Go To Sleep 1
3rd person pov
It had been exactly a year and a half since Vanessa's birthday. Jeff missed her like crazy but he didn't realize what was going on when he was at home.
Vanessa's pov
Today was the weirdest day at school. Everybody was calling me twitchy or psycho hell even emo bitch. I didn't care I just wanted to see them suffer or Go To Sleep. I was on my way home and the bullies at my school came up to me. "Hey slut where's your best friends now?" She said all smug. "Why do you give a shit Amber?" I asked standing there. Then she slapped me across the face. I punched her in her fake boob. She fell backwards and her little friends held me back as she poured bleach and vodka all over me. Jam saw all this and tried to intervene. "Don't Jam I don't want you getting hurt!" I yelled as she lit me on fire. I screamed bloody murder as Jam called 911. When the ambulance came and took me to the hospital I heard Jam whisper. "When you get out go to Jeff ASAP!" Then she left for the woods.
Destiny's pov
I was playing black ops with Jack when Jam almost broke the door down. "GUYS SOMETHING HAPPENED TO VANESSA!!!" She screamed in total panic. "Jam calm down I'll go get Jeff and Ben I'll be right back." I said as I got up and went to bens repulsive room where I found Jeff and Ben. Talking. "Hey guys Jam is here she has something important to tell us about Vanessa." As I said Vanessa's name Jeff bolted out the door and into the living room. We climbed down and all sat on the couch. "Alright what happened?" I asked. "Des remember Amber and her gang of bitches!?" Jam asked. I nodded "yeah! What about them?" I asked. "After calling Vanessa names Vanessa punched Amber in her fake boob and drenched her In alcohol and bleach and lit her up!!" Jam said as all our eyes widened. Jeff smiled. Then my phone rang. "Hello?" I asked. "Uh hello? Is this destiny? Davenport? Yes uh Vanessa is ready to have her bandages removed." The lady said everybody's eyes grew excited. "Alright I'm bringing a few friends." I said as I hung up. "Okay Jack Jeff and I will change into human form and see what she looks like." I said as we changed form and left with jam.
Time skip to hospital.
As the last bandage was removed I knew it she DID look a lot like Jeff only no cut..... Yet we left the hospital and waited for her to finish her cut smile. When she walked out her white hoody was now extremely bloody. And her hair was a singed black like Jeff's. She went to grab her jewelry box and we all left for the mansion. "Welcome to the mansion Vanessa!" Was what everyone said as Jeff smirked. "Your now beautiful! Van!" Jeff said hugging her. "Now who wants to come with me on a killing spree tonight!?" Vanessa asked as I raised my hand. "I'm pretty sure you want to go kill Amber don't you?" I asked as she twitched and nodded. "Jeff prepare a party for Vanessa we'll be out for a while." I whispered as Jeff nodded.
Okay so that took a while it was really hard to make this because I had no clue what I wanted this chapter to be about so thanks for reading and Go To Sleep!!
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