Eating dinner on the floor
"Outta my way!" Todoroki knocked someone over while running in the bar "Shigaraki hide me"
Shigaraki was cleaning up behind the counter "Why should I?" he seems rather unbothered
Todoroki out of breath, leaning on a chair "Well first of all, my brother will kill you if something happens to me. And second of all, I'll tell you embarrassing stories about him, if you help me"
Embarrassing stories about Dabi? Shigaraki was in, obviously "Hide in the back. What did you do anyways?"
Before he couod answer, the door flung open, once again, and Todoroki rushed back "Shit" a green-haired boy entered.
As soon as that boy realized what kind of people were in the bar, he froze. He wanted to exit, but some creepy dudes held the door shut.
Shigaraki stood there, watched the situation happening.
The boy looked so small next to those criminals. He smiles nervously at them, trying not to seem rude, while attempting to escape "I'm sorry"
All kinds of creepy people came up to him. Ugly ass pedophiles, human traffickers, you know, criminals. Shigarakis last favorite kind of criminals, so he was kind of annoyed. Rolling his eyes, sighing and stuff.
The guys just came closer and closer to the boy. It was clear that he was uncomfortable.
It's usually not Shigarakis problem, but the guy was still a kid, he doesn't need traumatizing experiences "Ey" he shouts across the bar "Leave him alone" the creeps were smart enough not to mess with him and stepped away "You" he pointed at the boy "Come here"
He walked up to him and wait down "Are you going to kill me?"
"Do you work for the police?"
"Then not" he puts the alcohol aside "So what brings you here?" the boy still looked scared as fuck "Kid don't be scared, I'm not like them" he sighs "What's your name?"
He nods "Listen here, Midoriya, if I wanted to kill you, or whatever you're thinking about right now, I would've done that already. So don't worry"
Midoriya nods "You're Shigaraki, right?"
"You know me?"
He smiles "You're like a well known criminal, so"
"If you're planning on calling the police-"
"Nononono. I kind of look up to you"
Shigaraki and Todoroki, who was still in the back and listening to them, were confused. Really, that boy looks like he is in love with police officers.
"I'm not even gonna ask. So again, what brings you here?"
Midoriya flushes red "It's kinda personal"
"Who am I gonna tell? I did you a favor and saved you from those guys, you do me a favor and tell me what brings a high school boy here, of all places"
Not that Midoriya trusted him, but he was still scared something will happen to him, if he doesn't do as said.
"A boy"
"A boy?"
"Well" he was clearly embarrassed "Something happened and he ran away and I ran after him"
Shigaraki makes himself a drink "Be more specific"
He got more embarrassed. Running in a bar full of criminals just because of another boy. He must look and sound like and idiot.
"Don't worry kid. I'm a bartender, I hear a lot of stories, dumb ones too"
"So I'm friends with this one guy. We always make these jokes with each other that we are like gay for each other" at this point he loosened up "Like on a different level, you know. Today we were fooling around like always and then it got serious. He was telling me about his feelings for" he got quite, unsure if he should continue
"Don't worry kid. I'm not homophobic"
"Well shortly, he confessed to me. I was kind of shocked, because the guy I like also likes me back"
"Okay and how did you end up here?" now he was kind of interested, now he might have a funny story in Todoroki
"I kept quite after he said all those things, it was a whole essay. I didn't know how to react, or what to say, I just started at him. He then I think regretted that he said that, said shit and ran away. So now I'm here trying to find him and tell him that I also like him"
Shigaraki sighs "Oh my fucking fuck" he shakes his head "Todoroki come out you idiot" he looks back "Now"
Midoriya in confusion, and Todoroki in embarrassment. Todoroki comes out from then back.
"Can't believe that you freaked out because of some high school fanfiction bullshit"
Midoriya didn't know if he should be more happy because he found him, or embarrassed because he listened to all he said.
"Wait, you were here all the time? I- I have questions"
"I also have questions" Todoroki said quickly after him
"Well this is interesting" the kids look at Shigaraki "What? This is my bar, I want to know what happens here. Continue" he has a drink in his hand and listens
"Right" Midoriya continues "You were here all this time?"
"You know Shigaraki?"
"Yeah. Dabi is also my brother"
Midoriyas eyes widen "Dabi?" his mind was blown
Before he could say another word, Todoroki started "You look up to this crusty dusty man?" He points at Shigaraki. Was Shigaraki offended, yes.
"Yeah, I mean- I'm- I"
"Yeah sorry. I kind of understand criminals perspective, and I hate cops"
Todoroki's mind also blown "But Shigaraki? okay no wait, don't answer that" now he turns red and avoids eye contact "You like me?"
"Yes. I didn't say all these gay jokes, we made, for nothing" they were talking in a kind of mad-confused tone "You heard what I told Shigaraki just a minute ago, right?"
They were freaking out.
After some time they calmed down. They sat next to each other, red like the blood every once in a while is spilled in the bar, avoiding eye contact and not talking.
Shigaraki was staring at the two of them, and drinking.
"Are you not going to talk about it?" they kept quite "It's not hard right? You both like each other, so" Shigaraki didn't know a single shit about relationships, healthy relationships at that, he just said stuff he heard on TV or what not.
"I guess this is a little awkward now" Midoriya says
"It's only awkward if you make it awkward" Shigaraki says "So now. Look each other in the eyes and talk about your love, or however that happens"
"Cannot believe my dear Shiggy is babysitting my bro and his probably soon to be boyfriend" they all look back, Dabi
Dabi walks behind the counter, next to Shigaraki, and hugs him from behind.
"Get off me you creep" he pushes him away
"So" Dabi looks at Todoroki and Midoriya, who were sitting on he opposite
"I'm gonna die if any of you two says another thing" Todoroki sighs and faces Midoriya "Since we both like each other, do you want to be my boyfriend?"
Midoriya smiles "Yes, you idiot. But apologize for running away, I had a whole heart attack"
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry" he laughs and then hugs him
While hugging, Midoriya whispers in Todoroki's ear, so that the other two idiots can't hear them "Are Shigaraki and Dabi dating?"
They look over to them "I don't know. But it really seems like it"
"That's why I'm asking"
"Okay kids-"
Todoroki cuts Dabi off "You're the kid here"
"Look how funny you are" he answers sarcastically "Go home before your parents call the police, or whatever parents do these days"
So eventually Midoriya and Todoroki left. Shigaraki and Dabi waited until Toga and Spinner show up to their shift, and then also left.
Dabi entered Shigarakis apartment with a couple of bags, putting them down in the kitchen.
"What the fuck did you buy?" Shigaraki immediately crushed on the couch
"Something that will warm your soul"
"Your death?"
"My dinner" he looks back at Shigaraki "Did you forget? I'm hurt. I wanted to make dinner for you, since you didn't have a normal meal in ages. Also I threw all the peanut butter away"
"It's for your health darling"
"Don't call me darling" he turns on the TV
"Whatever" he walks to the bathroom "Ima take a shower first, then I'll start making dinner"
"Okay" Shigaraki was acting like he couldn't care less, but was actually kind of happy.
Shigaraki was watching TV. Dabi took a shower then started preparing dinner. Both of them not caring about anything in the world, just concentrating and enjoying their 'now'.
Shigaraki would look over to Dabi every now and then, and trying not to smile.
Dabi would notice and be more excited to make food for him.
At some point Dabi forced Shigaraki to change clothes. Don't keep on the clothes in which you went to your work, an unspoken rule of his.
It took him a little arguing, but he did it.
Shigaraki then would also stand behind Dabi and watch him cook.
"Do you want to help?"
"What no, I don't know how to" he wanted to walk back but Dabi grabbed him by the hand and placed him in front of him.
He gives him a knife and holds both of Shigarakis hands from behind. At first Dabi made the hand movements, but eventually let go and did something else.
"Whne you're finished cutting these, give it over"
Shigaraki hums in response, being kind of flustered.
When he finished, he gave the beat over to Dabi "Here"
"Thank you darling"
"I told you not to call me-"
"I know" he gave him more food to cut "Here"
Shigaraki snatched it away from him.
Once they finished chopping the food, doing this and that, Dabi placed it all in the oven.
Shigaraki wanted to go but Dabi, again, stopped him "Whee do you think you're going?"
"Back on the couch" he points to the direction of the couch
"That's not very romantic"
"I'm not trying to be romantic"
Dabi shrugs "I don't care" he holds one of his hands and with the other puts on music on his phone, then puts the phone down and takes the other hand of Shigaraki
"Come on Shiggy. I know you've seen romance movies. I'm not letting go until you dance with me"
Shigaraki tried to escape, but Dabi was obviously stronger than him.
"Why not. I've never done it and always hear stories or see it on TV. I also want to try"
Realizing he won't be able to escape, he relaxes "Okay, but I don't know how" he looks away
Dabi smiles "Follow my lead princess"
Shigaraki immediately looks up "I can let 'darling' slide, but 'princess'?" He was mad, Dabi didn't care and made the first steps.
Shigaraki was struggling at first, but eventually got the hang of it. It was kind of a slow dance.
And as soon as the song was over, Shigaraki stepped back. His cheeks were kind of red and he looked down "So?"
"The food will be ready in thirty"
When thirty minutes passed, Dabi took out the food that was in the oven, and placed everything in plates. Then he poured both of them some wine too.
"Since you don't have a normal dinner table, we're eating on the floor" he sat down with the food and drinks
"Wine?" Shigaraki joined
"Steak with baked potatoes and vegetables"
"You know we have alcohol in the bar, why did you buy more"
"For the steak, also we're not trying to get drunk" he looks up from the food and smiles "Yet"
Shigaraki takes a few bites, not once looking at Dabi.
"So how is it?"
"It's so good I could cry" he admits
"I'm happy"
Shigaraki isn't a big eater, so he didn't finsih everything. They both started with only a glass of wine, but soon started to pour more.
They still were sitting on the floor. Dishes aside, only with the wine next to each other.
Shigaraki takes out his cigarettes "Want one?"
Dabi shakes his head, but after Shigaraki lights one for himself and takes a drag, he takes it out of his hand and also inhales that smoke.
"I thought-"
"Shh darling"
So they took turns, not saying a word about it.
Eventually Shigaraki fell asleep on the floor against Dabi.
Dabi brought him to his bed and washed the dishes after. Then also went to sleep.
Dabi was really hoping to have an evening like that again. Having working shifts in the afternoon, having dinner with Shigaraki after, then going to sleep.
He never knew that Shigaraki was taking so little care of himself and wanted to help.
As a friend, co-worker, or maybe more, he doesn't know. He knows that he, at this moment, cares more about him than he did in the past.
And Shigaraki, he doesn't understand what's going on. Kind acts, are kind acts.
Living a life full of abuse, he doesnt really know how to react to such situations.
But now that Dabi's here, he can show him right?
Make small kind acts more normal for him.
Happy New Year
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