Helping a new friend
✉Gregory's pov✉
As I'm walking another letter appears. I pick it up. It gives me instructions on where to go and what to do. "Third floor? Okay." I toss the letter and take the elevator to the third floor. But the whole time I was in that elevator I felt as if..someone was watching me even though there was nobody there.
✉CC's pov✉
I watch Gregory go to the third floor as I told him to. I wanted to hold him again so bad but I think that would only scare him. When we came out of the elevator Gregory screamed and backed up and bumped into me. The back of his head was just against my chest. I didn't move because maybe he thinks he hit a wall or something and if I move I would scare him. He takes off running from what seems like a robot giving out..maps? I got kind of mad because now I lost Gregory in this big ass building. I guess I just got really mad that I may or may have not ripped it's head off.
Anyways I go to find Gregory. Once I did I smiled but not for long. An animictronic of what appears to be a wolf scratched him. A cut clear as day blood leaks out of it like water from the tap. I got mad alright.
'He's hurt and you hurt him.'
I wait till Gregory has a distance. I look around I possess the animictronic and bring it into the basement to destroy. I grab a crowbar and destroy her till she's all scrap. Then I went to go find Gregory. "That's weird I haven't seen Roxy in awhile..." As soon as I heard this I wrote a letter. Luckily he saw it.
✉Gregory's pov✉
I get another letter.
Don't worry she's gone now :)
I drop the piece of paper and cover my mouth. "I-I t-told Freddy that I wouldn't destroy them..." "What if I get..." I collapse. The thought of me getting in trouble for something I definitely didn't do. But how on earth is he going to believe me!? I don't know what Evan did to get her away! I haven't even met him yet! I start to panic. Another letter appears. I was to scared to take it. Then a hand went to grab it a pale one but before they opened the letter I heard a voice. A distorted and twisted one. "Why are you so scared Gregory? Take it." I didn't want to because of whatever is behind me I was way to scared. But I took it anyway what would happen if I didn't? I don't know and I don't want to find out. I flinch as the "person" behind me puts their arms around my waist. They rest their head on my shoulder. I read the letter.
You don't need him. You have me! :)
"But I-I p-promised him I-I wouldn't.." "If you want to get out of here you need to do what you need to do. You know that Gregory." I felt like I couldn't breathe. "Can you let me go?" They slowly let me go. I still didn't want to look behind me. "I need to go now." I hesitantly say slowly getting up. Before I could walk away they grabbed me from behind. "But I want to help you." All I did was nod before speaking again. "A-alright." They held my hand as we walked. I found it strange that their hands were so cold.
»»————> Time Skip <————««
"Gregory." "Yeah?" "You look scared. You said we were friends yet you won't even look at me." I flinch.
'Wait. So this is Evan? The "person" holding my hand right now is Evan? The "person" with the distorted and twisted voice who is talking to me right now is Evan?'
I was so scared I wanted to cry. "I didn't know it was you. Sorry." I say still hesitant to look at him. "I guess that's fair I didn't say it was me in the first place. Opps my bad!" Evan said laughing at the end. I still didn't look. "Hey. Why wouldn't you look at me. I've always looked at you. I've always watched you. So why don't you do the same?"
'He was watching me....'
This is where I get really scared.
"Your to scared to look at me aren't you?" I nodded slowly. I felt as if I just said yes it would make him mad. "That should have been obvious to me. Sorry give me a second." I don't know what he's doing but I still don't want to look. "Is this better?" For the first time his voice didn't sound so weird and he kinda had a bit of a British accent.
'Wait a minute. Is he British?'
I slowly turn around. But turn away. I still didn't want to look. "What's wrong?" I still didn't look and kept walking. He huffed. "Come on! You said we are friends!" I stopped and finally turned around. Only peaking though. Sure he looked pretty normal but his eyes were a bit..different. One was green and the other was blue. Whats that called again?
'Hetrocom no umm...oh! Heterochromia! Yeah that's the word.'
"Okay..I have questions though." "Questions!? Alright!" "Okay okay calm down." He nods. "Are you British?" "Yes I am." "Why?" He tilts his head. I punch my hand. "I knew it!" "Alright second is how did you do all this?" "Do what?" "You just changed in like not even two minutes." "Ohhhhhh! Umm that is just my disc." "Disc?" "Don't worry about it!" "Okay..." We kept moving and moving till eventually I hear Chica. "Oh no." "What's wrong?" "That's chica. We should go!" Before I could run he grabs me by the waist and somehow some way he teleports us somewhere. He pins me down and looks behind us for any possible danger. He looks back at me his face turns red. "Ahhh! I'm so sorry!" He hides his face in his shirt. "It's fine. We should keep moving." "Alright but is it alright if I go to do something. I'll be quick!" I nod and he runs off.
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