I didn't feel alone... 💛
Zooper's P.O.V
Im going meet my parents?
Ha is this some sick joke?
Zalgo better not be joking..
If he is, I swear to numbers I will.....
Besides he tormented me too much. And yet whatever he said I would always believe it.
I flipping hate him.
---since I'm a lazy potato, time skip to when he's off the bus and looking around-
Im wondering what my paper means. The odd thing is everyone else's has a lot of different numbers, mine says '00000'.
I saw JJ, Antony, Jacob and June with their parents. They're so lucky..... .
Wet stuff dribbled down my face. I knew I was crying. I was used to it. Then something caught my eye. A man that was bascailly a copy of me but taller was seen in the crowd. He had bright yellow eyes. He was holding something.
A paper. Not any paper. The paper had 5 five numbers written big and bold on it.
-------------- NOTE ------------------
Hay friends , how is life?
SOOO IDK if anyone reads this anymore since of the 'glitches' I think. Maybe it's just my phone.
I may or may not continue this story. Comment if you want to see more. I might not be on for 2 months since I'm going to Hong Long.
Don't forget to vote and comment which creepypasta ship/ couple you want me to do next.
BOI 😭😢😳😢😐😣💛💛😗❤💛😣😐😐😳😙😐😢😣❤😢
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