Chapter 85
You put the cloth back, even though he was defending himself. You decided to mind your own business, definitely not seeking any more troubles with the blue eyed man than you already have.
After few more long hours, when the man didn't stop screaming, the door opens again. The blue eyed man looks at the handcuffed man for a brief second, before he lands his eyes on you.
"Drink this," he commands, handing you a glass of some liquid.
You're pretty sure this was the moment of your fate. Moment of you dying. As he notices your uncertainty about this situation, he pulls a gun out.
"Drink it, or I'll shoot you."
The man started to screaming again, unknown words muffled by the duct tape. So you take the glass and drink the liquid. After couple seconds the world starts spinning, and you loose your conscience.
When you wake up, the first thing you notice is that you're not dead. And if you're, then the place looks exactly like your room back home. A thirst and hunger came back to your attention, and you slowly get off the bed.
Walking through the familiar room towards the door, you open it. This is your house, your home.
You hear a voice of your mother, and within few seconds you're pulled into the hug. Everything happens so quickly, and you're surrounded by the rest of your family no longer after that. Everybody is asking questions, and to some you have no answers.
Later that day, when everything calms down a bit, you decided to watch Delirious' new video. And then it hits you. His voice, the voice you hear now, is the exactly the same as the blue eyed man had.
Maybe he was, maybe he wasn't. But one thing you know for sure. You made it back. And you made it alive.
(Go back to Chapter 84)
Congratulations! You were a good person, listening to everything he said and minding your own business. Shame you couldn't get him know better, huh?
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