Chapter 67
Even though your so terrified, you feel he needs help. You're on your feet in a second, carefully watching him. His head bowed down, his eyes tightly closed. His body is slightly shaking, breathing heavily, his hands in fists.
You're not sure what is going on, but you know that his best friend would help him out. So you quickly run pass by him, looking for the phone. You grab the one laying on the table, surprised it wasn't protected by any sort of a password.
With shaking hands, you quickly find a name Cartoonz in his contacts. He picks it up on the second beep.
"Hey, man," Cartoonz greets you casually.
"You're not calling in the right time. Just recording with Ohm," he continue, and you hear another scream in the hallway.
"This is Y/N. I-I need your help. I'm currently at Delirious' house, but he's... he's not the same. He's acting so weird, like a insane man, like he's crazy. I want to-"
You're interrupted by him, and you see Delirious widely smiling, a spot of madness in his eyes.
"I don't know who you're, or how did you get Delirious' phone, but get the fuck out of that house. Get away as fast as you can! I'm on my way," Cartoonz says, while Delirious steps closer to you.
"What now, little lamb?" Delirious whispers, while you gulp.
There's no visible escape from this situation. Delirous is getting closer and closer, your heart racing faster and faster.
"Y/N! Are you still there? What's going on?" Cartoonz reminds you that you're still holding a phone.
"H-he's right here. In front of me," you inform him, your voice shaking.
"Shit! I'm only a few minutes away, driving as fast as I can."
"There's nobody who can help you now," Delirious steps even closer, raising your head with his fingers.
He tilts your head from left to right, while you're shivering in fear. You're so afraid even to move, to speak.
"I'm not sure if I want to fuck you first and then kill you, or other way around," he chuckles.
"You have to remind him who he is! You need to bring back Jonathan. Talk about his YouTube channel, about Delirious army, his fans, about Teddy B-"
Delirious growls in annoyance. He grabs the phone, which was still in your hands, smashing it on the ground. You're grabbed by the throat, pushed more violently against the wall, as he starts choking you. You immediately start to defend, fight back, but he's like a statue.
"Nobody can help you! Plead for mercy, beg me to spare your life, give up," he laughs, while you can't even concentrate on what he was saying when you were trying to breath.
You see a black spots, the whole world around you spinning as you're suffocating. There are your last attempts to get free, but you're too weak against him.
"You're not dying so easily. I need to have my fun with you first. And since you're a tough one, I'm gonna make you suffer while doing that."
He lets go of your neck and you fall down, coughing but finally have the opportunity to breath. You're picked up, thrown over his shoulder. You wish to fight back again, but you're still so weak, unable to fully control your body.
You feel your tears streaming down upon your face, knowing the worst is going to happen. Feeling the distance sound, you lift your gaze. There's Cartoonz closing the main door.
You're carried into the bedroom, thrown on the bed. Knowing Cartoonz was here to save this situation, you fight back with new energy.
"Yes! Show me your courage, cupcake. The more you fight back the more I'm gonna enjoy this. Slowly breaking your will," he laughs, and within few seconds your hands are tied to the bed.
"Look at you, already naked underneath the shirt, huh?" He smirks, and you notice Cartoonz silently walking in.
Delirious is grabbed from behind, thrown at the wall and pinned there by his best friend.
"Snap out of this, Jonathan!" Cartoonz yells, and you're trying to get out of the restrains meanwhile.
"Get the fuck off of me," Delirious growls, and they're practically fighting.
"Remember your channel, Jonathan! 10 fucking millions subscribers. Your family loves you, you're like a hero to your sister," Cartoonz starts, and you feel so useful when there's no way out of the restrains.
"Stop! Shut up!" Delirious screams.
"Remember your Teddy! Your Teddy Bear. You love Teddy-"
Cartoonz falls on the ground unconscious, when Delirious hits him with the back of the gun he's now holding. He looks at you, a victorious maniacal smile spreads across his face.
"You're all mine now," he whispers, and in a few seconds he's towering above you.
"Jonathan," you whisper, feeling so hopeless at that moment.
Tied to the bed with an insane person in Delirious' body who's going to rape you, most likely. Rape you and kill you.
"That's not my name," he growls upset, slapping your cheek, and immediately chokes you again.
In the time of no way out, you remember what Cartoonz said through the phone. About reminding him being Jonathan. As he lets you breath again, he slowly kiss your neck.
Maybe another time, under another consequences, you would crave for this to happen. Even being tied to the bed by the blue eyed man didn't sound like a bad idea. But this was so wrong.
"Listen to me, Jonathan!" You gain his attention once again, a fury blasting from his eyes.
"I don't mind shooting your brain off! Shut the fuck up," he growls.
"Delirious' army! People who loves you, Jonathan. People who stands behind you no matter what, who supports you. Who doesn't care about some face reveal, who-"
He grabs his head, screaming again. It's a terrifying picture, but you feel you can't stop now.
"Vanoss and all your friends. Cartoonz, your best friend. They all care about you, they all love you. Come back, please. Please, I beg you Jonathan!"
When he opens his eyes again, there's the same blue color you're used to. Confusion and a pain is written in his eyes. He looks at you, then at Cartoonz on the ground.
You close your eyes, relieved that this was all over. You feel as he unties you, and you open your eyes again. He's already kneeling beside Cartoonz, checking him up.
"I'm so sorry," he whispers, mainly to Cartoonz.
"Let me help," you announce, getting of the bed.
"Thanks," he mumbles, and you both get Cartoonz on the bed.
"I'll bring some water and wet clothes for his head," you say, when he gently grabs your wrist, stopping you.
"Why did you stay? Why didn't you run away as I asked?" He asks you in whisper, making your heart skip a beat.
"You needed help," you reply, not entirely lying.
"I didn't want to hurt you. I'm sorry," he apologizes, making you confused.
This man wanted to kill you today, and now he's saying those things. He steps closer to you, and you immediately forget about Cartoonz, about anything that happened a few seconds ago. His face is so close, you feel his breath.
He quickly turn his way towards Cartoonz, as his best friend mumbles something. You heart is racing in unbelievable speed, you're still in a shock from how easily he could manipulate you. For your own safety, you rather go for the water, smiling to yourself.
(Go back to Chapter 65)
Hey, congrats! No everybody can say they met Delirious and survived. You did a good job.
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