Smells like Dopamine
[Part 2 of My Sweet Tiny Valentine]
It can't be 'it' can it?
Shifting uncomfortably in bed, echoes of soft sobs can be hears in the distance. Thinking it was just some sick trick being played on me by my brain, I tried to drown the melancholic sound with my blankets... but to no avail.
I... I must be going crazy or something. First a badly-written love letter and a tiny-sized chocolate- sent by god knows who- and now cries in the wall? Thinking back, I was pretty freaked out... because I've never gave anyone a spare key to my apartment. I thought it was a break-in by some savage burglar... but that does not seem to be the case.
The letter... it was... so cheesy. Whoever wrote it must've been so, so desperate. But I don't think I've ever had someone say words like that to me, much less a sentient being who proclaimed HIS LOVE to me... and the cocoa. Small, but powerfully and masterfully made with pure delicacy and compitence. It tasted... amazing to say the least. But my troubled mind kept asking questions; what in tarnation could've made something like that and enter my apartment??!
With my mind now scrambled and messed up, I threw the blankets off and turned on a small lamp beside my bed. Getting out of bed, I searched for the cries... but it had gone the moment I got out of bed. Satisfied with the result, I laid back in bed and flipped the light switch.
Nearly dozing off, it comes again... but this time... very much softer. Now curious rather than anxious and furious, I got out of bed gently. Feet barely making any noise, I began to search for the source of disdain. Pressing my ears against the wall while my feet slowly crept across the carpeted floor. I desperately tried to find my sanity, to prove that it was just all a trick of the mind... but that thought fell when my ears rested on a tiny little mouse-hole-ish structure that rested beside my table/workplace. Kneeling down onto the floor, I pressed my ears against the smooth-cool wall to find the sobs loudest they've ever been.
Peeping through the tiny hole, all I saw was darkness. Thinking quickly I snatched my phone from the table and turned on the mobile-torch. Instantly after shining the tiny hole with light, a soft but alarmed shriek could be heard. Oh my god... something is inside there. Narrowing my eyes to find the being, all but a tiny little... satchel could be seen that was hung unceremoniously on the wall to a nail. Hearing no further whimpers or shrieks, a turned off the torch and laid my back against the wall. "... I know you're in there."
Rubbing my eyes I turned to look at the tiny mouse-hole that was obviously right smack in the centre of the room, where I should've noticed it ages ago... why didn't I? "Are... you the one that wrote that letter?" ... Silence. "It must be you, right? I... uh... thought the chocolate was great." He or she does not answer my compliment. "I...I know you might be scared or shy... whatever it is please... just come out. I will never hurt you." As much consoling and comforting words seem to work, they aren't. "Hey... I know this might seem crazy to you but, I just need you to come out for a second; long enough to know that you exist, I don't want to think that I'm going crazy at the age of 24... please." Nothing, nada, zilch.
I must be going mental. Pulling myself up, I used the wall as support and stood up to go to bed... once agai- "W-wait!" Freezing in my tracks, I turned to look down on the little mouse-hole. Crouching down into a sitting position, I curiously looked at the dark abyss until... something... no, someone came out. "Holy shit..."
Staring at the tiny being walk out of the darkness, all I could do was just watch with awe. How did something so small... yet smart and cunning make chocolate and not to mention AN ENTIRE LETTER at his size??! It... should've taken him so many months for his plan to come to fruition... and... I just threw away all that into the trash like it was nothing... "Am... am I seeing things?"
Chuckling nervously, the tiny being shook his head before opening his shaking mouth to speak. "I-I assure you that th-this is very, ve-very real." Sighing and shaking my head I looked closer and saw his impossibly human-like features. He just looked so... human; it's so unreal... "S-so you liked the chocolate h-huh?" Nodding my head, my mind was still trying to keep up with his words. "A-and about th-the letter... y-you won't ac-accept it huh..." Now finding my voice to speak, I opened my mouth.
"I'm... so sorry. I thought the letter was written by some sick weirdo.." At this point he started flooding the floor. "I-I! I didn't mean it! That was when I first read the letter, I don't... well, I can understand where all this is coming from now... I'm so sorry I threw away all your hard work like that..." But all my words had fallen on deaf ears, for he was too sad to feel anything else. Biting my lips, I reached for him, slowly and as gently as I could; comforted him with soft strokes and consoling words.
This... just felt so surreal. I'm holding a mini-human person, while being the person he confessed to and being the person to have just dumped him at face value. Minutes pass as the soft sobbing starts to slow and quiet down. "I know how hard it must've been, confessing to someone. You're a brave soul, not everyone could do what you just did." The cries died down, and with it came along with a nonchalant frown that didn't really care what happened next. "How... how long have you waited for this day?"
"About a few months..." His stutter was now out of the equation. "I'm... so, so sorry I really am... and how long have you been living in your little... house?" Now expressionless and saddened, he stared into my eyes while he opened his mouth to speak. "Before you ask... I've been alone since my parents died when I was just a small wee borrower-that's what we call ourselves-, and have been living her longer since you moved in...." I...
"You know, there is only one reason why humans like you never knew we existed: the fear of getting killed." He stood up and pointed to himself. "Seeing how tiny we are to you, you could have just simply stepped on us... and poof, gone. And even if that never happened, not all humans are like you... so, just know that relationships between my kind and yours were considered absurd and impossible." Damn it...
"I... didn't know, I really am so sorry to hurt you like that." Waving his hand dismissively in the air, he sat down once again, back turned. "It was expected, don't... feel so bad about it." You're not helping my guilt get any better... are you? "Then... I guess we could try it out." His neck practically snapped in half once those words left my mouth.
"W-wait hold on! Wait did you just. say." Cracking a smile, a lifted him to my face and stared into his eyes... such beautiful hues of blue. "I said, I guess we could try it out." His face had turned a complete 180, as if he has never ever really been crying in the first place. "I-i... thank.. thank you so much! I... I don't know what to say I'm just so overjoyed and shocked!" A smile tugged at my lips while he danced in joy around my palm, his body had definitely betrayed his conscious to stay still... hehe. "Well, you're... cute so I figured why not..." Looking away from him, I felt the burn in my cheeks as I could literally feel his eyes staring at me. "Emma, look at me."
Turning to look at him I stared into his eyes, all lovey-dovey and full of happiness. "There is no reason to be ashamed, just tell me what you feel." Tilting to a side. "I guess it was love at first si-MFF!" ...
"H-hey... mind telling w-what your name was?" Smiling like the tiny idiot he was, his grin was just so god damned infectious. "Tim, Tim Kersing." Smilling like the big idiot I was, I pulled him in for another kiss. "Tim you rascal."
After a few seconds, we pulled away both smiling with idiotic love-struck smiles plastered onto our faces. "How dare you steal my first time!" Hugging my finger, he pulled a sly smile as he replied with a snarky comment. "It wasn't my fault I fell for you!" Laughing at his insult, I pulled him in for a hug as I walked towards my bed. "You're so warm.."
"DAMN IT TIM STOP TRYING TO GET ME FLUSTERED!" Walking like he owned the place, he climbed onto my pillow and laid down right next to my eyes, staring into my soul. "Don't you better things to do? You selfish low-down scoundrel." His eyes twinkled as he enjoyed the view of my eyes, as if I were a constellation of stars. "You are the best thing to happen to me, so why would I care about anything else?"
"Smooth ass..." Chuckling at his attempt, he touched my cheeks. His hands were so... miniscule... but so powerfully electrifying at the same time. "I love you Em." Stroking his back while I covered myself with the blanket, I gave him one last kiss for the night. "Right at back you, Tim."
ZardinTheBrokenAtlas LINKINPARKfreak44 ARE YOU HADDY NOW? Well... to be honest this is kinda the good ending :P. Also, two chapters... well one whole chapter whatever. Don't forget the leaving requests and constantly spamming 'please update!' in the comments will dismantle my plans of procrastination. K so I gonna be gone for a month or so... see you peps next time.
~One Exhausted boi
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