Bro idk how to title stop asking for one >:c
Part 2 of the previous chapter!
TW: Death... but it gets better, just trust me.
Also... extra long chapter! Hope you peps like it!
Oh yeah JaiTheBookwormUwU you asked, I delivered.
"How about we eat this one next?"
A maniacal laugh came from the shadows... "Oh I don't know about that... old human meat doesn't taste too good." The two shared a hearty laugh... and I would've too... that is, if they weren't talking about eating me.
"Y-yeah you should let m-me out!" I gripped the wooden cage and pulled at it as hard as I could. "I-I'm well over m-my prime! A-and I'll taste bad!" They laughed in response as one drew near, placing its gigantic hand unto the top of the trap.
"We would... but the our ogre elder wouldn't be so keen on letting go easy meat. Especially how you fell into a trap that wasn't even ours to begin with!" He laughed again. "I-I mean *snicker* how dumb could you possible be?! It's a wonder that humans are still all alive! I can't believe how stupid your puny race is!"
I slumped back unto the unforgiving cold floor as a bonfire cast their shadows over me, my eyes filled with tears as I looked up. The night sky was beautiful, a full moon shone brightly. Stars and galaxies filled my vision..... perhaps it was a pretty night to die under... I've lived a long, long life anyways.
"Now come on, the tribe grows hungry." The taller one approached, grabbing the wooden cage easily off the ground.
And as he walked, I saw more of them... more ogres. They were humanoids, just about a tree high each. Their green tainted skin was barren and shown through minimal clothing, most wearing leather from some animal. They had no encampment, just weapons... and a huge pot of boiling water to cook me in.
And soon enough, my pitiful form was placed on the ground in front of a seemingly... older ogre. "Is this all you've caught today?" His voice was deep, unnaturally so. "Pathetic. I expected better of you younglings."
"Well... elder, there seemed to be a shortage of animals around here..." the supposed young un explained. "No boars... bears... cows... hell even birds. It's as if something just made them all extinct from the place."
"Nonsense! You excuse is unreasonable as it as stupid. There's no way an entire valley had been picked clean! I expect more from you tomorrow! Unless you want to be punished!" The Elder reprimanded as he took up a stick with a... very human skull on the top of it. "Now o-
"Wait!" I shouted... "I-I can't be eaten!"
"...and why is that?" The elder kneeled down, his intimidating stare piercing through my soul.
"W-well I've a disease... a disease that will kill you." Needless to say, they didn't look very convinced. "It's... the dragon's curse."
A collective gasp went amongst the tribe, some even backed away upon hearing it. "Pah! A lie if I've ever heard one! I highly doubt that you would outrun a dragon! So... what was it? Tough times got to you and ya needed a few golden coins? Were you hired to steal from a dragon? Or did you just have a death wish?" He snickered and laughed.
"N-no... I raised one."
"You jest, no dragon would be foolish enough to lose one of their eggs. And even if you did raise one, they'd eventually follow your scent, the curse that always tells a dragon where you are, and eat you once they've matured! I wasn't born just yesterday you dumb mut-" BOOOOM!
Screams filled the air as its mighty form crashed down unto the ogres... the dragon, had arrived.
Though some fled in fear, and as some bashed the toughened scales brazenly... all fell with one quick crush of a foot. Bones cracked under the weight of the beast, the bodies mangled and disfigured. A life, gone in an instant.
One by one, they fell like bugs under a gigantic foot. My eyes were widened, watching the gruesome scene unfold before me. Yes, they were just about to eat me but... how was witnessing all this better!? Especially knowing that I was the beast's next meal anyways??
"Curse you! You human! You've cursed us al-" I looked to a side, just in time to see the elders body get CRUNCHED! under a scaly foot. I shivered as I looked around... corpses littered the field and red thick blood flowed into a little stream downhill, I was the only one left.
And as I looked up... its ginormous amber eyes stared back. "H-hey there..... d-don't... eat m-" CRACK!
With a claw, it broke my wooden confinement as the cage fell unto the ground. "Run along..." it scoffed, their eyes rolling. "I don't eat humans."
..."Y-you're not g-going t-t-to eat me?" My heart raced as I looked at them intently.
"Yes yes now go on. Get out of here." I quickly scrambled to my feet and started runnin- "ack!"
And as I tumbled to the ground, I felt its gaze back upon me. "H-heh j-just old people problems... y-you know." Slowly standing up this time... I walked away from the field. My calves and back ached with each step. The years have truly taken their toll on my body...
"Oh, sweet... gods of heaven. Thank you for saving me.." I whispered as I slowly maneuvered around the dead ogres, bodies which had once been full of life... gone. I shuddered and carried onwards, I'll probably never forget this da-.
My feet stuck to the ground like glue as the words pierced through my heart, now pounding faster than ever.
"Could you turn around?"... I did so as the dragon, all four if its legs stumping the ground, slowly made its way towards me with a THUMP!... THUMP!... THUMP!.. for every step they made.
"You... you have my scent." Their neck lowered as they sniffed... their snout a hand's reach away. "But I'm pretty sure I've never met you before... have you gotten in contact with another human I've met?"
"N-no I don't... th-think so." I felt my throat closing up as tears start to fall... was I truly about to be eaten by a dragon?
"No matter." They took in a breath... and their face seemed to soften... "Could you say 'My sweet' in a... loving tone?"... wait..
"I beg your pardo-"
"I said... that if you could say 'My sweet' in a loving tone." Her eyes were... hopeful for whatever reason and... I guess I had no say in this.
"R-right, uhm do you want it in a sentence or a-"
"Oh for crying out loud just say it!" I clasped my ears as she shouted... her voice was deafening! "O-oh I'm so sorry... I didn't...mean that." ...A dragon that apologised??? What is this, a dream!?
"A-alright I'll say it... just..." And I took a deep breath.
"How would you have liked it said? My sweet?" I gave the words my all, which wasn't really all that impressive with all the fear coursing through me.....
A few seconds passed... then a minute... then two... their eyes were still poised on me.
It then laid down on the ground... this time only a soft thud was heard, as if it was trying to be gentle. Then, it started... crying?!
"U-uhm... c-can I... leave?" The dragon scoffed and laughed... albeit softer than before.
"O-oh my... "It sniffed, then huffing out a breeze of air. "Don't you recognise me? Papa?"... Papa?...
My eyes widened.
Looking around the dragon, it had white and black stripes from head to tail. A snow white lining of fur on its back, perfectly centered straight. Their furry head and... their beautiful amber eyes...
"Papa!" She cried out as she bumps the tip of her snout into my chest.
"Oof! C-careful d-dearie! I'm quite fragile at my age!" More tears fell... but this time... from joy.
"I've... *sniff* I've m-missed y-you papa! I really r-really have!" She said as I gave out a chuckle.
"Oh come on now, isn't it bad to cry as a dragon?" I joked, hugging her back as much as I could.
"N-not if it's y-you, papa...... not if it's you."
We stayed like that for a bit... and as I embraced her under the moonlight, my heart had calmed... now overfilling with joy as I looked at her with utmost happiness......
"I can't believe how big you've grown, my sweet." My chest swelled with pride, it really is a surprise! "H-how long h-has it been?... I-I can't remember anymore."
"About... 40 years." She sniffled, nuzzling her snout into me. "And I'm not that big, I'm just... average sized for a dragon."
"Impossible... didn't your parents feed you when you were a hatchling?" A snicker and a chuckle later, we shared a hearty laugh.
"Oh my gosh... you haven't changed in the slightest, papa." She smiled, her eyes still looking into mine..............................................
"Oh! Wait, I've got to... err... collect my...... you get what I mean. We can talk later once we get back to my cave." She slowly gets up, then walks over to a far side of the field to get a... huge bag. "It's for... collecting. Actually made by some very kind humans!... I promise I didn't threaten them, serious." She chuckled as she started putting the corpses of ogres in it.
"What are you... why do you need to put them in a bag for?" I slowly walked over to her, trying to ignore the dead bodies. "Don't you just... eat them?"
"Whattt?" She gasped as a smile spread across the face. "Well, I will eat them... just after a little something something."
And in no time, she'd picked up all of the bodies... still... gods that was terrifying.... "Right... that's just about all of them. So... do you want my to carry you? Or..."
"W-wait hold on, carry me? Why do you need to carry me?" I took a step back, a bit of fear rising through my throat.
"To take you to my cave, of course. It's quite far away... well, for you anyways. And even if I carried you it'd still take at least mmmm... a while." She chuckled and grinned, showing her razor sharp teeth.
"W-well... you better hold me well, I-I don't know if my frail ol' heart can take much from flying so high up." I gulped and tried to look away from her jaw, walking up to her.
"Well I'll be gentle pa. You aren't the first human I've carried on a flight before." She hummed and slowly reached down with a paw...
"Gosh... you're so small..."
Slowly and gently, she wrapped her fingers around me... lifting me up and holding me against her scales. "Taking off might be a little rough... so I suggest you holding in your breath... ready?"
I nodded and she took off with the mighty thrum of her wings.
Soaring quickly into the sky, the ground suddenly seemed incredibly far away. "Don't worry pa, I won't drop you."
"W-well I sure hope not!" With the wind howling against her body, I watched as trees... rivers... whole villages pass by in a flash.
But even with the fear of being so high up in the air, moving at god knows how fast... I couldn't help but admire the scenery. I had, essentially, a birds view... or a dragons view in my situation. Everything was so small... so tiny. House looked like specks on the ground whilst trees seem to blend in with the luscious green grass. The skies had never been closer...
"Doing okay?" Her voice a little concerned.
"Y-yeah!... Say, has it always been this magnificent up here?" I patted one of her fingers and I admired the view.
"Hm?... Well it always has been pa, I'm just so glad I got to show it to you."
And as soon as we had taken off, we had arrived at her cave. High up in a mountain, she landed right before an opening. "I chose this place because... well you'll see." Flapping her wings a little, she gained just enough height to walk on only her hind legs as she carried me in one paw and the bag of... 'food' in another.
"Right... here we are." She released the sack and gently laid me on the ground. "It isn't much but... it's home."
Excluding the cave entrance, the only other light sources came from an opening in the walls... with a flowing river passing through it into the cave and out another opening down stream. How... awfully convenient! There was a huge pool of darkness in the corners where the light couldn't reach but there was a... a...
She smiled as she slowly approached it. "Oh this? This was a gift from my mentor when I left them. Wanna see what it does?" As if she read my mind.
A opaque black orb sat on the ground, its size just about two times the height of me. "Well... sure." I slowly walked towards it.
"Uhm... might wanna stand a little further back pa." I nodded and backed off a little as she blew flames unto the orb.
"Gah!" I jumped and fell unto the rocky ground butt-first... groaning and massaging my back as I did.
"O-oh no! I-I'm so sorry!... I should've... warned you." She galloped over, gently placing a paw behind my back.
"N-no worries... ugh. I may be old but I'm still a tough nut to crack!" She smiled and shook her head... "But alright... the orb's on fire... what for?" She looked back at the orb and chuckled.
"Well... it's to cook things over with for one, and it provides a light source. And do you know the best part?" She looked at me, quite giddily. "It burns forever... well, until I decide to just put it out. It's magic."
"Huh..." I stared at the orb in disbelief. "But why do you need to cook? I thought dragons could just... munch and... eat stuff raw." Her smile widened as she placed a finger gently on my head.
"Because~ someone had spoiled me when I was just a hatchling, and I just couldn't see why I should eat something less... tasteful." Taking up the sack and taking out an ogre, she held it over the green fire for just about a few seconds before holding it away.
"Magic fire, cooks faster... because it's hotter....... don't ask. It's magic." She giggled and sighed..."You might wanna look away from me."
"Hm? Why?"
"Well... I can clearly see that you don't feel comfortable with me... eating stuff bigger than you. No offense, pa." Her voice was understanding... yet...
"How... how do you know what I'm thinking about?" She chuckled and placed the cooked ogre aside, laying her body down with her head just a leg away from me.
"...Pa, you have no idea how much I've missed you." I sighed and smiled... looking into her beautiful eyes.
"The day you put me in the care of my mentor?... I cried. I cried that day, the next one... and eventually for the entire week after." I grimaced... looking away for a moment in shame. "But... it was for the best."
"As the years went by, my mentor taught me how to hunt... fly... and even blow my first breath of fire. It was... exhilarating to say the least, blowing fire... though my mentor was quite confused when I started cooking my food with it. They ate it raw see?" She grabbed an a 'raw ogre' and hung it over the air, shaking it a few times.
"I met a few dragons, some my age and some almost a few millennia old. But they... didn't really like me that much, I had the smell of a human on me. A 'humans bound'. It was a track, a scent that led me straight to you... they... they told me to find you a-and eat you......" Her eyes became clouded... remembering those days, I suppose.
"Of course, I refused to do so. And one day I said to them that I will never eat humans, because... all of them remind me of you. But... hearing that, they cast me out. My mentor pitied me a little and gave me the orb as a parting gift, but I was... fine either ways...." She explained as her eyes become fixated on mine.
..."I-I'm so sorr-" I turned to look away, regret hitting me in the heart...
"No... don't be pa." She huffed, and gently turned my head back towards her with a finger. "Dragons are solitary beings anyways, we're not really a sociable kind amongst ourselves... and so I seeked some company."
"By then... the scent of you had wavered and since I was still... well.. about the size of 2 humans, I tried befriending a few. Most of them ran away upon seeing me, obviously. But some of them... they listened and well... that's kinda how I got the third generation of this leather bag." She poked the thing, chuckling softly.
She continued telling me of her past... how she has her trials and tribulations of surviving on her own, finding this cave and eventually becoming the hugeeee dragon she is now. Eventually picking up and cooking a few ogres for a meal."And I chose to hunt the more... aggressive kinds? Ogres, goblins, cyclops..... but in days where there wasn't one to be found near my cave, I had to make do with boars and bears. Oh wait- have you eaten?"
"O-oh yes, just before I got caught by those brutes in fact." I did not like the idea of eating my previous captors...
"Ah... okay, well whenever I hunt... I try to give them a painless death... it's the least I could do. I just feel a little... guilty whenever I kill." She says as she eats another ogre.
..."Well you've... certainly kept a lot of morals with you. Makes me happy that you remembered most of the things I taught you." I sighed... flinching a little every time a CRACK! was heard as bones were crunched.
"Well... I had the best dad in the whole... wide... world." She purred as she lowered her head and... gave me a li-
"Ack!" I almost jumped in surprise.
"O-oh s-sorry... I was just... you know. I remembered when I use to lick you as a hatchling and I-I thought I-"
"N-no... it's fine... just...*breathes*... caught me by surprise." I chuckled and looked up at her.
"Well then is it fine if i..." I nodded, closing my eyes as her tongue pressed against my body. Her saliva coating itself around my skin as she "tasted" me, as she'd say when she was still a hatchling.
"Mmm~ I don't eat humans but, you sure do taste good for one." She giggled and huffed, blowing air in my face.
"Wow..." I tried to begin... but had to wipe saliva off my face. "Is that how you're supposed to be talking to your dad?"
"O-oh I'm sooo sorry~" She teased, "You just had to be the best...mmm... person in the world, including taste-wise."
We laughed... and as it died down, I looked at her with a sudden melancholic face.
"Murheit, my sweet." She hummed and turned her head entirely towards me. "I'm... very, very old."
"I'd even call it a miracle that I'm even still alive at this age. I'd come close with many deadly encounters, seen the land far and between, walked through many different lands of life... and yet I'm still here." She blinked... knowing where this was going.
"I'm going to die... soon. Maybe not now, or tomorrow, or next year. But... I'm sorry I can't accompany you through the wonderful life you're about to have. My baby girl... you know this as much as I do but, I'm happy we got to meet again." I went up to hug her snout as tears fell down her cheeks.
"Don't tell me you're going to leave... please... please don't go..." My heart melted at the voice of her pleading words.
"N-no my sweet I'll... I'll stay here, with you, until the day I pass."... her eyes lit up with joy once more and she bumped her nose into my chest, purring loudly. "I've seen enough for a humans lifetime, perhaps it's high time I settled down again."
"Th-then I'll take care of you. All your needs... concerns... anything. Just tell me, and I'll try my best to help you." Her eyes overflowing with tears of happiness, she nuzzled against me. "A-and I'll show you the village of humans I befriended... everything, I'll show you everything I can."
I chuckled and hugged her the best I could... "Well, maybe tomorrow... *yaaaawn*.. I'm a little tired."
"O-oh right-... it's night time... already." She looked around, extinguishing the orb and looking back at me. "Would you... sorry, could I hug you against my chest?"
..."I'm sorry?"
"O-oh it's just... well... I remember you hugging me against yours when I was small and... I kind of want to do the same..." I laughed and smiled brightly.
"Of course you can."
And with a gentle paw, she pulled me closer against her chest and... oh... wow. That sound... "It's my heart... it must be pretty loud for you. I hope it isn't too loud..."
"N-no it isn't... it's quite... comforting actually..." I laid down against her chest, her fingers shielding me from the world.
"I'm glad... and I won't squish you, just... saying. I sleep like an absolute rock when I can, and the slightest touch can wake me up... so if I do start squishing you I'll immediately wake up and... you know... stop doing it." I laughed and hugged one of her fingers.
"I trust you... don't worry." She responded with more purrs.
"An-and it's cold during the night, and I-I'm kinda warm like you were when I was younger so me keeping you clos-"
"Alright! Jeez, I get it!" I laughed at her skittish voice. "You don't need to explain why you wanna hug me to sleep... I'm your dad."
She chuckled and sighed..."I know I'm just giving you reassurance...I love you... pa, good night." Her breathing slowed as she gently rubbed my back. And with the slow... rhythmic lullaby of her heart, I quickly grew sleepy.
"Good night, my sweet."
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