His Dream
Yibo is sitting in the living room with his friends and looks to nowhere. It isn't like something important changed in his life or maybe he is unable to realize it, but still during last days he literally can't find piece. He can't understand, what is he starving and longing for?
"Hey Yibo, what the hell?" Friend hits his back kinda painfully and Yibo finds himself dead, of course in the game "usually you play very well, how could you just lose this easy? now we have to buy drink for everyone"
"I'm sorry" he murmurs still in the daze and gets up "maybe i didn't sleep well last night, will be back very soon" Lily who is eating cake in the kitchen, follows her brother back to the balcony and hugs Yibo's shoulders, the latter one frowns and tries to free himself "go away, what is this sudden sweetness?"
"stay quiet will ya? Cause I care about you, ok usually I always make you angry but now i can see something is bothering you"
"Your acting classes... I mean"
"He usually comes at Mondays and Wednesdays" she says immediately and Yibo blushes
"Who? I didn't ask anything about Zhan"
"I didn't mention his name either" she grins and Yibo admits defeat "don't forget I'm your twin and we're connected so I can read all your feelings. if you want to see him again, just go there Yibo. It's nothing to be shy about"
"if you think so...mn I'll" Yibo nods and smiles, Lily is right he has to find out, why that man messes with his mind? What is so special about him?
He sneaks in the hall and sits down in the back row, waiting impatiently. The moment Zhan appears on the stage and starts playing some scenes, Yibo realizes how he was missing this strange man. He finds him so interesting, so different and wonders how could his life and personality change this suddenly? he was always carefree, a little naughty boy, who picks up fight with his sister any time and then gets painful slap on his butt by his mother. crazy about computer games and sometimes spending whole night playing it, mostly using his cute appearance with his softhearted father to get desirable things and now...he is hiding like criminal in the theatre and watches drama play? and this keeps happening for about three weeks? isn't this simply called addiction? he wants so badly to show himself, to talk with Zhan but finds himself not worth, being scared he will say something silly and stay embarrassed in front of him. first time in his life Yibo feels disappointed by his age, he wants to be already grown up man and be able to flirt...what? flirt? Yibo gets surprised by his own thought and gulps down as feels his cheeks burning. he cups his own face and keeps watching with literally stupefied expression.
"hug tighter, kiss kiss" someone exclaims from audience and Yibo frowns, tightening his fist. "almost everyone from our circle likes him" Yibo remembers his sister's words and is willing to pull that woman't hair back which is melting in Zhan's arms now. the more distance between their faces shortens the more Yibo tosses on his chair, it becomes totally unbearable and... "no" he screams as loud as possible and absolutely everyone looks towards him, before running out Yibo still catches glance at Zhan's lips which turns into satisfied grin and wishes to just disappear.
"Hey wait, please stop" Zhan calls nonstop but Yibo plays as deaf and refuses to obey. What he is going to say? To explain his weird act?
"Yibo, Yibo?" Hearing his name for the first time by Zhan, Yibo literally freezes and unable to stop himself Zhan crashes into him from behind. Scared they're going to fall down he tightly hugs Yibo's waist and they stay kinda intimate position? "you can't really hide or run well Yibo, you know? Catching you...is very easy for me" he whispers at his ear and Yibo gets goosebumps all over his body, it was kiss first...now this, he wonders at this rate where are they going to end up? In the bed?
"I just...have to go to home, mom called"
"Is that so?" Zhan let goes and they face each-other "But i'm surprised you're here, i haven't seen lily today. Or...you came because someone else?" Usually Yibo dislikes telling lies, that is why he stays silent and Zhan understands, it's exactly what he was thinking "there is nice, quiet park nearby, do you wanna accompany me? Oh right my bad, i forgot you have some plans..."
"Not anymore"
"it got canceled this quickly?" Zhan asks with light smirk
"mn" Yibo smiles ear to ear and gladly follows him back, they sit down on the bench and feeling of calmness makes both so relaxed "nice weather no? Sun is so..." Yibo suddenly realizes it's already evening and there is no sun anymore, he bites his tongue and blushes again. Zhan who had been in romantic relationship before, not very serious one but still, can guess what Yibo is feeling now and wants to laugh about the fact how obvious he is being. Like Yibo tries to hard to hide himself and his feelings but it's written on his face. He scolds himself for messing this adorable, innocent boy's life but at the same time finds him too comfy and enjoyable to be with
"I guess you meant moon no? "I want to be yours, as the moon belongs to the night" beautiful no? By Romanian author"
"If I were the moon, I would want you to be my night"
"You love reading poems too?"
"It's just I have good memory and lily loves reading loudly"
"I guess you're interested in acting now, that is why keep coming here no?"
"Not acting but you" Yibo blurts out and Zhan chuckles "i mean... i wanted to ask because i was curious. About the fact I met you at hospital, you actor or doctor?"
"Right, you should be confused. Medicine is...just my profession while acting is my dream"
"Is it impossible our dream to become our profession too?" Yibo asks so innocently and cutely Zhan gets will to just squash him
"Sure it isn't but for me...guess this is the point" Zhan sadly smiles and rubs his fingers, he wants to share because feels Yibo cares sincerely
"I can listen" Yibo turns to him and places his both hands on his knees, as sign he is all ears now
"I'm simply coward Yibo who didn't dare to protect and fight for his life dream. After the moment first realized i wanted to become actor i started playing some scenes literally everywhere and every time and once almost gave my mother heart attack"
"I tried to play dead and poured red sauce all over my body and floor too. When mom came back i was lying down with my tongue thrown out" Zhan laughs loudly and Yibo finds this sound too pleasant "it was funny but...i was beaten up quite nicely too. So...they didn't mind this hobby of mine but as soon as i said it was serious and i wanted to have acting career my parents, both stood against it. Like it's unstable, it can't give you good salary, people judge and resent you without reason, it's too stressful and so on"
"But more stressful when being doctor?"
"And here comes egoistic part of their decision, now my parents can brag that their son is doctor, because everyone thinks it's the most prestige profession"
"But you can still..."
"No Yibo, i already lost too long time and chance to fulfill my dream so...i just choose to give up and feed my desire just by joining this circle. plus it isn't like i can really act well"
"No, i can't agree because for me..." Yibo literally becomes too upset, how can Zhan talk about himself like this? "You're just...amazing"
"It's still embarrassing for me to talk about this but, that day when you...kissed me, i realized how wonderful actor you're. That moment you hold me and looked into my eyes i believed...we're truly in love. You have that ability to mesmerize everyone around by your acting, you fully jump in your character and feel everything they going through, audience is literally forced to laugh or cry with you, that is how powerful your acting is. And the most importantly your eyes...even when you're doing nothing, it still tells the story" Yibo doesn't even takes breath while talking, he is ready to keep complimenting Zhan forever until suddenly notices latter one watching at him with teary eyes. Yibo gasps and stops, wondering if he said something wrong
"Did i upset you? I'm sorry if..."
"Thank you Yibo" Zhan says with trembling voice and smiles "for being the first and only one who told me this, this words...it's what i always desired to hear from someone but never happened. although i think you're exaggerating a little?" Zhan lowers his head and sighs "but sadly it's already too late"
"No, it's never too late" without realizing Yibo moves his hand up and slowly runs it on Zhan's shoulder, his fingers reaches Zhan's nape and is about to slide in his hair but Yibo forces himself to stop. Although Zhan is quite much older than him still Yibo finds him somehow soft and weak, like someone who needs to be petted and protected. And cherished because he is too precious "oh right" Yibo takes paper and pen from his backpack and hands it to Zhan
"Sign on it, i want your autograph. Later when you're already very famous, maybe won't be able to find free time for me so...I want to remain as your number one fan" Zhan stares at him and wonders who gave right to this boy to be this adorable? He shakes his head and signs with his beautiful calligraphy "to my number one fan Yibo Di, from Zhan ge" he gives it back and Yibo almost jumps from happiness, saving it like some treasure. he remembers juice bought before and gives one to Zhan
"mn, don't you think it's very cute fruit?" like you, Yibo thinks but keeps it for himself
"Still..." Zhan can't help himself but ask "why did you shout no, when i was going to kiss that girl? Because...it wasn't you?" Yibo who just drank juice chokes on it and starts coughing loudly, unable to stop until Zhan taps his back "hey I'm sorry ok? It was too silly no? I know, I'm too bad at jokes" actually Zhan doesn't feels sorry at all and Yibo blushes again and again admitting Zhan got it exactly right "let's leave until it's already too late ok?" he gets up and Yibo nods, although he wants to stay longer.
"Yibo" Zhan stops him when Yibo is about to enter his house and catches his arm, latter one shivers as Zhan's hand slowly slides down until touches his fingers and Zhan gently caresses them "i just noticed, your hands looks like pure piece of art, too beautiful"
"Thank you for seeing me off" Yibo tries to hide his shyness but first time just adores his own hands "is this what you're willing to say?"
"Oh no, seems like i got distracted. So...i decided to obey you"
"Obey me?"
"Mn, I'm going to chase my dream Yibo, who cares if it's hard? if i gonna get hurt? what is easy in our life? i love acting enough to endure everything. I'll fight to become very famous actor and one day...you'll proudly say, that you was the one who encouraged me, most caring and precious fan of mine" Zhan smiles widely and Yibo feels butterflies flying messily in his stomach
"I...I need to get in" he murmurs and runs towards the door. Before entering he looks back and this time Zhan is watching too. it's very soon and sudden but... is he falling in love? For the first time in his life.
So here is new chapter 😊 hope you enjoyed, because I think it's kinda silly or maybe got too used writing mature stories 😅
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