(A/N: heh heh. The vid :3 Thanks to alycatx5 my awesome editor :D she helped me decide what to do for the first chap because I ha two scenarios in my head and couldnt decide which to do. And edited this for me. She's awesome. Yay! Hope you enjoy this!)
"Wally, has everything been okay since the...incident?" Black canary asks. At least she's careful with her words.
"Okay I guess. Healed fast. Dating Artemis. Life is a bed of flowers," I reply. I honestly don't see the point of this therapy. It's supposed to help us air our feelings, but I honestly don't want to.
"I knew something was going on between you two," I ignore Black Canary's smirk as I munch on my apple. I hate people butting into my personal life. "How are the nightmares coming along?"
I spit out my apple, just like I did with the popcorn the last time I had a therapy session with Black Canary. "How did you know about that? Did Uncle Barry tell you? I-" Black Canary cuts me off before I can continue rambling.
"No. No he didn't. Wally, everyone's been having nightmares since then. Kauldar said something about the Injustice league giving you guys some Fear serum of a sort to make you have nightmares in an attempt to make you reveal our secrets. Am I right?" I calm down, nodding. At least I know I'm not the only one. I know I'm not crazy.
"But...would you care telling me what your nightmares were about? I know they are personal, and it's up to you if you want to share them or not. It's up to you." No. Just no.
I've spent years trying to hide my past, building a mask and walls so people don't see how broken I really am inside. Letting out my feelings and exposing my past may make all the years of work crumble before me.
In fact, the only people who knows of my past is Roy, Robin, Batman, Uncle Barry, Aunt Iris, and the people who made my life miserable in the first place. Mom and Dad. I still hate them, and I doubt I'll ever forgive them for what they did.
I haven't even told Artemis about my past, even though it's been a week since we got together. My fear is that she'll be disgusted and hate me for life. I don't want to be apart from her after all the drama we went through.
I was just released from the Watch Tower a few days ago, fully healed and healthy again. Artemis a day before, still healing but better.
Conner is the one everyone is concerned about. He was exposed to too much kryptonite for too long. If Superman hadn't found him just in the nick of time, he would be dead by now. He's still in the WatchTower, in a kryptonite induced coma. Martian Manhunter says it could be months before he wakes up.
Superman, who FINALLY came to his senses, (I still think it's the prank Robin and I pulled on him that made him change) decided to be more fatherly towards him. Now he and M'gann visit Conner everyday to talk to him and check on him. If anyone asks, the ship SUPERMARTIAN was made by me.
Everyone else, doing fine and they were discharged way earlier than me, Artemis and Conner. Zatanna is gonna be banned from the team for a little while though. Her dad's gone all uncle Barry on her. Uncle Barry will be Uncle Barry. Fussy and overprotective.
"Hello? Earth to Wally," I snap out of my daze thanks to Black Canary snapping her fingers at my face. "I asked if you would like to share your nightmares with me,"
I shake my head firmly. "Not in a million years,"
Finally the therapy session is over. I stand up, and throw my long gone apple into a bin.
I was the last to do the first therapy sessions with Black Canary. Excluding Conner. I'd have to attend another one next week. Oh well, at least Arty would be there.
"Now, if you'll excuse me Canary? You can go on your date with Greenie and I can go on my date with Arty," I joke.
Black canary stares at me, puzzled. "How did you know about my date with Green Arrow?"
"I have eyes everywhere," I Superspeed to the folder she's carrying and quickly check the memo she stuck onto it. "Have fun at 8.30. We should have a double date sometime," I zoom off, not missing her scoff. "Kids,"
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