Disclaimer:The correct answer is...I wish. Lol YJ franchise isn't mine.
Something seems off about Kid today. During training his head wasn't in the game and he kept letting me beat him.
He seemed pretty shaken up. I wonder what happened to him. Of course, Zatanna told me about his and Artemis's date that lasted until morning and none of them got any sleep, but that was two days ago.
Now, kid looks as if he hasn't slept in hours and he's Pale. Something is definitely up.
I know I'm not the only one who notices because Artemis keeps frowning with a worried look on her face at Her boyfriend, and Black Canary is narrowing her eyes like She does when she knows something is wrong.
After training, Artemis corners Wally. After a few muttered whispers Wally shakes his head and walks away, leving an upset and distraught Artemis standing there.
I frown. Wally would never do that to Artemis. Now I know something is definitely wrong.
"so what'd he say?" I ask, standing next to her as we watch the speedster move away not so speedily.
She sighs and shakes her head. "he won't tell me. He keeps denying anything is wrong. I know him Robin. I know when something's troubling him but he's still lying straight to my face. Why? I thought...I thought he trusted me..." She sniffed.
I pat her back comfortingly. "Don't worry. Im sure he trusts you. Dumb idiot just had some issues with opening up sometimes. I'll talk to him. You know he loves you Artemis. Don't forget that." She nods. "Thanks."
I smile before hurrying off to find Wally. What's going on with him? Surely it's not Uncle Barry or school or anything. He doesn't let this kind of stuff bother him.
So...what is it? I find him in the kitchen, spacing out as he munches on a cookie.
"Kid. Kid. KID!" I yell, waving my hand in From of his face. He jumps, startled. "hey Robin," he smiles slightly.
"What's with you Wally? First you LET me win at training, act and look like you'be seen a ghost and then you hurt your own girlfriend. Tell me. What's going on." Wally shakes his head and sighs.
"nothing. I swear. Gosh, why is everyone asking?"
"the fact that you're giving everyone this fake attitude and pretending everything is alright when it's not shows it. Everyone can see through your lies. You are NOT fine. So, tell me what's going on or I'll make you. The hard way."
I wait for his answer. Nothing.
Wally looks away. "It's find," and before I can stop him, he's out the door in a flash.
A/N:YES. I AM IN FACT RUNNING OIT OF EMOJIS. LOL IDK WHAT TO PUR FOR ROBIN SO...PIEGON. WHY NOT XD sorry ._. Oh dar what happened to Walllyyyy hope he's okay...hue hue. Enjoy Le chapter' sorry it's so short ._.
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