So I was thinking about starting it with the normal "Percy gets betrayed then runs away to hide from everyone and Chaos finds him and offers Percy the chance at a new life" but I want to be different. Instead of Percy becoming a chaos general and or guardian of the hunt via the gods or chaos, I was thinking about having Percy being betrayed but never really leaves the planet. Chaos and Order (while they might not see eye to eye) are friendly brothers who have put aside their differences to help earth and the universe. Soon they realize that earth is in trouble and that the Titans are battling the gods (the first war) and Chaos and Order go to the Olympians and order each and everyone of the gods to have a guardian, but the thing is the guardian has to be of the opposite gender of the deity they are protecting (ex. Zeus has to have a female guardian). This is all fine except the maiden goddesses (Artemis and Athena) do not except this and refuse to have male guardians. Chaos and Order see they can't convince the goddesses and wish them luck in the upcoming wars. Now after the wars and all the past guardians have been killed or faded, chaos and order return as they fear that the gods and goddesses are in danger once again. Chaos and Order once again assign guardians to the gods but once again the maiden goddesses refuse. Knowing they can't convince the goddesses they assign 2 guardians to every God and goddess [old heroes from the books that have died] (apart from Artemis and Athena). Chaos and Order leave Olympus in search of 4 Heroes that have lost everything or have been betrayed by their families. These heroes will be the unofficial guardians of the 2 maiden goddesses (meaning they will be their guardians but Artemis and Athena won't know about it) One of them is obviously Percy, but there will also be new characters as guardians as well (I can change the amount of guardians for each God/goddess for my readers). I am looking to my readers and my fellow fanfic friends to give me the characters!!
The criteria is:
Godly parent/parents:
Godly powers:
Preferred weapon(s):
Favorite color/music/past time:
Fatal flaw (there will be a max amount of 3 of the same fatal flaw so there is 2 slots open for Loyalty because I took one and Percy's doesn't count toward this number):
And facial features (eye color skin color hair color and so on)
And if you want a nickname:
I will also allow characters to be added half way through a story but I need the characteristics above!
I am looking forward to hearing from you guys and I'm extremely excited to write this!!
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