Smol Brain
"Was it really necessary?"
I looked back unto Murr and gave him a questionable look of confusion. "Don't try to bullshit me, you know what I'm talking about." I sighed as I rubbed my eyes, then placed it back unto my lap in a sort of condescending way. "As I had said time and again, you do NOT want to see what happens in a few days time in ESPECIALLY this region of the kingdom."
He snickered as he turned to face the poorly paved, if it was anything road worthy in the first place, gravel pathway. "You can't actually be telling the truth now can you? You know those things or beings of myth, and I can't see YOU believing all that horsesh-" I cleared my throat, loudly. "Well, before you start cussing in every sentence you speak, I shall explain it just ONE more time." Murr shook his head and mumbled a few words as he encouraged the horses to move along the road.
"I'd speculated, with my EXCELLENT intuition, and formulated a theory as to why travelers always magically disappear from Giant Valley." He chuckled as he scratched his hair in the blazing heat. "Let me guess, some biiiiig scawwwy giants just appeared out of thiiin air and swiped them away. And then they put the sorry travelers into a pot to cook and then they ea-" I cleared my throat once again, louder this time.
"IF you would so kindly shut your trap and let me explain the situation that'd be HIGHLY appreciated Murr." He laughed at me while I grumbled under my breath, but at least he'd be quiet. "The reason why I'd told you to leave for Jurman 10 days earlier than usual isn't because of ooh uhh 'We want to show that we can deliver stuff earlier so that we can get on our customers good side' NO that ain't it."
"Have you actually ever wondered why people vanish from Giant Valley, or, just be honest, have you ever done anything but laze at home at lounge on the chair everyday."He shrugged his shoulders as we went over a bump, giving me a dismissive wave as we did. "Well... can't say that I haven't." This guy...
"Alright, I'd overlapped the instances of any missing person that had gone through this exact valley for the past 30 years and with enough information. I'd figured out an EXACT time frame where people go missing, and people who don't."
"What are you , a geek?" I slapped him on the back as the wagon went over another bump. " I'm just someone who doesn't want to be giant food; I'm ever so kind to include you into my concerns so why don't you shut up." He looked sideways and pulled his fingers across his lips, making a mockery of a zipping motion out of it.
"To minimize any kind of risk we may encounter during our journey, I've chosen today... but, I don't feel any safe-" Murr had put his fingers to his lips and the horse neighed over the pulled reigns, and I too, began to sense it. "Isn't it... too quiet? Now I might be wrong but it sure as hell doesn't sound like nature here."
"For once Murr? I agree... no chirps, no crickets or even the slightest tingle of wind. It's... something out of the ordinary." I looked around and saw not one hint of movement, save for the constant complains given by the horses.
Trees that had rustling leaves just a moment ago had gone deadly silent, and as if a plant could hold its' breath... I could hear breathing, OUR breathing. "Murr.." I looked around and spotted a little gap between the mountains, a cavern no bigger than twice my height. "Care to lead the horses to that cavern over there? Slowly."
Giving the horses some encouragement, the horses slowly sauntered to the cave without a care in the world. And just as the butt end of the wagon entered the opening, it came... the deafening roar of a wild beast. For a moment after came some disturbing silence... then out of nowhere, a GIANT foot came crashing down on where we had been just a few minutes ago.
Murr struggled to keep the horses still, and I panicked because if there was anyone in the entire kingdom that could communicate best with horses, it was Murr. Seeing him struggle to keep the horses in check, adrenaline started to set in as each thump came and go.
I dared to take a peek, and for a moment, it was as if the world stopped. Right outside the cave where the giant stood, came another being... but much smaller, something more... human-sized. It was butt-naked, but it didn't give a damn about standing next to a literal giant.
With skin so shockingly similar, I'd almost charged out to save it if it weren't for the overwhelming sense of dread. And so I stared, along with Murr, at the two beings dumbfounded and scared... "...What the fu-" ROARRRR!!!
My ears strained as I covered them and if today could not get any weirder, the ground shook... not from the giant... but a few dozen clones of the human sized creature. My eyes strained as I battled the fear and need to cower in a corner, for the 'humans' were chasing something... something smaller.
My eyes could never see well, but I'm sure they weren't letting me down when I saw TINIER humanoid beings.
Sickening crunches could be heard from the valley, I didn't dare linger at the mouth of the cave for too long... for I too for once, don't want to be eaten today. Slowly pacing back towards the deeper end of the cave opening, I observed the phenomenon from a safe distance...wondering what the hell was going on.
"Survival of the fittest, huh." I looked at Murr and he gave a look that could make a man cry. "I mean, i-it's quite obvious right? They're doing this to see who can be stronger, right??" I gulped a mouthful of fluids from my flask, before straining my eyes to see the outside view. "I... guess."
Then, just as sudden as the giant had arrived, the loud thump of its exit was heard and soon enough... it was caught in the wind and the giant was nowhere to be heard, or at least seen. "H-hey do you... do you think we can get outta here now? Because... you know... the giant's gone? I-I don't think that that thing will be gone for long."
..."I... think it should be safe, but get your rifle out; I'm going to use it... if need be." My lip quivered as fear still ran smoothly through my veins, but I didn't have to think twice about jumping unto the wagon.
"Alright... it's alright... everything's alright." Murr prepped himself as he slowly guided the horses out into the valley, and just as I suspected; the monsters charged at us the moment we were seen... BANG!
A shot rang, and in it's place fell a body.
"GOGOGOGOGOO!!!" Murr needn't ask twice and gave the horses a mighty whip. And the monsters they are... they just... kept on charging and charging at us. No matter how many bullets rang, and missed. None stopped to check on their brethren or hell, they don't even flinch.
We left a huge trail of bodies, but their numbers seemed to have no end at all. And if I had to guess, all the human-sized monsters had caught unto the commotion and begun chasing us. "I'm never coming back here ever again."
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