The End
Zhan moves back with awkward smile and invites them in. He just hopes Yibo won't wake up soon, it's ok if he is going to be scold, as long as Bo di won't get hurt
"Sit down please, would you like some drink?" It breaks his heart how different their conversation sounds, from warm atmosphere in Yibo's family. Why he needs to talk formally with his own parents?
"We attended your play" Zhan avoids their stare and whispers
"Mn, I know"
"We're so proud of you"
"You're, what about now?"
"Zhan, why should you do that?"
"Do you feel ashamed? Having "sick" son like me?"
"I know, no need to say it" Zhan hides face between his palms as his shoulders starts shaking "I'm bad son, I lack in many things. I keep disappointing you but...but even murderers get love from their families. I hide too strong pain in my heart, I'm hating myself for living this messy life too but...can't you just comfort me? Even only once pet my hair and tell me it's ok, I'm doing well" Zhan tries to hold his tears and keeps talking after a while "i have the people who understand and love the way i'm but still i miss you so much, although being grown up man i need your support the most. not only him but it was you too, who gave me the strength for coming out"
"you're our only son, Zhan do you really think we want bad for you? we don't love you? becoming object of countless disgusting rumors, is that ok?"
"but mom, is there someone in this world who is loved by everyone? even before when i was role model for many, some kept hating me without any reason. no matter how much we try, there is a always some people who still finds flaws in us. more than worrying about others' opinions, why won't you care about me?"
"what are you going to do now? without any proper profession, dragged into lawsuits. of course we care, maybe our ways of showing it is different but...we want good life for you. we...yes honestly we're ashamed too, to face our friends. our generation was raised up very strictly son, homosexuality existed then too but was tabooed. try to understand us too, we're scared for you"
"i'll...i'll dad" Zhan quickly gets up and knees in front of them, he takes their hands and places it on his cheeks, breaking into sobs "just don't hate me, don't wash my love away from your hearts. i can wait until you get used to it. i'm the one to blame too, for keeping the secrets, for not opening for you earlier"
"it's ok, please don't cry Zhan. we thought you're very strong, we thought our words're going to give you right directions in life the end it seems like we broke you. without realizing, we started treating you same way, as our parents were doing with us. you couldn't open because we didn't give you the chance. we're too selfish always" she hesitantly pets Zhan's hair and latter one hides happy face into her lap
"don't I disgust you?"
"we're very angry at first, have to admit even thought abandoning you but...we can't lose you, your homosexuality doesn't change the fact you're our son. i carried you in my belly, i still remember you so tiny, so adorable"
"mom, thank you so much. i'll try my best to stand on my own two feet again, to make you proud again. if you just give me the hand to hold into..."
"gege?" sudden voice startles them all and move stares to Yibo, who is standing at the bedroom door and can't decide what to do. noticing Zhan's red eyes he gasps and quickly walks forward so ready to fight "is everything ok?"
"isn't you..." Ms Xiao exclaims after taking more attention on him and Yibo blushes like before "that boy from theatre"
"yes i'" encouraged by Zhan's sweet smile, he bows politely and introduces himself "Wang Yibo, your son's..."
"my fiance" Yibo's eyes widens from surprise and Zhan holds his hand "he is the one I was talking about before, we're going to start living soon. after he done studying"
"gege, don't give them heart attack. what is wrong with you" Yibo shyly smiles at them and sits down "will you let me to say something?" they nod and Yibo keeps talking "i can tell it's hard for you and i know why. Zhan is your only son and every parents have some vision of future in their mind. they dream about home filled with grandchildren, dad told me it's too hard when your plans suddenly crushes down. it's going to be very hard for us too, feeling disgusted stares from others, like we're some weird animals. many hardships are coming on our way but...we can't help it" Yibo turns to Zhan and his eyes sparkles with love "we're simply fated to be, no matter of time or distance i can't stop loving your son. that process of accepting our different sexuality was hard for me too, gege was always there, giving me time and place to make sure. we can wait, as long as you give us the chance to prove our love"
"do you really mean it? Zhan already suffered enough cause of us and..."
"i do, i take full responsibility on my every words. i study well and can guarantee stable future for gege. i'll take good care of him" Yibo proudly raises his head and taps palm on the chest
"You're such a well mannered and nice young man" they look really surprised and Zhan feels it's green light "seems like your parents did great job at raising you"
"You did too" Yibo literally gets on puppy mode and giggles at them "gege is a very kind and polite man, usually people like him come out from good families right? Maybe there was some problems between you, but still...I know, you're very good parents for him"
"Bo di" Zhan leans closer and whispers behind his ear "stop being this adorable for god's sake or I'm going to make last night joke true"
"Why won't we eat something?" Yibo literally flies to the kitchen and Ms Xiao follows him back with hold smile. Zhan moves next to his dad and hesitantly touches his hand
"Did you have check up this month? Is everything ok?"
"Yes, just a little overweight"
"I can choose good diet for you...if you're willing"
"Would love to son" he pets Zhan's hair and latter one smiles widely "your ex colleagues are missing you...we're too. It's been long, visit us someday and..."
"Can I take Yibo with me too?" Zhan waits for the answer like his life depends on it and sighs from relief as Mr Xiao nods slightly "Let's try our best, to live like happy family Zhan"
"Gege" Yibo calls loudly and laughs "seems like your mom is worse cook than me, we're just going to burn your kitchen together. will you teach us both later?"
"Because I have a maid, can't believe this naughty kid teasing me" it's first time Zhan sees his parents this relaxed and moves his stare to Yibo. Younger one winks at him and Zhan can notice his shaking legs. He knows very well what it took for Yibo to act this calm and carefree, only for him, only for his gege. Zhan's lips says "i love you" without sound and falls in his mom's embrace, feeling indescribable happiness
Zhan comes out from bathroom and sees Yibo, who is sitting on the sofa looking down to phone. He hugs his neck and tries to peek in. Yibo turns his head and kisses Zhan's cheek
"Gege smells so sweet as always"
"What is my baby reading?"
"Aish, stop calling me baby" Yibo exclaims with pout and Zhan laughs
"Then what? Daddy is a kinda unsuitable for you, sooo honey? Hubby? Boss? You love to boss me in the bed no?" Zhan licks on his ear and Yibo shivers, pulling his arms closer
"Something is awakening down there, guess you're going to get dirty again"
"No, make it sleepy again" Zhan scolds and Yibo frowns
"Like it's this easy"
"So, what are you reading?" Zhan sits next to him and leans his head on Yibo's shoulder "Bo di, is this comments again? Didn't I warn you before?"
"I just found your video and actually there is a more positive comments than negative one"
"Really? it's such a surprise"
"I told you, that time was going to change everything, guess whose snakes wasted all their poison already"
"Why? Am I not right? Seems like they have another prey already. Look, this singer just admitted that he has wife and kid too, while his fans thought he never dated. Other one was caught in family violence, this woman came out as lesbian and so on. This is what human nature is like gege, they always need something fresh and old just...will be forgotten in no time"
"True, those kind of people always need someone to hate. In other case life is boring no?" Zhan painfully smiles and Yibo turns to him, softly kissing his lips
"I'm sorry gege, don't let this ruin your mood. Why won't we go on a date outside?"
"Yes and after that let's visit your parents. I can see you still feel kinda awkward around them. Forgiving is hard right?"
"It's just...I can't get used different relationship this easily. They're the same, but have to're more welcomed there" Zhan pouts and cups Yibo's face "cutie like you, can change everyone's heart and mind"
"i can say the same, my parents spoil you more than me. So, are we going?"
"Yes, but you need to pay for the drink or ice cream. I'm just poor ex actor now, who is searching for new job"
"you already have one gege" Yibo lifts his chin up and smiles "i know more than anyone, how scared you're but...i'm here next to you as before. let's start everything from the beginning"
"i need to change the clothes" Zhan quickly leaves and Yibo sighs "sorry gege but i had to make decision for you"
"Isn't Autumn too beautiful?" Zhan looks around and side hugs Yibo, hiding his tiny paws into his warm jacket "colorful leaves gracefully falling down and rainy, cold nights spent into your arms"
"my gege is so clingy" Yibo kisses his forehead and pulls into tighter embrace "i feel so many eyes on us, my back is about to get burn"
"Don't mind it" Zhan mumbles and proudly returns the kiss "who even cares?"
"maybe them?" Yibo points at the girls who surely recognized Zhan and are running towards their direction. the moment they gather around Yibo's heart fills with unpleasant feelings, remembering that painful date. instinctively his arms let goes of Zhan and is about to move back but latter one quickly catches his hand and pulls close again
"just stay by my side as you promised before" Zhan says with sweet voice and smiles at his fans. Yibo feels how his hand shakes between his palms and knows how overwhelmed Zhan is now
"you have become even handsomer gege..... we missed you so much..... please come back.... don't give up, we still support you..... gosh what a couple..... look he is way too cute...." they keep talking nonstop and Yibo's cheeks blushes feeling attention on him too. still he is so happy, standing proudly next to his love, while Zhan gives autographs away. he feels grateful towards those girls as this moment is surely going to help his plan. after a while they both bow to them and leave surrounded with warm atmosphere. Yibo uses the chance and takes his phone out, opening weibo app
"I wanna show you something gege" Zhan wipes his happy tears away and looks down at it
"what is this Bo di?"
"your fan page, lily created after that day. just in a few months it has more than 700K followers already, forget people who hates you and just think about your loyal fans. did you see love in whose girls' eyes, even my jealousy couldn't help it"
"but Yibo..."
"I want our happiness to be complete, I know already you love me more than your career, although i don't mind being second priority too. will you follow me somewhere? i wanna show you something" Zhan nods and Yibo waves hand for the taxi "just promise you won't get upset"
"why did you...bring me here?" Zhan hesitates before getting off, but Yibo tightly holds his hands and leads to the theatre building. it takes few minutes for Zhan to recognize himself on the huge banner, Yibo quickly catches him in his arms as Zhan looks like he is about to faint "this can't be, what have you done Bo di?"
"you kept rejecting his offer, so i answered director's call without letting you know. gege I'm sorry but... welcome back actor Xiao Zhan"
"Yibo, do you even realize? how could you..." Zhan stops as Yibo pulls him into tight hug and kisses his neck, he is unable to hold his emotions anymore and starts sobbing loudly
"if you can see yourself now gege, how much your eyes is filled with happiness. tickets are already sold out, this is the power you hold" Yibo moves back and cups his face "i don't force you to come back to that dirty industry deserve grand theatre stage and auditory deserves great actor like you. don't be scared, my love will protect you"
"can't you...can't you do something bad even once?" Zhan laughs with teary eyes and covers Yibo's face with soft kisses "don't be this perfect"
"actually i'm kinda greedy you know? you need to give me reward after we're back to home" Yibo grins and whispers at his ear "what about adding more rounds?"
"do you want me to limp on the stage?"
"you play old man anyway"
"Yibo, you little brat" Zhan scolds and hugs his neck again "mn, anything you wish for my Bo di"
Zhan leaves his room after removing make up and widely smiles noticing Yibo, who is leaned at the wall and waiting for him. Zhan wraps arms around his waist and asks childishly "how was it? did i do well?"
"how was it?" Yibo teasingly pauses and frowns "let me think"
'bo di"
"perfect, it was perfect as always. gege was amazing, so breathtaking, so beautiful. your acting skills left everyone speechless, they kept and kept praising you"
"Aigoo" Yibo can't stop until Zhan puts finger on his lips and laughs "ok, ok. Enough you silly boy, don't overact"
"When it comes to gege's talent, words are never enough" Yibo giggles and hands beautiful, red rose to him "not as beautiful as you"
"stop making me shy"
"let's go and celebrate your comeback, where would you like to?"
"Just walk for a while, it's such a nice and warm evening" Zhan says bye to his colleagues and leaves with Yibo. Leaned at his shoulder Zhan breaths fresh air and his lips forms pout "Bo di, guess your gege is really getting old. I always feel like crying, so silly no?"
"As long as it's happy tears, I'll never mind kissing them away"
"Next to is that possible to not be happy?"
"So cool, isn't it gege?" Suddenly Yibo asks and Zhan takes attention to the huge led screen, ad is airing on. Young boy dances with all his spirit and Zhan can read feeling in Yibo's eyes
"You want, to be there too?"
"How is that even possible"
"Why not?" Zhan stands in front of him and holds Yibo's hands "you got every skill to be best dancer Bo di. I told you so many times that our bedroom isn't the only place you should dance"
"But...isn't it too late?" Yibo painfully smiles and Zhan shakes his head
" adorable boy told me that it's never too late and I fully believed in him. Now I want to pay back so..."
"Yibo, my precious Bo di" zhan cups Yibo's face and kisses his pouty lips "you took my dream as yours before, so I'm going to share yours now" his adorable bunny teeth shows and Yibo is about to tear up, how much he is loving this man "let's make it true...our dream"
So this is The End. As always it's very hard for me to say goodbye to my characters, but as long as they're happy together it's ok 🥰
❤️Thank you so much for reading and loving this very simple but still lifelike story❤️ don't forget to leave your opinions and let's meet in my next stories.
🤗Sending hugs and love🤗
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