ant like me... or a mountain that could bury a whole city no sweat. But... I guess it was the better of the two that I morphed into the size of an ant... I couldn't imagine breaking out and becoming the 564th godzilla to terrorize this poor Earth.
Then again... how long will it take for me to morph back into normal sized me? I have to take care of Leon one way or another... but what's the use if I'm this small? I'd probably be crushed unintentionally by him before that happened... sigh. I guess I'll have to wai- "Hey."
Turning around and poised in a instinctive stance ready to run, I settled my eyes on a crack in the wall... which just spoke... "Uhm... hello?" Then, as if today could not get anymore crazier, two bigger versions -but not normal sized- of humans came out of the wall. Freezing in place, I scaled them up and got bewildered that they existed. "Are you... a shifter." One asked, presumably the 'leader'. "I... I am." My voice soft and quite obviously terrified; they were smaller than Leon sure, but they could still crush me just fine.
"Poor you... did you just hit that time of your age?" Gasping, I nodded at her remark. As she approached me, I suddenly had a feeling of dread in me as her hand gradually reached for me. Flinching as her hand hovered above me, she stopped and lowered herself... "Please, we mean no harm. We only want to help." Gulping down my anxiety for now, I let her pick me up unto her hands take me into the walls...
"We had our suspicions about your family being shapeshifters, but we were too scared to confirm or confront the answer; we just couldn't risk it." Looking around the dark insides of the walls, there were gaps... pathways to seperate places in the house. She poised her shoulders with pride, as if she understood my thoughts. "I and my deary over here made use of these pathways for years... and yes, we're... or shall I say aren't exactly humans."
"We're borrowers, smaller versions of humans that can't morph or change our sizes. We've been watching you grow from a bawling little girl to the big sister person you are now." ... how long have they actually been here? "We have a two children of our own, and just our luck; you had a baby toddler!" Her voice was genuinely kind... and motherly. "So forgive us if you noticed that some of your protein shakes had gone missing."
"But why would you save me now?" She stoppped at a junction before taking a left and contuining her speech. "Why not? We're not cold-blooded animal are we?" Chuckling to her little comment, I found myself strangely trusting towards her. "Now, we know it's been short but where's the medication you needed?" Wait...
"Excuse me?" She took a breath before asking again. "The medication that helps you get back to your original size, you know... the one you told your mom to take this morning." ... how much do they know? "Oh uhm... wait let me think, it was on... the tabel in the living room... which probably means that we have to confront Leon before I can get to the pills."... Her face dawned on the fact that she was going to go up against him... but nevertheless kept her posture and resolve seemingly straight. "Alright, deary do you have the tools?"
"W-wait you don't have to do this! I can just wait for my mom to get back home and help me get it for me... you don't have to go so far to help me!" She looked at me with a smile before contuining to pace into the dark corridors. "Your little boy out there needs his lunch and dinner, doesn't he?" Oh... right...
"But do you see that you're risking your life?! Why would yo-" "Ah ah ah... shh... it's my choice to help, and I'm not backing down away from my own promise." Why are you so stuborn... "Here we are... the living room."
She looked at her partner before peeking her head out of the wall, and as she cupped another hand over me hugged me protectively agaisnt herself... started to dash out into the open. Struggling to get a good visual out of her barrier of hands, I couldn't see anything and couldn't help knowing something bad was going to happe- "!"
"Jeremy!" No... no no no why are they doing this?! Zweeeepp... a sound could be heard before I lurched and got dizzy for a while. Finally opening the cage, I looked around frantically before I see her on the table... how? She gingerly lowered my unto the wooden surface of the table before she pried open the ziplock to the pills. I looked around to see the giant monstrosity that was Leon.... who was.... holding him. No this can't be happening!!!
"Here!" I turned to look at the mother holding a pill in her hands... "It's too big to fit into my mouth!" Not wasting a single second, she set down the pill before trying to break it open. I panicked to see Leon playin around with... Jeremy like he was some kind of doll. Crack! "Come on hurry!"
Looking at the now broken pill, it's content was all over the table. Quickly rushing over to the meds, I grabbed a fistful and shoved it inside my mouth... come on come on!! Work damn i- HURGH!! The burning sensation came on once again, but this time I was smart enough to start running off the table. Jumping, I grew midair before landing unto the ground in my original size.
Quickly reaching for Leon, I carefully pried open his grip on Jeremy and set him on the table where he couldn't reach. Leon mad a sad rumbling noise before waddling and crawling away... somewhere... "I'm... I'm so sorry for what I caused..." I sat down on the floor with my hands sprawled out unto the table... "Don't be sweety..."
Her tiny little hands touched mine as she offered consoling words. "How... how can I ever repay you?" She looked at Jeremy and smiled. "It's no big deal Wendy, just keep those protein shakes coming." I smiled before laying a hand to offer them back to the crack in the wall. "Just ask my if you need anything, I'm always here to help." She waved it off before climbing unto my hand.
... welp what did you expect? I literally had no planning for this request I just received today, lel. As requested by shrinker155, a shrunk short that I have no experience writing whatsoever XD. It's been a long time since someone requested something from me so I said why not, It's always rewarding to have something down for someone. Speaking of which, why can't you guys request already damn it. I'm getting more and more lazy with each passing lockdown extension :D.
( softariell there ain't vore here you happy now? XP)
PS: I know I should've said this earlier but English ain't my first language, so if I made any Grammarly error or vocabulary wrongs pwease forgive moi~
~Floof Boi
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