Sonic's P.O.V.
I had been in Shadows house for 2 days. I had not gotten out of the guest room at all. He brought the food to the door but I hadn't even seen him. I really couldn't.
It was weird being here but after what had happened I was too embarrassed to face him.
I can't believe I tried to kill myself... I can't believe Shadow, of all people, Shadow had to find me and save me.
I curled up on the guest room. I was trying my hardest not to break down.
"You are pathetic. Just get out and thank him. It is not so hard. He is the only one who has helped you." He said annoyed.
I stayed quiet. I did not care.
"Sonic. Just do it."
I sighed annoyed. I guess I do need to talk to him.
I gave in and slowly stood up. I still got headaches but it was normal since I hit my head really hard with a rock.
I groaned quietly and walked to the door and unlocked it then I walked out and glanced around.
He was asleep. On the couch. I raised a brow and went to the desk where he had his calendar. He had to meet Rouge in half an hour.
I looked at him and sighed then walked closer. "Shadow. Shadow wake up." I said but groaned quietly since he didn't wake up. I moved a bit closer and shakes him lightly. "Sha- Ah!"
I was immediately pinned down to the floor. I gasped for the sudden pain in my back and hitting my head in the floor. Shadow was on top of me with my wrists pinned down to the sides of my head.
His ears perked up and he put less pressure on my wrists but he looked at me in the eyes. This sent shivers down my spine as I looked at him.
"Hey Hun, I-" It was Rouge. I tensed up at that and Shadow immediately got up and gave me a hand then helped me up.
"Don't ever do that again, Hedgehog." He growled at me.
I stayed quiet. I glanced at Rouge but I shook my head and walked back to the room.
"I knew it. I knew it. I knew it!" I heard Rouge say as soon as I closed the door. "You like him~ You care about him and you like him~ That's why you were so grumpy when he was gone...! You can't just not be around him anymore because you know you like him~"
And then I heard a loud growl.
"Well... This just got interesting~" Dark said as I madly blushed.
This really can't be happening....
Shadow likes me...
Well, at least now all of this makes sense....
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